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Please Review My Luigi

Scarlet Bean

Smash Apprentice
Sep 18, 2013
I've been playing this game for a year now; started playing around with luigi 3 months ago


Smash Apprentice
Mar 4, 2008
I do not know all the details of how Luigi works, so it's hard for me to say certain things with confidence on the basis of a few matches versus the same person, because just looking at what happens, certain things you do here may only work because the appropriate counter is not happening. (That being said you should try to play against a lot of different people, preferably better than you, that way you will avoid forming habits that do not work universally.)

Hence i will focus on things which are largely in your domain in my breakdown:

0:20 You send him flying with a forward-air, wouldn't a down-air have worked? Given the higher knock-back i would usually use down-air where possible (i.e. where there is enough time and the hit-box will reach)
0:22 If you do a fireball from the stage make sure to be closer to the edge, also given the low trajectory from the previous fair you might want to go for the edge. The lower fox recovers the smaller his range of options becomes, being on the ledge makes the illusion less viable and a fire-fox can often be intercepted with a drop-down back-air from the ledge (or if directly beneath down-air)
0:25 You hit a weak neutral-air. Firstly you unnecessarily end up in the shield and the enemy is not properly DI-ing, you could let him fall onto you and up-b (from ~80%-110%)
0:31 You jump to edge-guard with an aerial, however jumping is not the only way to do aerials, here you should have just dashed off the stage > fast fall down-air/forward-air.
0:40 Random f-smash. Can work, though risky, with fox being at 132% not necessary though. An forward-tilt probably also would have resulted in an edge-guard, and things like jab (> grab > up-throw > down-air) are often even safer pokes. Also: Angle forward-smash down vs fast-fallers, up vs floaties.
0:54 You get a up-throw turnaround d-smash, even resulting in a miss-tech but then you do the full jab-combo. Just do one jab to get a reset and free follow-ups. Here he could roll away due to the higher damage.
1:14 The double jump gets you into an unfavourable recovery position, i would try to dash and wave-dash around on enemy re-spawn or do edge-stuff.
1:19 Tournament winner. If that was on purpose: Don't do it, especially with Luigi.
1:19 You get sent flying again but should have your jump, be a bit more patient and use it, for example by recovering low with a re-jump up-air (to stop a gimp approach).
1:35 Free punish on air-dodge. You up-tilt, bad decision on that percentage, you get no guaranteed follow-ups. I would probably opt for grab > up-throw > turnaround down-smash or grab > up-throw > up-smash (may get a miss-tech)
1:49 WTF dash-attack.
2:00 Down-angled forward-tilt. Useless move, just about zero knock-back, never do it. And again, the fox was going for edge height, do something. Grab the edge if you have some time or do a run-off forward-air/down-air, if he does not do an illusion you can do fast-fall turnaround up-b to the ledge, fire-fox takes a while. (For Falco you you have to be quite careful of course as he will send you down if the illusion hits.)
2:10 Full-jump, if on purpose: Why?
2:26 Got to DI those up-throws.

3:16 Down-smash to down-smash at high percent, wonder if that is still guaranteed (given the non-existent enemy DI of course)...
3:46 Another low edge-guard situation where you should have taken the edge to prevent a safe illusion.
4:29 A short hop strong neutral-air does not necessarily yield anything at those percentages, try a full jump neutral-air to be closer to your enemy when your move is over (it usually hits people on the ground due to its 3 frame wind-up)
4:31 You hit another neutral-air. At those percentages another aerial would have given you a good edge-guard, be mindful of what your options are.
4:34 Two-stock rage-quit...

[WTF @ Next Match]

5:21 Fox gets a good DI on the down-smash for once, breaking your combo. Instead of the down-smash you could have gone for up-tilt or up-throw chains, they work quite well and lead into aerial finisher/edge-guard setups.
5:24 Another low edge-guard, which you approach with a jump, very hard to hit with aerials and in this case there was not even enough time to get to the ground fast enough.
5:29 You do a down-air when he is above you, either forward-air or up-air, both have good hit-boxes in front and above.
5:40 You get a low percent up-throw near the edge, instead of jabbing you can re-grab and do a forward-throw, which may lead to a quick gimp or at the very least a little bit better of an edge-guard.
5:47 Down-b, why here?
6:07 Re-jump to the ledge, if you have taken the fox's bad positioning into account that was all-right, if not: Try to defend yourself, up-air or fireball help keep enemies away.
6:29 Forward-throw at low percent. Not good because there is no knock-down, so you do not even get a tech-chase, up-throw instead.
6:34 Re-jump > side-b onto stage. Highly punishable, would not recommend.
6:40 Knock-down without immediate punish, would have been perfect for a jab-reset.
6:50 You are too high for that neutral-air to be pressuring enough, could have tried to simply pull out with a retreating forward-air or to hit something lower (could probably get grabbed in-between so that is not safe either)

Let's leave it at that for now, if something is unclear or if you want me to elaborate just tell me.

You are pretty fast with a lot of your follow-ups, even if they may not always be the right ones. In this match-up Fox really should get destroyed hard once he is hit, keep up the pressure if he gets too far away to continue your combo. I see a lot of room for improvement in both your edge-guard game and your recovery, which are obviously important components, check out what the top Luigis are doing in the various match-ups. Cannot say a whole lot about the neutral game, especially with Fox it's a lot of running/sliding around and poking from both sides.

Scarlet Bean

Smash Apprentice
Sep 18, 2013
1:14 That was accidental. I was trying to wavedash, but I somehow ended up with that.
2:10 not on purpose
6:29 went for the up-throw, but somehow ended up with that, which got me confused
6:40 was expecting him to tech or something

Guess I'm just not good enough at this game
I appreciate your criticism though


Smash Apprentice
Mar 4, 2008
Guess I'm just not good enough at this game
I appreciate your criticism though
If you could become perfect in such a short amount of time then this game would not be very interesting. However i am not a great fan of how technical this game is, i generally think that the neutral game with all its baits, feints and mind-games is the really interesting part of the game. Given that i played this game since launch it would be nice if my characters did what i want them to do by now but alas they do not...

Also "good enough" is a relative statement, "good enough" for what? Just try to improve, find stronger opponents and learn how to beat them :)

Scarlet Bean

Smash Apprentice
Sep 18, 2013
If you could become perfect in such a short amount of time then this game would not be very interesting. However i am not a great fan of how technical this game is, i generally think that the neutral game with all its baits, feints and mind-games is the really interesting part of the game. Given that i played this game since launch it would be nice if my characters did what i want them to do by now but alas they do not...

Also "good enough" is a relative statement, "good enough" for what? Just try to improve, find stronger opponents and learn how to beat them :)
Here's the problem--the community here is practically dead. And, apparently, I'm the best player amongst my friends.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 4, 2008
Here's the problem--the community here is practically dead. And, apparently, I'm the best player amongst my friends.
While i am not the best among my friends i also get to play very few people on a frequent basis, just two really. And to top it off they usually play the same character: Falco

I envy those people that get to have 20+-entrant weeklies, no way that would happen around here...


Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2007
Geneva, IL/New Orleans, LA
Yo! Scarlet Bean I really liked your Luigi! You have a great creativity for combos and punishes, and I really like some of your move choices. Like ElStalky I definitely noticed that you are a much better player than your opponent, which shows. You may have to do some 'safer' options against tournament calibre players and focus more on spacing and surviving, which were facets of your game I couldn't really judge here.

I have been in your situation where there is an isolated scene and I am the best player, and over the last 3 years I've trained up all of my friends, and they now go to local tournaments and are competitive with me. Keep it up! This is the greatest videogame on earth in my opinion and it's offline nature lends itself to building great friendships, so keep Weegin hard my man!


Smash Rookie
Dec 23, 2013
Maple Ridge
I've been playing this game for a year now; started playing around with luigi 3 months ago
Hey hey! Good work man! first thing I noticed. your brother doesn't DI out of a lot of your hits, making them seem like auto combos. Be warned! When I started I was facing players that DIDNT DI well. Eventually I got to face stronger players in tourney and realized that not everything is that simple. my "advice" make sure you can tech chase, and combo against tricky DI. Find a partner that can do that for you. Preferably A fast faller and floaty main. GL and GW. Some neat stuff in this!
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