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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:Badges of Light

NJ Ninja

Smash Rookie
May 25, 2008
Mecheye Asylum For the Socially Unfit
This is my Pokemon Fanfic. I'll be sure to update this here. I'm sharing this between here and two other places, so things might get a bit hectic. Anyway, let's get to starting it. And I'll have a bunch of new fan Pokemon.

One cool morning, a Rescue Team's base sits quietly on the banks of a river. A Chimchar sits outside against the wall by the front door. A Psyduck stands nervously on the banks of the river, dabbing its foot in the water, to see if it's OK. The Psyduck falls in, struggles for a few seconds, and then climbs back out as a Wooper swims deftly past it. A Starly flaps down and lands on the roof of the base. "Morning, Greap." it says. "Hi." the Chimchar replied. "Where are Kip and Quinn?" Starly asked. "Well, Kip is swimming back there, and Quinn looks to be trying. How is everything, Jazz?" Greap asked. "Help! I can't swim!" Quinn the Psyduck screeched, barely keeping its head above the water. "Come on, you're a water type! How can you not swim!?" Kip demanded. He pushed Quinn out of the water.

((Just so everything's clear, the names go like this:
Greap the Chimchar
Jazz the Starly
Quinn the Psyduck
Kip the Wooper))

"Hey! Hey! Shinzi Village is under attack!" a form hollered forward in the distance. It was a Nidorino, a Nidorina and two young Nidorans of both kinds followed not so far behind. "What!?" Greap demanded. "Yeah, Shinzi Village is under attack by Piratos!" the Nidorina declared. "So, I guess that's how this day's gonna start." Kip mumbled. "I have the Capito!" Greap declared. "I'll...try to stay out of the way..." Quinn mumbled. They took off toward the village.

When they reached the village, they saw exactly what was described to them. A bunch of Piratos holding large sticks attacking random citizens of different Pokemon. One smacked a random Voltorb into a house. The stress made it use Selfdestruct, and the house was gone in a flash, leaving nothing but a foundation and a worn out and fried Voltorb in the middle. "OK, Piratos!" Greap began, before being nailed in the face by a Pirato's foot. The others looked back shocked. "Attack!" Jazz shouted. And they did. Kip and Quinn spat water in Pirato's face. Since Pirato was part water type, it didn't do much. It was probably of a much higher level than them, anyway. "Hahaha, ye pathetic little maggots!" Pirato taunted, kicking them away. He felt pretty sure of himself, before he was knocked on his *** by Jazz's Wing Attack.

One Pirato grabbed Quinn and tossed him to another. They closed in on him and began pummeling him. "Don't worry!" Greap declared, shaking off his injury. He jumped up and kicked one Pirato into the other, landing confidently. "OK, so, now what?" Jazz asked. "We take out their leader, and they'll probably give up." Greap said, pointing up to the ship. Jazz saluted, and flew up to the ship, hitting the Capito at attention with Wing Attack. "Yar, so it be a fight ye want, ye young lass?" Capito asked. Jazz had no idea what he said.

To Be Continued...


NJ Ninja

Smash Rookie
May 25, 2008
Mecheye Asylum For the Socially Unfit
ctrl + f mudkip

Text not found.

Your fanfic is horrible.
T-that's just not cool... Hold on.

Episode 2

Jazz swooped down at Capito.
"Come on, punk! Show me what you got!" she taunted.
"Yar." Capito muttered, throwing a punch at Jazz. She was hit, and knocked backwards onto the deck of the ship. Greap looked up at the ship, worried for his teammate, until he was knocked through a loop by a Pirato. "Yar, keep yer eyes focused on me, matey!" it taunted. Quinn started shooting it with Water Gun, but it wasn't doing much. Pirato just turned, raised its foot, and kicked Quinn against a house. A cracking dent was formed in the wall, from Quinn's weight. Kip was mad. He ran up and began slapping Pirato with his tail. Pirato fell backwards, and then was Mach Punched in the stomach by Greap. He flew against the side of the ship and slid down into the water.

Greap knew Jazz couldn't beat Capito alone. In fact, she'd already been defeated. He jumped against the side of the ship and began trying to climb. He jumped up and kicked Capito in the face. Quinn looked up at the side of the ship. He just sighed, knowing he couldn't get up the side of this thing. He just began wallowing away. Kip began hitting another Pirato with Water Gun.

Greap stood over Jazz.
"You OK?" he asked.
"Yeah, I'll be alright." Jazz said.
"Aw, ain't that sweet?" Capito taunted, running at Greap. He opened his maw and water shot out. Greap was nailed with a huge blast of the water, clearly Hydro Pump. Greap held himself, feeling the pain a Fire type would feel when hit with a Water attack, and a strong one at that. Greap was about to give up, when a bolt of lightning fell from the sky, nailing Capito. Greap looked up.
"No, it couldn't be." he sputtered. Yes, it was. A Pichu fell from the sky, landing on the defeated Capito.
"Hi, Greap!" the Pichu declared.
"Neo. Haven't seen you in a while." Greap greeted. A Swablu swooped down and landed near Neo.
"Thanks, Edward!" Neo chirped to Swablu. A Buizel launched up the side of the ship and landed on the deck. A Grimer slowly crawled up afterwards.

"Rick, Bubba, take care of those Pirato!" Neo ordered.
"Yes, ma'am." Bubba, which was the Grimer, said, saluting. A strand of oozing sludge stretched from his forehead to his hand and drooped down to the ground.
"Yeah, sure, whatever." Rick said, revealed to be the Buizel. Rick shot down and wrapped around several of the Pirato with Aqua Jet. They looked around confusedly. Bubba fired a huge purple Sludge Bomb into the Aqua Jet. The now purple whirlpool dispersed, revealing the defeated Piratos.

Greap ran over and put his arm on Neo's head.
"Ah, you're the leader of your team? What are you doing here?" he asked. "Well, we were in the neighborhood. And yeah! I'm the leader now! I can't believe it! I was always hoping!" she cheered. She began to blush, mildly embarrassed at her own success.
"I'm happy for you. It took a while for me to become our leader!" Greap laughed. He knew a little that it wasn't really cool to compare his time to become leader to his life-long friend's. Jazz got up.
"Ugh. Hey, Neo." she mumbled, feeling a bit embarrassed that she'd been defeated so easily, and by a Fighting type too!

Quinn looked at Rick. He was a bit humiliated, seeing Rick's skills with Water, comparing to his own pitiful skills. He looked away, sad.
"OK, so, we're also here because of the mission. You should have gotten that mission status too!" Neo chirped, smiling brightly with her normal cheerful attitude.
"Uh..." Greap struggled to remember. Did he get that? He decided no. It must have gotten there after the Nido family had alerted them to Shinzi Village being attacked.
"No, I don't think we got that." he mumbled, feeling a bit like a bad leader at that moment.
"Oh, well, it's a Top Rank, Level 100, Grade A, Urgent Status Mission!" Neo reported, in a jokingly official tone. "Oh, well, what is it?" Greap asked.
"It's important. You know all those other Pokemon? The ones that we only really hear rumors about? Legendary?" she began.

"Uh...yeah. Doesn't Celebi live on the other island?" Greap asked.
"Yeah, well, Celebi's not the only one. All of those ones we know as legendary are keys to something. They have something called Badges of Light with them somewhere. And...they're really...um...uh, really important." she described, blushing because she didn't really know how to put it into words.
"So, what do these Badges of Light do?" Greap asked.
"Well...they counteract something. Something bad. Really...um....uh, really bad." she struggled to find the words again.
"So, what do we do?" Greap asked.
"We find the Badges of Light. Then when they're all brought to a special place, the...um...well...I...um...don't really know! That wasn't in the report!" Neo blushed, rubbing the back of her head. Greap stayed silent.

"So, where do we go first?" Greap asked.
"Well...we can't really go together. Two Rescue Teams don't usually work together unless it's an emergency." Neo explained, feeling bad. She and Greap were the closest of friends, and going together would be really nice. "Well, if it's a 'Top Rank, Level 100, Grade A, Urgent Status Mission,' doesn't that kinda count as an emergency?" Greap asked, quoting Neo's overexcited explanation.
"Well...erm...uh...um...yeah! It does! We should go together! Let's do it!" Neo declared. Greap was happy. Although he could never admit it, he had a huge crush on Neo.

He stood on the edge of the ship, most of the Pirato had fallen.
"OK! We're going with Neo's team!" he declared. Kip jumped up on the side of the ship.
"Yay! Where do we go first?" he asked. Quinn tried to climb the side of the ship, before falling into the water. Rick's eyes narrowed. He jumped in and pulled Quinn out. He shot up onto the ship's deck. Bubba managed to find a way up.
"Well, the closest Badge of Light to us, as you mentioned, is right on the next island! It's being protected by Celebi!" Neo declared cheerfully. The next island was Weopo Island. It was a huge island, in fact, Celebi wasn't the only legendary on the island. The two teams picked up Capito and chucked him off the ship and onto the ground. The Nido family slowly crept back into the village. They laughed darkly, and began horning the Piratos and Capito.

"OK! Set sail for Weopo Island!" Neo declared, putting on the Capito's lost hat. Greap sat behind her, keeping up an advent guard appearance. The rest of the two united teams began preparing the ship for departure. When it was finally ready, the ship began moving. The teams stood on the side, waving at the rescued citizens of Shinzi Village. And with that, they were off.

To Be Continued...

NJ Ninja

Smash Rookie
May 25, 2008
Mecheye Asylum For the Socially Unfit
Chapter 3

The two groups continued their sail toward Weopo Island. Greap was a bit surprised that this nothing day had turned into a mission to save the world. But, he guessed that's how must missions to save the world start, on the most ordinary of days. He quickly shook off such thoughts which are boring as hell for the reader, and turned to Neo.
"Hey, I've never been to Weopo, how long til we get there?" he asked.
"Well...um..." she just thought for a couple seconds. Oh no! Did I forget something as important as that already!? Why do I have to be such a bubble head all the time? she whined in her head.
"Um, it should be...about an hour?" she guessed.
"Actually, Weopo's closer than that, in fact, I can see the shore now." Edward said. Neo was now thoroughly embarrassed. She thanked the stars Edward was there, or they would have been going the wrong way or something. In actuality, Greap and Neo, the two group leaders, were the only ones that didn't know how far away Weopo was.

They continued for a couple more minutes, now they were only about a half a mile away from shore.
"OK, so, where do we go when we first get on shore?" Greap asked.
"Well...to the Celebi shrine, of course!" Neo answered.
"Hey, Neo, you'd better take a look at this." Rick mumbled.
"What is it?" she asked, looking over the side with him. Down below, were a huge flurry of bubbles.
"What is that?" Quinn asked. Rick and Kip began to get worried looks on their faces.
"What's wrong?" Greap asked.
"Hit the deck!" Kip demanded, ducking, Rick following. Jazz and Edward landed on the deck, Quinn just flopped on the floor, Bubba sank down, forming and oozy puddle.
"Whatever it is, we can take it!" Neo declared.
"You sure?" Greap asked. Just as he finished the question, a huge splash was made from below. In a panic, Neo and Greap both hit the deck. They looked back to see...a Magikarp.
"You made us duck for a Magikarp!?" Jazz demanded.
"Hey! That's not nice! Now you've made me very angry!" the Magikarp barked. It began glowing and growing. It became long and serpentine, now with fangs, and it evolved into Gyrados.
"This just keeps getting better..." Bubba muttered.
"It's huge, how do we beat something like this?" Jazz asked.
"With a type advantage!" Neo declared, firing off a Thundershock attack. Gyrados was hit, falling back for a second. Neo pumped her fist, screaming "Direct hit!"
Gyrados shook it off and wound its head back.
"Ah! Abandon ship!" Kip screamed, running toward the deck. Before he got there, Gyrados unleashed a Dragon Rage, blowing the ship apart. Gyrados sank back down, laughing all the way.

Greap opened his eyes, he was on an island? How'd he get here? He looked around, only Edward and Kip were there.
"Where are the others!?" he demanded. Kip looked up, standing over the still unconscious Edward.
"I don't know, I could only find you two..." Kip mumbled solemnly. Greap looked back out toward the ocean, worrying about the rest of the teams, seeing little pieces of the ship still floating toward the shore. That was one powerful Dragon Rage, it completely splintered the ship! How could it be so powerful if it just evolved? And why was it so angry? Magikarps are usually too dumb to be angry. What was going on here? These were the thoughts that ran though Greap's head, as he stood there, looking for his team.

About five miles down the coast, Rick washed ashore, holding Jazz in his arms. He placed her limp and unconscious body on the sand next to Bubba and Quinn. Quinn was never actually hurt too bad, he just can't swim for his life...literally.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" Quinn chanted excitedly, hugging Rick around the waist.
"Get off me!" Rick barked, kicking Quinn aside. He just looked back toward the ocean. He had looked through everywhere, even getting separated from the group Kip rescued in the process, and still no Neo. Where was she? They didn't have time to worry about Neo, now they had to worry about what was going on behind them, as a lot of rustling was heard. Then, something big came out of the bushes, it was a bunch of Bidoofs and Bibarels, running toward the ocean, trampling the group in their path. "Well, that was just great..." Rick muttered.

To be continued...
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