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Pico for Brawl


Smash Cadet
Mar 31, 2007
Pico is a green alien dude from the F-Zero franchise.

He races along Captain Falcon. The reason why I'm suggesting him is because he 's not human, greatly increasing his possible moves to something more than punches and kicks (and KNEES). So yeah, let's get down to the nitty gritty.

Speed: **
Power: ****
Weight: ****
Size: About Peach's height.
Jump: ***

Pico would be a slow but strong character who could do good in both ground and aerial combat. Think a Mario with less speed and more power.

A + Neutral: Punch 4%, 3, 2,2,2...
Repeatable like Game and Watch's A + Neutral. Little to no knockback.

A + Dash: Wild Goose 10%
Heheh, named after his own car. Pico dashes then adopts a 'monster' pose, knees bent and arms bent and out. Anything touching him during this time is hit for 10.

Ftilt: Gnash 9-13%
Pico chomps the opponent standing next to him with his mouth.

Dtilt: Red Pain 9-12%
Pico sweeps his legs around him, hurting anything in the vicinity.

Utilt: Dark Pain 10% (5%)
Pico tilts his head up, and anything touching his head during the time it takes to do that is damaged. After that, he shoots black beams out of his eyes, about as long as his legs.

Nair: Shell Buster 9%
Pico sticks his shell out behind him, which stays out for quite a while, like a *** kick. Anything touching it is knockbacked quite far. Unlike the kicks, the damage remains the same.

Fair: Polipito Pride 1-3%
This acts like Fox's Fair, kicking rapidly until he touches the ground. Each hit has no knockback and deals damage, but still has stun.

Dair: Tortiz Stomp 10-20%
Pico adopts a 'stick' pose and falls rapidly. Anything touching his legs is spiked straight down. Pretty laggy after he lands though.

Uair: Head Slash 9-15%
Pico elongates his head and attacks anything touching it.

Fsmash: Mega Punch 15% (uncharged) 25% (fully charged)
Pico draws his arm behind him then lets go with a furious punch. Like the Falcon Punch but a lot faster.

Dsmash: Weights Kick 10% (uncharged) 23% (fully charged)
Split kick.

Usmash: Flip Kick 15% (uncharged) 25% (fully charged)
Pico does a back flip, hurting stuff while he's at it. Stuff that touches the shell eats extra damage.

B + Neutral: Death Wind 1% (continuous)
Like Bowser's flame breath, Pico breaths yellow wind.

B + Forward: Ram's Horns 7%
Pico dashes forwards, headbutting along the way.

B + Down: Pico Bomb 12%
A direct copy of the Bowser Bomb.

B + Up: Hover Up! 5%
The Wild Goose appears and lifts Pico up. Distance gained is as much as Mario's Super Jump Punch.

I'll do throws later.
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