Incoming long post, so I can elaborate on my decisions in the MU chart:
[My opinions obviously don't represent every Palutena, but these are from personal experience in the matches I've played against these characters]
In the matches I've played against


, and

, I could see it being 55-45 in their favor, In fact I would definitely feel comfortable saying 55-45 for ZSS, maybe even slightly more in her favor, but I don't think Palu has an extremely difficult time in these matchups. Sheik has an easy time wailing on Palutena early in a stock, but at higher percents it gets harder for her to combo / kill, whereas Palu is consistent through pretty much the whole fight. Although ZSS has some really good kill options, I think Palu can hold her own with her in neutral since ZSS's grounded options are mostly punishable. Mario can be scary throughout the stock since he has quick tilts and smashes, but I've never really found him overwhelming; our neutral game can pose a threat as well and we can certainly threaten him in the air.
As for

, I COULD maybe see it being 55-45, especially now that he's been indirectly buffed from the shield stun changes (I haven't fought many Yoshis post-1.1.1 though so most of my MU experience is from old Yoshi). He is tricky to fight but he relies a lot on eggs to start anything, which can be reflected or avoided. He can jump or hit you out of jab combos which is annoying, but I've always felt that this matchup was do-able?
Either I haven't fought enough

s (probably the case) or... he's kind of joke. You can just shield his spin dash approach and then jump and B-air him every time... also jab and fair (and pretty much anything really) beat him out of spin dash. His smashes can be punished. He's susceptible to juggling from N-airs and U-Airs because he has no good moves that hit below him.
We've discussed

for a while in this thread before, but I still think it's about 50-50. Falcon has a good ground game against her with dash attacks, dashing grabs, u-airs, and jabs (though we have grabs, jabs, and f-airs and b-airs, so it's not like we're completely out-played). His aerials are to be respected, but we pretty much beat him in the air. Our off-stage game is really good against him as well; he has a hard time spiking us since we have our U-air and Warp, meanwhile he can be gimped/ko'd/stage spiked by N-air when we're on the offensive. I actually love getting Falcons on FG because I think it's such an even MU. A lot of the time people will switch to Falcon to
counter my Palu, and then they rush in aggressively and don't realize that the MU isn't as one-sided as they think. Maybe I've just fought an unusual amount of Falcons though?

again I think is just dead even. Both characters pretty much fish for throws -> aerials, and both can reflect/absorb the other's projectile. Both characters have a killing B-throw, though his kills significantly earlier than ours. In general, Palutena outranges him, but his close-range attacks come out quicker. He has more grounded kill options, but we have more aerial / offstage kill options I think, and better recovery. (You can outright hit him out of PK Thunder, or you can go for a disrespectful Reflect to push him away and screw up his aim

) overall I feel like this all balances out.
I might just not have enough

experience, but I feel like this matchup is HARD. His sword completely outranges anything Palutena can do. B-air is an option, at least.
Not too sure about

but I've always had trouble with him, moreso than any of the other top tiers. I'd be comfortable saying he's on the same level as Fox, though.
Tbh I would have rated

higher, but I'm starting to have some hope for this matchup because like

he's actually much easier to gimp/ko off-stage than other characters in Palu's perspective. So while I would've rated those MUs something like 70-30 or even 80-20 in the past, I think they might actually be winnable (with a HUGE amount of work. they demolish Palu on-stage, so she has to work really hard to get them off)


: Honestly I don't have a ton of experience with these MUs, but I agree that Rosalina could be a little more than just 60-40. For Villager though I'm not sure.. like, yeah we can reflect most of their stuff but they've got tons of quick close-range options. They can still use projectiles for pressure regardless if you reflect them or not, and then abuse reflect's endlag to punish. BUT idk, I haven't faced a ton of Villagers
sorry this was so long!