Smash Master
Link to original post: [drupal=1905]Pokemon didn't want me to quit. Now, Rick Astley never wants me to give him up [/drupal]
In my previous blog, So apparently it wasn't meant for me to quit Pokemon, strange occourances began to happen after I quit the *cough*competitive*cough* game of Pokemon. It was simple things, like my 360 getting a red ring and SSBB breaking my Wii that happened when I made an attempt to quit Pokemon. Those occourances continued until I cut any type of tie that bound me to that game. Now, I've gotten into Rick Rolling people... a lot.
My Rick Rolling spree happened when I was just trolling on a noob Shoddy server that I had been recently unbanned from yesterday(TeamUber for the curious). I thought that it would be a fun idea to mix in a bit of Rick Rolling with some of the bull**** facts that I was talkin- well, typing about. Nothing special, just simple things like, "OMG, I have video proof that this server is going to crash soon! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWMNuYWGBPk&feature=channel_page " and, "Yeah, I record battles for Youtube, here's an example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWMNuYWGBPk&feature=channel_page " (I pity you if you click those links). Now, I'm laughing my *** off and I get up to find a snack only find my SSBB disc just sitting alone by the mircowave. I was so tempted to pop the disc into my Wii, though I did know that it never plays any Wii games.
So, instead of eating, trolling or, making a useless attempt of playing SSBB, I decided to call Nintendo and ask if there was a way that I could fix this problem. In the long period of boredom and sleeping, it never occoured to me that I could call Nintendo for a bit of advice. After an explanation, their solution was a wii disc lens cleaner, which I've seen multiple times at various Gamestops. I ask my mom if she can get me one and she merely gave me the "I don't give a ****" look and said, "maybe". Today, I was actually pretty happy, hanging out with at my gf's house for a few hours, watching TV, no trolling, no infractions, no flaming,no fapping, nothing that could make this day horrible in any possible way. Then it gets awkward when I have nothing to talk about. All I did was listen to her talk, never made any comments, never changed the subject; my mind was blank.
I left her house with a sense of disappointment as I wanted to show some type of love towards her. Instead, there was just an awkward silence followed by our respective good-byes. I walked back home, sluggishly trudged up the stairs to the apartment, unlocked the door and sat down in front of the computer. I logged onto my account and just thought about everything that I could do to make my day better which comprised of either trolling or playing video games all day. Just making a side note, I'm a very quiet person around new people, which prevents me from making any new friends until (literally) months after I get settled in. Since I moved to Indinanapolis not too long ago, I have yet to make a new friend (sympathy?).
I decided to go with trolling since I get the bull**** end on most video games, smash included. I began with simple spamming on small servers leading up to just plain trolling. That's when I had to bright idea to start rick rolling pokemon forums by disguising them as porn links (yep, you heard me, I just used any word that 9 year olds would consider to be porn related and put ".com" after them). The rick rolling lasted for 10 mintues straight until I was banned. I sat in my chair laughing at how many people actually clicked the link (it's the link above for the smartasses who memorized the average rick roll link) and just played what few games I had left. That's when, out of the random, I managed to get 107 super jumps on super mario rpg, which awarded me with the best armor in the game (bar the lazy shell... suck it, I'm a nerd), the super suit.
I'm happy and I get deeper into the pokemon forums. I went to serebii's forums and rick rolled at least 10 people through pms, ending up in a single infraction >.>. So, it's 5 pm, I'm still rick rolling people on serebii, hopeing to get banned until I just get bored. This is when I slide in my brawl disc, slowly, at a funny angle (I dare someone to make a joke), only to have it... work. So, I'm in the phase where I'm just saying, "oh my god, oh my god, oh my god", when I really mean, "what the ****, what the ****, what the ****?" (wtf is overrated). My Wii wasn't broken at all, apparently and all I'm waiting on is the opportunity to connect my Wii to the internet.
7:00 pm: I'm rolling around on my floor, anxious to start playing competitive Brawl, again.
7:... I don't check the time >_> pm: I go into a few matches with the CPUs while I wait.
Somewhere around 8:30-ish pm, my mom gets home and I await the tingly feeling of going into a taunt party online.
Okay, **** the time, I'm just too overcome with joy at this moment. I finally get connect to the internet on my wii and I'm ready to go. It's been hours (... three to be exact) since I've touched my computer and I load up Brawl. What can go wrong? Well, getting the same error code 6 times in a row can happen. Finally, I just give up, unplug my Wii and toss it in my closet.
What's next? More rick rolling to ease the pain. I try youtubers next, only to become aware of my Xbox 360's existance. Disregarding the fact that the oh-so-mighty red ring showed up instead of the happy-oh-my-god-I-love-you green ring, I turned on my 360. My ********-ness revealed that the red ring came from my 360 being overheated and now, most of my boredom is occupied by a guy in armor shooting aliens.
At this point, I'm beginning to fear that the constant Rick Rolls are to blame for the sudden bursts of happiness. So what to do? Cut off the head and the body will die. I try something... unorthadox and I click an obvious Rick Roll. Nothing else has happened, my 360 is working and my Wii has a guarenteed repair on it.
Guys... I'm scared.
EDIT: That infraction turned out to be from a double post serveral months ago. A small note, but it shows how stealth I am.
In my previous blog, So apparently it wasn't meant for me to quit Pokemon, strange occourances began to happen after I quit the *cough*competitive*cough* game of Pokemon. It was simple things, like my 360 getting a red ring and SSBB breaking my Wii that happened when I made an attempt to quit Pokemon. Those occourances continued until I cut any type of tie that bound me to that game. Now, I've gotten into Rick Rolling people... a lot.
My Rick Rolling spree happened when I was just trolling on a noob Shoddy server that I had been recently unbanned from yesterday(TeamUber for the curious). I thought that it would be a fun idea to mix in a bit of Rick Rolling with some of the bull**** facts that I was talkin- well, typing about. Nothing special, just simple things like, "OMG, I have video proof that this server is going to crash soon! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWMNuYWGBPk&feature=channel_page " and, "Yeah, I record battles for Youtube, here's an example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWMNuYWGBPk&feature=channel_page " (I pity you if you click those links). Now, I'm laughing my *** off and I get up to find a snack only find my SSBB disc just sitting alone by the mircowave. I was so tempted to pop the disc into my Wii, though I did know that it never plays any Wii games.
So, instead of eating, trolling or, making a useless attempt of playing SSBB, I decided to call Nintendo and ask if there was a way that I could fix this problem. In the long period of boredom and sleeping, it never occoured to me that I could call Nintendo for a bit of advice. After an explanation, their solution was a wii disc lens cleaner, which I've seen multiple times at various Gamestops. I ask my mom if she can get me one and she merely gave me the "I don't give a ****" look and said, "maybe". Today, I was actually pretty happy, hanging out with at my gf's house for a few hours, watching TV, no trolling, no infractions, no flaming,
I left her house with a sense of disappointment as I wanted to show some type of love towards her. Instead, there was just an awkward silence followed by our respective good-byes. I walked back home, sluggishly trudged up the stairs to the apartment, unlocked the door and sat down in front of the computer. I logged onto my account and just thought about everything that I could do to make my day better which comprised of either trolling or playing video games all day. Just making a side note, I'm a very quiet person around new people, which prevents me from making any new friends until (literally) months after I get settled in. Since I moved to Indinanapolis not too long ago, I have yet to make a new friend (sympathy?).
I decided to go with trolling since I get the bull**** end on most video games, smash included. I began with simple spamming on small servers leading up to just plain trolling. That's when I had to bright idea to start rick rolling pokemon forums by disguising them as porn links (yep, you heard me, I just used any word that 9 year olds would consider to be porn related and put ".com" after them). The rick rolling lasted for 10 mintues straight until I was banned. I sat in my chair laughing at how many people actually clicked the link (it's the link above for the smartasses who memorized the average rick roll link) and just played what few games I had left. That's when, out of the random, I managed to get 107 super jumps on super mario rpg, which awarded me with the best armor in the game (bar the lazy shell... suck it, I'm a nerd), the super suit.
I'm happy and I get deeper into the pokemon forums. I went to serebii's forums and rick rolled at least 10 people through pms, ending up in a single infraction >.>. So, it's 5 pm, I'm still rick rolling people on serebii, hopeing to get banned until I just get bored. This is when I slide in my brawl disc, slowly, at a funny angle (I dare someone to make a joke), only to have it... work. So, I'm in the phase where I'm just saying, "oh my god, oh my god, oh my god", when I really mean, "what the ****, what the ****, what the ****?" (wtf is overrated). My Wii wasn't broken at all, apparently and all I'm waiting on is the opportunity to connect my Wii to the internet.
7:00 pm: I'm rolling around on my floor, anxious to start playing competitive Brawl, again.
7:... I don't check the time >_> pm: I go into a few matches with the CPUs while I wait.
Somewhere around 8:30-ish pm, my mom gets home and I await the tingly feeling of going into a taunt party online.
Okay, **** the time, I'm just too overcome with joy at this moment. I finally get connect to the internet on my wii and I'm ready to go. It's been hours (... three to be exact) since I've touched my computer and I load up Brawl. What can go wrong? Well, getting the same error code 6 times in a row can happen. Finally, I just give up, unplug my Wii and toss it in my closet.
What's next? More rick rolling to ease the pain. I try youtubers next, only to become aware of my Xbox 360's existance. Disregarding the fact that the oh-so-mighty red ring showed up instead of the happy-oh-my-god-I-love-you green ring, I turned on my 360. My ********-ness revealed that the red ring came from my 360 being overheated and now, most of my boredom is occupied by a guy in armor shooting aliens.
At this point, I'm beginning to fear that the constant Rick Rolls are to blame for the sudden bursts of happiness. So what to do? Cut off the head and the body will die. I try something... unorthadox and I click an obvious Rick Roll. Nothing else has happened, my 360 is working and my Wii has a guarenteed repair on it.
Guys... I'm scared.
EDIT: That infraction turned out to be from a double post serveral months ago. A small note, but it shows how stealth I am.