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Paranormal Activity IV

Kason Birdman

Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2009
519, Ontario

i would like to start off by saying this was ****ing awesome. a huge thanks to saux for hosting and this was the best st. marys tourny to date even with the large amount of last minute johns and flops that lead to the low attendance.

Melee Singles Results

1. Vyzor
2. Kason
3. Saux
4. Alpha Delpha
5. Mogotoo
5. The Notorious Tiggs
7. Spam
7. R432

Melee Doubles Results

1. The Arc (Alpha Delpha & Saux)
2. Canadian Bacon (Vyzor & Kason)
3. **** Em' (Tiggs & Mogotoo)
4. Team Construction Class (Spam & R432)

(GOOD **** ARC)

Brawl Singles Results

ok even though the title says this was melee only we did have brawl singles.. but no one really cared and it was just delfa ****** everyone... we prolly wont have it next time cause no one really likes brawl and we all just end up being pissed off.

1. Alpha Delpha
2. Kason
3. Vyzor
4. Mogotoo
5. The Notorious Tiggs
5. R432
7. Saux

Melee Singles

Winner's Semis
Kason vs. Vyzor

Winners's Semis
Saux vs. Alpha Delpha

Loser's Semis
Alpha Delpha vs. Kason

Winner's Finals
Saux vs. Vyzor

Loser's Finals
Kason vs. Saux (**** set)

Vyzor vs. Kason
(first round)
(second round)


Smash Rookie
Apr 5, 2010
Great tourney, although I don't understand all of the praise for it. Sure, it was pretty complete, and there was a **** hype video for it, but it was all just the same stuff we've done before. Melee doubles, Melee singles, Brawl singles, and then some chilling time. Nothing new.

ok even though the title says this was melee only we did have brawl singles.. but no one really cared and it was just delfa ****** everyone... we prolly wont have it next time cause no one really likes brawl and we all just end up being pissed off.
Hey, I like Brawl. :ohwell:.

Although I suppose it's for the best. Brawl does leave everyone in a sort of stupor. I say that we replace Brawl with Pokemon. I was really hyped for Pokemon :(.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 15, 2010
St.Marys, Ontario
Great tourney, although I don't understand all of the praise for it. Sure, it was pretty complete, and there was a **** hype video for it, but it was all just the same stuff we've done before. Melee doubles, Melee singles, Brawl singles, and then some chilling time. Nothing new.

Hey, I like Brawl. :ohwell:.

Although I suppose it's for the best. Brawl does leave everyone in a sort of stupor. I say that we replace Brawl with Pokemon. I was really hyped for Pokemon :(.
I thought it was epic. It was all the same stuff but more epicly fun.
But I was going to say, since some people do still like Brawl, why not have a 64 tourney while there is a Brawl tourney going on? So the people who don't want to play Brawl, play Smash 64. :chuckle:

Kason Birdman

Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2009
519, Ontario
we will have 2 people playing brawl and the rest 64.

..unless everyone shows up for once.. cause hayden would play brawl.. and maybe IB7... ok so we got 4 brawl entrants. ****.

and tyler. we had the sickest set ups yet (most tvs and that **** *** recording set up [SO ******]) vyzor won singles. the arc won doubles. those two things there make it hype as ****. delfa had **** commentary once again. it was the most hyped event. the set you and delfa had was SOO HYPED and that was freaking like first round. spam did a ken combo (LOL). me and vyzor went kirby dittos in doubles (RAAAPE)

yeah, ****.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 15, 2010
St.Marys, Ontario
we will have 2 people playing brawl and the rest 64.

..unless everyone shows up for once.. cause hayden would play brawl.. and maybe IB7... ok so we got 4 brawl entrants. ****.

and tyler. we had the sickest set ups yet (most tvs and that **** *** recording set up [SO ******]) vyzor won singles. the arc won doubles. those two things there make it hype as ****. delfa had **** commentary once again. it was the most hyped event. the set you and delfa had was SOO HYPED and that was freaking like first round. spam did a ken combo (LOL). me and vyzor went kirby dittos in doubles (RAAAPE)

yeah, ****.
this man is correct :psycho:


Smash Rookie
Apr 5, 2010

Vyzor: Congratulations on the Melee singles win!

Saux: Thanks for setting up the tourney. The hype video was awesome.

Kason: You really do help out a lot at these tourneys. Uploading videos, starting threads...keep it up!

Alpha Delfa: Great match. Although that's to be expected.

Mogotoo: If I shoutout to myself, does that make me crazy? Or desperate? Or both?

I need help.

Tiggs: You know, ten years down the road, I'm probably going to be psychologically traumatized because of you. I hope your happy.



R432: We got your message :chuckle:.

Spam: I don't think I ever played you. Oh wait...I did.

Kason Birdman

Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2009
519, Ontario
updated with losers semis. gonna do shout outs tomorow.

somebody post befor i do them tomorow so i dont triple post.


Kason Birdman

Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2009
519, Ontario
<3 thanks mogo.
and also, a lot of other tournaments have losers (and winners) semis best of 5. we havent befor, but we figured with PAIV being the most hyped event so far we would start doing it no just because its a better test of skill (and endurance) making sure the person who should wins the set wins the set.

we should prolly do it for winners semis next time also.

ALSO. where are saux and delfa at? have they gotten back from the cottage? we need more st. marys rep up in here.


vyzor: OHSHI- wtf? good **** man. ***** so hard. our set = one of the best st. marys sets yet. and kirby doubles? ****. we are deffinately doing that again next time. only we have to train up our kirbys.

saux-tha-fawks: good **** man. your marth is getting SO sexy. watching it against vyzor i was like "oh ****" and i just wanted to put on some mc hammer pants... .nvm you werent there for that one. making fun of crip. good **** in doubles. your fawks is rapex2010

delfa: good stuff in losers semis. i really like your mario. it comboes decently. deff keep using him as a secondary. and **** stuff in doubles. the arc too good.

spam: good **** spam. ken combo? whereuat delfa. it was soo dirty. it was like fair upair ken combah. and your fox is actually pretty decent you should pick him up and actually learn2fox then you will be good lol. and you need to come out and play with us moar you were mad rusty. stop having a girlfriend and a job.

mogo: your set with delfa was so hyped it was awesome. so fail that it didnt get recorded. sorry for everyone (myself included) raging on you with mad sarcasm during brawl and what not. but i heard they were trying to get you to learn how2sarcasm after i left. rofl too good.

tiggs: man your jiggs is getting so legit. that thing you do where you roll into someone and rest... wtf mindgames. and it hits every time. just keep spammin bair all dair.

R432: frig yeah R4. i agree with your name change idea. it *****. and marth spam is lookin hella fresh as normal. you should work on that ganon. hes a mad sexy character.

@Lawlzerz,Hayden,Fat$,Crip,[no-alias],Ironbandit,Bearjew,Italyins,Zach,Eric: you guys missed out on the rapest tourny ever held in st. marys :(. make sure you make it out next time. we missed all of ya.

wow. i just realized how freaking big our community is.. certainly considering how small our town is.

Kason Birdman

Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2009
519, Ontario
updated with both winners finals

im probably gonna upload this set i found of tiggs vs. delfa then be done with the vids.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 15, 2010
St.Marys, Ontario
lol, I forgot to do my shoutouts lolololol.

Kason: Holy **** bro, that **** was ****ting madly ****! :D That was the most intense sets/set'?' I've ever had :D DAYUM. also kirby team, FOR THE WIN. Doing that again at next tourney ;) CAND BACN/LIVE FREE/EPIC FACE, all the way!

Saux: Your name is pronounced "so". Um, yea..............................................idk what to say.....keep up the good work and such. COTTAGE WHERE U AT GETTIN PRACTICE. BRB TO BIMINY. congrats on beating the bacon btw ;)

Alpha Delpha: You got Ken comboed. Nice. :D btw drop Sheik for Mario. DO IT. did you get a taste of the bacon? idk where im going with this.

Spam: BOOM BOOM BOOM. YUM YUM YUM. YA *****, YA ****IN ****. Nice Ken combo btw. DAYUM UR RICH IN CoN. :3

Mogotoo: Wasn't it cool when everyone was screaming during your match with Delfa? :D I was screaming. I was all like "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH OMG. AHHHHH **** ****. HOLY......OMG ****. HOLY ****." Your set with Delfa= Hyped for next tourney :D You're also improving alot :)

Tiggs: How the **** do you pull off all those fricking **** rests? 0____0 seriously, it's ****ing cool. Mad timing? Good stuff ;) ..................*insert raptor joke here*

R432: uhh.....DAYUM. Ganondorf...blah blah....Marth....Good work..and stuff....yea.ok kthxbye. btw thanks for the note :D I lol'd.

Vyzor: Why do I always include myself. Like, i'm obviously myself and not someone else making shoutouts and including myself.....i'm not even going to proofread my shoutout for myself. thats how much I care. that probably didnt even make any sense.

Everybody that wasn't there: I hope everyone comes next time. Make the next tourney even more **** :D

@ Zach:

@ IronBandit7:

Kason Birdman

Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2009
519, Ontario
i laughed so hard.
you guys cant play at all while im at [noalias]'s cottage.
i dont want spam to reach a higher level than me (LOL LIKE THAT WILL EVER HAPPEN)

wednesday, me you and spam playin.

and at the IB7 picture. i was totally expecting that. but still freaking hilarous


Smash Apprentice
Sep 20, 2009
Big Brain Academy
sorry guys, i was come for like a week and a half. anyways, first of all this was an awesome tourney. but i wish i wouldve won lol. whatever, prepare for next time.

anyhoo. imgoingfor another novel shoutout here:

and colourfulness and spontaniousness too



vyzr: concatjrilations you farger. but seriously, you did good. it was really hardcore and sick when youre theme song pumped and such lol. it was sick. sick sick sick. andyways, you had some great peach stuff. and man, i thought you had him match 5 of the first set :/ oh well, made for a **** tourney gf. so yeah, keep ****** with peach, bring youre destroyer play style to pav lol. but ima termintate you :) be afraid, vyzor with burn to the ground lol! hehe . grand finals in doubles was sick too, like kirby team? whodve thunk itd be good lol. whatevever. it was hard to play, ill admit. sick job vyzor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kason: ummm, with all due respect to grand finals and everything else, i think our set was the highlight of the tourney for me. like that was our first losers finals, and it was really friggin intense. i applaude the comeback, yknow, i was 2 - 0 ing you then you won. your falcon scares the poo outta me jude. you are insane btw, like.. yeah. sick set, best set of my life. better than paII gf. better than TGIC lol cause frankly that was a gay fest of gayness. and dont even get me started on tgfmg. but yeah, lets play more at pav. best set ever! ps doubles was awesome, you play kirby like hes high tier. sick job. hes a hard mofo to play lol.

saux: everyone seems to be raging on the fact that they are shouting out to themselves.. well lol, whatever, good job dude! hopefully you can improve a bit so you can catch up to vyzor and kason. goodluck at pav!!

delfa: the arc did soooo good! yes man, i love teaming with you. ****ing sick. love it. and like... we *****!!! it was truley amazing, and yknow, i think we should team again, even though you dont wanna. oh well well talk. and in singles, man you were sick. your set with me was pretty awesome. that grab on rainbow cruise.. wtf?! lol but yeah, twas hyped. that and you vs mogo. that was cool lol, too bad we didnt record your 0 to death. i didnt even see it :(, oh well, do it again at pav!!

mogo: man you need to understand sarcasm lol. but otherwise sick job buddy! youvve improved quite a bit! i think you should drop roy however. focus more on sheik. youre sheik is actually quite good. maybe try fox? i like fox alot hehe. anyways, good job in dubs too. you and tiggs make a swell team! :)

tiggs: **** man! youre awesome. you improve steadily. you rest like a pro lol. if delfa doesnt wanna team at pav, i was thinking maybe we should? ponder it dude. lol weve done it once i beleive, at tgic, and we got 2nd! thats great lol. well see. anyways great tourney, you make tournies better dude! (so does everyone else too :)!!!)

R4: is this the name change? lol ive been calling you that from day 1, cause im too lazy to say 32 after. plus r4 is the coolest robot in starwars, cause hes red, and reds ma fav colour duude. ha anyways, man youre getting alot better, i really like your marth! its awesome. i didnt see you play much, and i dont even think we played once, but still great tourney!

spam: dude i dint see you get off on delfa, awe too bad. oh well, next time! ps dude get crip to come! but otherwise, you reek of testosterone. stop literally irl ****** mogo. lol.

ok and everybody else, you missed a sick day. so much **** and combos and hype and uhhh! it was awesome. come to paranormal activity 5 . its gonna be sick.

Paranormal Activity V
Paranormal Activity 5

i like the look of the red one lol. man im pumped

this ones gunna have:

Melee singles (of course)

Melee doubles (mhm)


(singles and doubles? singles for sure!)

and anyways, itll be just another fun day of awesome. hype!

k so since ive bbeen gone for a while i got alot of things to do so im done lol>

SAUX over and out!

come to pa5
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