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Personality Development


Smash Lord
Jul 18, 2004
It seems (to me anyway) that most of the characters in SSBM lack personalities. Most of them just seem to be robots, and their fighting styles define them more as characters than do their personalites.
SSB and Melee did give some characters, well, character. Fox for example seemed sort of pompous with his taunts in both games, pichu was mockingly cute, and luigi was... luigi...

I think it would be really cool if Brawl tried hard to reflect the characters' different personalities in the game. They could do this through taunts victory poses (which they already do), and also through their attacks and idle movements (like pika's ear scratch).

Some characters dont have much of a personality anyway, like Link or Samus, so those can stay.

Ideas? Opinions?


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2005
Yeah, I noticed this just when I got Melee. In SSB64 the characters were more expressive and the battles more exaggerated and grotesque. In Melee may characters won't change their faces when receiving damage, and they lack some serious character and attitude, with the exception being Falcon.

They must to make the characters more expressive, more hotblooded voice acting, and give them more personality than toys. I expect the entrances to be back, and I think the special moves are going to reinforce the characters' personality.
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