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Poll: Best doubles partner for Yoshi


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
Youngstown, OH
Whenever I watch team tourneys, I always watch for moments when the fighters chain moves together into an effective offense. But when watching some other tourneys, certain teams will look more or less cohesive. That got me wondering. Who is the best partner for each character? Well, since I’m a casual Brawler, and I don’t have the expertise to judge, so why not ask the experts? I originally tried this on GameFAQs, but the users in general were immature, or not qualified to give the information. Then I remembered the specific boards on Smashboards, so I brought the poll here. So who do you think the best partner is for Yoshi?


- The poll will last for a week. If it becomes popular, it may last longer.
- You may only vote for one character.
- Assume friendly fire is on.
- Assume there are no items.
- After posting your answer, give a detailed reason why you choose that character. If you don’t give viable information, your vote will not be added.
- You may ask to change your vote if you have a viable reason.
- Discussion on your choices is allowed. NO FLAMES!!!
- If you vote Pokemon Trainer, you must discuss details for all his pokemon.
- If you vote on the Pokemon Trainer poll, you must discuss details for all his pokemon.
- If you want to use videos to explain your reasoning, feel free to post them, but remember. I play this game casually, so you have to explain what parts of the video are important and why they are important.
- You may vote on multiple polls.
- If issues occur, I may add or remove rules, so be sure to review the list.

Bowser – 0
Captain Falcon – 0
Diddy King – 0
Donkey Kong – 0
Falco – 1
Fox – 0
Game & Watch – 0
Ganondorf – 0
Ice Climbers – 0
Ike – 0
Jigglypuff – 0
King Dedede – 0
Kirby – 0
Link – 0
Lucario – 0
Lucas – 0
Luigi – 1
Mario – 0
Marth – 0
Meta Knight – 1
Ness – 0
Olimar – 1
Peach – 0
Pikachu – 1
Pit – 0
Pokemon Trainer – 0
R.O.B. – 0
Samus – 0
Sheik – 0
Snake – 1
Sonic – 0
Toon Link – 0
Wario – 0
Wolf – 0
Yoshi – 4
Zelda – 0
Zero Suit Samus – 0

Replies: 16

If your vote isn’t tallied, you may have done one of the following:

- You voted for multiple people or didn’t make your answer clear
- You voted for multiple characters
- You didn’t give a good reason.


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
I'd have to say snake. Yoshi's pretty well known for being good at racking up damage but lacking a relaible kill move and snake has that ridiculous Utilt for the easy kill.


Smash Rookie
Jun 13, 2008
Rapid City, SD
I vote for Falco.

My reasoning is that Falco and Yoshi could set up a veritable wall of projectiles with Falco standing in front and shooting his blaster and Yoshi standing behind and throwing his eggs. This would force Falco and Yoshi's enemies to try to approach them, since they could outcamp basically everyone, and would make doing so very difficult because of the fact that Falco's blaster denies the enemy the option to approach from the ground, and Yoshi's eggs make approach through the air very difficult. Things like the space animals' reflectors, Nayru's Love, G&W's bucket, and the psi kids's PSI Magnet would obviously make this tactic more difficult, but G&W's bucket and the kids' PSI Magnet's could be dealt with by Yoshi's eggs because of the way eggs work (they explode). Also, Falco's reflector could prevent a similair tactic from being used on his team.

When it comes to close combat, Yoshi is a combo beast, and Falco is very fast, so I think that they could hold their own very well. Plus, Yoshi's Egg Lay could be used to either confine an enemy while Yoshi and Falco team up on the remaining opponent, or it could be used to provide a moment for Falco and Yoshi to run away and start camping again. Yoshi also has chain grabs that could be used on certain enemies as long as Falco could keep the way clear for him.


Smash Cadet
Apr 7, 2008
Ontop of a flying kitten named Jefferey
I'm stuck between Pikachu, and Snake. Like Gindler said, Yoshi racks up damage, and bot Pika, and Snake have an amazingly powerful side smash. But then again, Pikachu has thunder, and his down smash as well, so I guess my vote goes for pikachu.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
I'm really going out there on this one , but Dual Yoshi's. I actually don't believe that DarkLeviathan and i have been beat when using Dual Yoshi's. But I'm not gonna lie we're really synched in. One stays back and snipes eggs (normall DarkL) while I use my aggressive style to rack up some damage. Then are best killing move is actualy side by side uairs. it works there is virtually no escape from it. And who better to partner Yoshi with then himself. You understand your partner like completely. But try it if you don't believe me. and we always have TA on. At first we would grab each other but we got around it. We actually once, and I thought this up, but Dark said it was to risky. I footstoled him, got exra jumpage, and did a Yoshi spike. But it was like one in a million chance. It looked cool to. But back to the reasoning, fighting two polar opposite yohi's at once is insanely confusing, you have an egg abuser then a grounded yoshi bomb abuser. They actually go hand in hand, and with this method opposites attract. Find a Yoshi main who is not like yourself, if you ar more defensive go for a more aggressive player. But try it, it works.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 10, 2008
Appalachian State University/ West Jefferson, NC
i kinda agree with Chaco, me and a freind also use dual yoshi's in team matches and we own. it may not be the best dual team, dual pikachus are a b****. but any back-to-back smash except dsmash, (unless you have space between you), are great kill moves. and my u-tilt to his egg to my u-air looks cool and is what we use often for our kills.

anyway yoshi is a great accent to yoshi, if one stays back and can aim pretty well while the other keeps the enemy busy and racks up damage the team will be unbeatable. and yoshi is a heavy weight with better recovery then most people think so it should be a while before you lose a life.

my votes for yoshi himself.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
I have to go with this Yoshi ditto...after being rided by Mario so much, they get tired of it and watch each other's backs...but seriously yeah an opposite tactical yoshi is a good combo, getting an EXACT Yoshi ditto...not so much.


Smash Rookie
Jul 8, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
Hmm, IMO, I'd have to say Olimar. I know it may sound a bit stupid but me and my friend jesse play doubles with my yoshi and his oli. He usually throws pikans from afar as we both rack up damage, and he moves in for kills. The only problem is Olimars recovery, I'm very well aware of that seeing as how I used to main him when the game first came out, but his invisibility frames if known when to use came make for some sick kills at times. Consider this, both characters have ranged throws, not to mention olimars pikmans have immunity to certain attacks, Y= electricty/energy etc etc. So in a certain situation say, against a samus team, if we knew the charged beam was coming he could chuck a yellow pikman to take the damage instead of myself. yoshis air game, and Olis ground game make for a decent combination, I've yet to try teaming with other characters other than the amazing dual yoshi, I guess I have a soft spot for olimar :3. Another "tactic" we use is if I'm about to die Oli will take a smash for me by using his invis frames if absolutely needed, which in some circumstances works wonders. That's just my input on what i've experienced.


Smash Rookie
Jul 3, 2008
Partner compedium

This will be my list of opinions of yoshi partners,eventually further broken down into conservative, agressive, and balanced players. It may not be complete right away, but I'll work it towards that goal.

Bowser- A hulking brute who knows no equal in power. Bowser frequently tries to eat Yoshi (supposedly he makes good cake), but lets see how Yoshi satisfies Bowsers appitite for battle.
Its been established the Yoshi and brutes get along well, both for and against. Hands down, Bowser's biggest problem is raking up damage, and Yoshi's comborific nature can reduce the number of attacks bowser must throw, and thus, saves the big man's power mostly for ko shots. You'll likely see a 8-2 ko ratio in bowsers favor on this team. Flame breathe into d-air makes up one of the sickest damage pilers I've ever seen, often for 50 or more when done correctly. Neutral B also makes Bowsercide a joke, and being two heavies, the stock will likely be in your favor, especially with bowser as the shield, and yoshi as the sword.

Captain Falcon- A blue racer with nearly unmatched speed, can the captain throw down with the sleeping dragon?
Again, Yoshi <3 brutes. Captain is just as fast as Yoshi, actually more so, but his attacks often whiff, big. Fortunately, Yoshi, as possibally the best combo expert in the game, xan easily stun or distract an opponent long enough for the Falcon Punch to register for almost every kill. Raptor Dive into d-air is satisfing to watch, especially after a second dive sends them well off the top of the screen.

Diddy Kong- A barrel of fun and a happy go lucky dinosaur, can they possibally get anything done?
The answer is yes. Diddy's banana's and peanuts WILL force mistakes, those in which Yoshi will happily call with a smash. Despite being one of the deepest matchups, their isn't much to say. Get them to shield with Diddy, grab them out of it with Yoshi's grab or neutral B. Repeat, profit.

Donkey Kong- Yoshi loves this brute as much as he always has, alot. Any attempt that you've ever made to chaingrab can also lead into a donkey punch, and an enemy stuck in the ground can easily take 70-100 damage from Yoshi and Kong'a combined anticks before breaking free, a point I remind you, Yoshi can usually u-air pr u-smash off the top.

Falco- The dirty bird, and birds were said to evolve from dinosaurs. Is it a match made for the ages, or is there to much time needed to catch up?
This is debatable. Falco doesn't ko instantly like most of Yoshi's best partners, but he can stall with the lazers, and force openings with his reflector. Try the Diddy match first, then see if you like this pair. Btw, falco's u-smash into D-air is still quite satifying. (Then again, so is everything involving Yoshi's d-air in doubles).

Fox- A traveler of space meets someone said to be gone to time, can a space pilot and dinosaur really coexist, or is this the wrong planet.
I honestly don't like this team. Fox has very little to knock people into Yoshi's combos, and tends to lack the cleanup to finish post combo. Two rakers rarely work, unless its Yo****tos.

Game and Watch- Ol' School meets the dinosaur age, is this team phat, or stomped flat?
Game and Watch delivers awesome finishers, nothing more need be said. In TA, I beleive you can even feed him eggs. Eggs and sausage, breakfast is best served Ol'.

Gannondorf- The king of evil and lovable Yoshi, can Yoshi get in touch with his darkside enough to powerthrough, or are they just not enough force?
Despite missing captains speed, you will like this team. Gannon can kill after almost any Yoshi combo, and D-air begs to feed into a warlock punch. Get the big man some air, and watch this steam train start rolling.

Ice Climbers- I though the ice age ended the dinosaurs? Yoshi's alive and still kickin baby.
Popo and Nana can chaingrab everyone, so can you. Both of you have nasty combos the others can kill out of. They create openings, you spike. Three on Two is so not fair.

I'll update with more later.


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2007
I also think duo Yoshi teams are a good choice. Only thing is, my main experience in such battles is online, but Chaco and I do pretty well. Like he said, one can egg snipe and the other can rush them. Dual up airs are too good as well. There's more, but Chaco probably said it already.

Too bad most Yoshi players are too spread out for Yoshi teams to be more common.

In terms of non Yoshi partners, I'm not completely sure. I don't play enough team battles to know.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2008
Inocent prehistory dinosaur + kick@$$ space-chick thousand of years in the future. I think samus and Yoshi can make a decent team. She has the projectiles that Yoshi lacks, and together they can make a decent wall of fire. Samus's homing missiles are a solution to characters that dodge Yoshi's eggtosses, and Yoshi's eggtosses are like something to fill in the time where Samus can't fire due to the lag of certain range weapons.

Now some people may be like: "Well neither of them have a good killing move." Sure, they may not be as strong as Bowser of Ganondorf, but they both have something to compensate for that. Their AMAZING SPIKES. with a little bit of practice, they can form a formidable gimping team. If one of them fails to spike the enemy, the other can just join the gimp-fest and easily smack down that pitiful phool. And who needs power when Yoshi and Samus can build up ridiculous damage on foes with their projectile spamzors! Besides, Yoshi's fsmash is actually quite powerful.

Basically the strategy is: co-spam range weapons, if the enemy gets to close summon Yoshi to push them back, knock of enemies at low percentages with Yoshi's fsmash and Samus' Charge beam, and SPIKE THEM TA H3||.

So yeah, I vote samus and Yoshi.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 2, 2006
Columbia SC

Pika is small but powerful and Yoshi can get some damage up and pika can do the finishing off. Also Pika B plus Yoshi's up B is pretty much a wall of pain while on the level that is. Also Pika doesn't need much help in the recovery department so you can spend your time focusing on your opponents. I have some videos of me Yoshi playing with a pika I can post once I get them off my buddies comp


Smash Cadet
Jul 9, 2008
I teamed with my friend who mains ROB at a previous tournament.

Here's the only two matches we had recorded:

Honestly, pissed at these two matches : / first two losses of the day got us knocked down into the losers bracket. Pretty much my fault : / Got myself gimped so much. Any feedback would be appreciated :).
Lol, I know how you feel. I play with AGX a lot and he is pretty much the master at gimping anyone anytime, especially when he goes ROB. Its pretty scary sometimes. If he knows that a character can be gimped he's going for it.

I think being teamed with Falco was pretty good. We did good our first couple matches but got knocked out from the mk/rob team and then the marth/snake team. Hard sh**!

Characters with range like Marth/Ike is kinda tough to be teamed with since you really gotta pay attention to what your teammate does if you get close.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2008
I'm tellin ya guys, Samus! The pair both have great spiking and recoveries. Who needs to finish horizontally or vertically when you can spike?!

EDIT: Oh wait, I just realized the pair would have trouble if they were against a reflector wielding character. How else could they build up damage?
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