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PM won't start :(


Smash Cadet
Mar 1, 2015
I've been playing PM for like 5 months and today I couldn't boot it up at all.

Just in case u didn't know, here's my info:

-Using Hackless (Full Set)
-All of my custom stages were deleted, of course
-Using a 2GB SDHC Card
-Using NTSC Wii U with NTSC Brawl disk
-SD card is never locked
-Have custom music

Here's what I tried:

-Turning off and restarting my Wii U
-Waiting in the Brawl menu for 2 minutes for PM to load
-Deleting some custom music

After I deleted some custom music that was (possibly) taking up space, I booted it up again and this time my Wii U acts like my SD card doesn't exist. It doesn't even read it.

After reading about other peoples' trouble, do u think I should format my SD card? Is it failing? What else could be wrong? Thnx
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