Get Potion From Computer.
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He Needs Hands
He has two already, and politely declines the offer for more.
Panic because there is no door, and jump out the window.
James begins to panic, fearing that he is trapped in his room with no exit. His mind starts to strain and prepares to leap out the window.
You then remember that the door's just to your left and calm down. Wow, you really get stupid sometimes! Maybe you should see a doctor.
I say he should put on some underwear, and maybe find another sock to wear too. He's going to be gone for a long time. After that, maybe...throw the unplugged computer at the window until the bars break, and then jump out himself?
You go to put on the underwear lying on the floor, but then remember that you're already dressed. You're even wearing your most favorite pair of shorts. It's comfy and easy to wear! You pick up the sock. you're already wearing shoes, so you decide to wear it on your hand.
You glance at your computer and are struck with the strange urge to throw it at the window. You don't know why, seems like a waste of a perfectly good window.
Oh, and a good computer, you guess.
Go into tall grass.
There doesn't appear to be any in the room.
Pick up the electronic handheld device and start playing blue version
You gently discard your sock and pick up your HANDHELD DEVICE. Ahh, your faithful Setendga GearBoy. You only have one game which came with it, a whimsical game called PERFECT POLITICIAN. It's apparently a spin off from the OVERWHELMING OPPOSITION series. You love the idea that one man could lead a whole country, but find it far fetched. You're glad that you have 3 running your country.
Okay, seriously. Examine the papers, and check what is on the computer screen.
You glance at your computer again and see nothing on the screen. It's off. You pick up one of the pieces of paper. It appears to be completely blank. You decide to put it in your pocket, might come in handy.
Well, he'd have to plug in the computer first...
There's nothing in the room to plug it into. You never liked this house...
Look at the book- James Smit doesn't have hands to pick it up.
Yes he does!
You examines the book. It's one of your favorites. It's about a boy as he moves through the grueling hassles of secondary schooling. There's different series but you prefer this one the best. You find it quite whimsical that someone could make a career off of english.