Pikmin 3 is the latest sequel to Nintendo's franchise that brings with it new captains and new pikmin.
Alph is one of the three playable explorers in Pikmin 3. He is the engineer of the S.S. Drake, the group's spaceship, which his Grandfather designed. He is bright and positive in character and he has a high level of admiration for Captain Charlie.
Edit: Although his own slot is unlikely, it seems that Alph will be one of Olimar's costume alts.
Charlie is the captain of the team who leads the explorers in their quest for food. Charlie is a hero on his home planet Koppai, Alph even describes him as "one of the Koppai greatest legends".
Britanny is the group's botanist. I suspect the least likely of the three to get in, if any get in at all. Britanny's trophy has been revealed in a POTD so it is unlikely that she'll make an appearance as a playable character.
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