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Petition to disallow Nova from hosting tournies.

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Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2014
Again @Sangoku, more blatant harassment of community members. Caneut purposely manufactured this situation, just to harass Nova. For the 1000th time on SWF and for the millionth time in general. As far as I know, there has also been a twitter feed, which is PUBLIC RECORD, created entirely to harass this community member. At what point do @Sangoku, other 64 mods, and the site as a whole transition from merely turning a blind eye to being accomplices in this obvious cyber-bullying harassment of a guy that actually does something for the community, like hosting tournaments. I believe the creator of the twitter feed (Cobr) has been actually 'promoted' by SWF/SB to an monthly article contributor. Under his encouragement, a picture of novasmash was literally urinated on, and also posted to the net, if not here specifically. Are campaigns of harassment officially endorsed by this site? This is sad and pathetic, and if not the site, than every single one of you is guilty of aiding in this, if at the very least not speaking up before now in a meaningful way to end this blatant bullying and harrassment.
Edit: Well put Fireblaster, I just felt like addressing the larger issue.
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Smash Master
Feb 8, 2012
you couldn't be more wrong about some of this. Not your fault, though. The gav twitter isn't harassment, merely a public record of gav quotes. When did I encourage Tommy to record a video of him pissing on gav's pic? Go on, I'll wait. I'll address further points when I get home.
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