hmm a few things i can think of atm. make sure you have stack smash deleted. (hackless method) it comes in the stage folder by default. then make sure the *disable custom stage code* is off in the GCT.
*also a side note. you can use SD cards well over 2 gigs now >.> i have an 8 gigabyte card i play on AND save replays, pics, and more to. they have had a code in the GCT since 2.5 i believe to use SDHC cards. (up to 32 gigs)
I wasn't gonna say anything but in this context, literally all of this is wrong...
He is loading it hackless so he needs stack smash... and even if he didn't, it would not cause any problems with the loading process...
you can't just disable codes in the GCT... and that would just allow him to pick custom stages after loading PM, and it's the loading part he's having trouble with...
Yes you can use sdhc cards now but brawl on it's own still can't read them so that doesn't work for the stage builder loading method...