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Please help my friend's Luigi


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
Hello! And thanks for looking at this thread before even posting anything!

Now, this is our friend's second tournament, his first one being ~3 years ago. So yeah, he's gotten a lot better and other than obvious mistakes I think he's doing really well.


Few points:

1) Needs to be smarter recovering.
-Towards the end of the first match and the entirety of the second one, I noticed he continuously got hit by missles which(usually) led to his death. I'm not experienced with Luigi or Samus, so I'm curious as to whether the Samus player adapted or he was playing less smart, or if it was a combination of the two. What could he do to avoid it in the future?

2) Stop killing himself.
-Let's be honest: he had the first match if he hadn't killed himself twice. Now from my PoV I think he could have recovered normally instead of down-bing after edgeguarding the Samus for a stock(which he did with an AMAZINGLY placed fireball to a bomb, btw): is that correct or would he have required his down-b to recover from that angle at all?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I'm not very fluent in "Luigi", so it would help me to help him get better. Thanks in advance!


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
His Luigi seems fine
It's kinda hard to critique a floaty battle, all you really do is trade hits and be patient haha


Smash Master
Aug 13, 2006
Seattle, WA (slightly north of U-District)
I'll be honest, from the introduction I was expecting him to be not that good, but I was pretty impressed. He has good platform movement and is really aggressive.

Yeah I don't have anything to critique because I don't know the matchup that well, but I just wanted to say that.

Smash G 0 D

Leave Luck to Heaven
Oct 5, 2005
Charlottesville, VA
DownB > Missiles (fists cancel it out and you can go straight into an Ftilt or Dsmash from the cancel)

Don't be stupid when recovering @_@ I appreciate that he isn't afraid to play at the ledge but he killed himself at least 4 times.

Try and keep invincibility frames when edgeguarding from the edge. That'll help him a lot when it comes to actually hitting them when the opponent is close.

When he's jumping on and off the edge... I dunno. It just seemed pointless. If he's waiting for Samus to approach then why not just hang there and react when Samus comes closer rather than letting Samus shoot missiles when you jump up?

Don't be afraid to challenge Samus. Again, DownB beats missiles and a SHDair beats CCDsmash. You can follow that up with Nair at mid % and they'll fall over, methinks. Then tech chase or jab reset upB or somethin'. Iunno. Luigi can take a more straightforward approach to Samus than most people think.


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
I see this a lot. The normal standup animation from the ledge (under 100%) is pretty tough to punish. If you feel pressured on the ledge you can do the normal standup and buffer roll jump or dodge.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 28, 2007
BC Bud Land
If he shielded, even once, he would've done 100% better.

He reminds me of a certain Falco player that attacked and moved around at all times and just got wrecked by Samus and Peach all over the place, yet he'd destroy other offensive and fast opponents because of the way he played.

What is Samus going to do when you shield? Attempt grabbing you to risk getting Daired or have you WD across the stage before it even comes out? Or is she gonna run away and space a ftilt or shoot something to have you continue your crazy moving?

Luigi moves with wavedashes, you can move with your shield up because you can wavedash OUT OF YOUR SHIELD. Abuse that and you'll never get hit by Samus unless you get mindgamed. Too many times he ran into things that just needed the L button. :D

#1 rule of smash, since the dawn of 64, "Don't get hit."


Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2009
On top
About the recovery with the edgeguard, he would have needed a 3/4 height tornado to recover, but he could have for sure

Also for off stage missiles, the only way to avoid them is to always di and recover high, because a midrange green missile is as good as dead, and luigi cant get up from a green missile below stage without being really close. But he landed on the stage with green missiles too much, when you are as high as he was, you should be able to recover from that distance without a missile, so unless its a misfire, tell him to stop landing on stage with green missiles.
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