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Pit's Best Matchups for 2vs2


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Since I was totally ignored in the ask a simple question, get a simple answer thread :urg: I thought I could make it it's own thread.

Pretty simple, here's a layout you can work with:

-Name of Character "2"-
Pro's of having Character 2 as your partner -
Con's -



Pro's: He can absorb your arrows, you can reflect his pk fire/thunder/freeze and heal him if it hits him. You can WoI to push and save him (since Lucas has pretty good horizontal fall speed if you ask me) Lucas has a pretty easy time getting KO's with basically any of his smashes. Both you and Lucas have a "gimp tool" (arrows + pk thunder)

Con's: His pk thunder can gimp you if he's not careful (aka: He's trying to KO the guy you tried to or something <.<) Marth's grab release (has this been disproven yet? I forget) and this wouldn't really be a problem unless you die anyways.
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