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Petey Piranha Discussion Topic

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Smash Rookie
Oct 15, 2006
At the risk of being branded as a noob forever, i'll make this topic.

I was reading the Worst Character Suggestions thread, and saw Petey pop up several times, which made me one saaad noob. Why do you think he'd be such a terrible character? He's been in several canon Mario games, lots of spin-off sports games, he's got an extensive movepool, an original character design (as in, not a clone...*points to Wolf*) and yet for some reason people still like him, dare I say, even less than Waluigi. I guess they don't NEED to like him, but they DO deny his chances even though he meets all the necessary criteria.

The main arguments against him that i've seen are:

- He's way too big. Just look at his head lololol.
- He's way too new. Toad/Bowser Jr. first.
- He's a generic bad guy. Not important enough.

First off, the "too big" argument has been completely debunked by Ridley supporters. I won't deny he's pretty big, but there's not a single reason they can't scale him down slightly other than "it wouldn't look right", which is a useless reason not to let him in. They scaled Bowser down, they scaled Kirby up...they can scale Petey accordingly. And Ridley too, for that matter. Ridley for Brawl.

Secondly, I think his "newness" is commonly miscalculated. He didn't arrive yesterday, he debuted in SMS, one of the first Gamecube games. That was in 2002. He's been around the active scene for 4 years now, and wouldn't have stuck around so long if Nintendo didn't see something good in this character. Bowser Jr. debuted in SMS too, yet he has better chances than Petey just because he's Bowser's kid? Well, so are Iggy, Morton, Ludwig, Roy, Wendy, Lemmy and Larry, yet people don't think they have good chances at all. It all comes down to wether he's liked or not, and Nintendo likes Petey.

Thirdly, he is not generic. He's a Piranha Plant, but he's not generic. King Boo, Goomboss, and Gooper Blooper aren't generic either. The whole point of their characters is that they stand out from other members of the same race. Also, he's one of the most recurring bosses in canon Mario games after Bowser. So no, genericness isn't an issue here. In fact, I could go as far as saying Toad is more generic than Petey.

So there it is. Petey for Brawl. If you have any other arguments against him, please post them and i'll try to type up a convincing rebuttal. :)


Smash Rookie
Oct 15, 2006

Oh, well that's it then. It's decided. Not playable, just a boss. Great job.

Instead of just telling me it won't happen, why don't you try presenting some sort of argument as to why it won't happen?

BTW, I read the other topic, and it's just people saying "NO WAI PETY PIRHAINA IS 2 UGLY N A PUKIN PALNT!!!111". If that's the way the entire board feels, then just tell me now so I can stop trying to get a point across.


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
It's not he's ugly, it's jst that he's a horrible character. Even a normal pirranahplant would be better.

Lets break it down. Petey is a plant that wears a diaper and vomits.

And post in the other thread, it's why it exists and we have search.
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