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Overcoming for glory problems.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 14, 2016
Hawaii, Oahu
Switch FC
As you can see I am a marth main and in the past months I have grown stronger more than I ever thought I would. So I would play for glory but the big problem is that for some reason I get unbearably uneasy when playing for glory. So for my entire experience with ssb4 I couldn't enjoy the online 1v1 matches . But now is the time for me to overcome this trial. I would like any advice to help me get over this nervousness of mine. Thanks to anyone who post any solutions. This has been affecting my gameplay for the longest time online.
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Smash Lord
Sep 28, 2013
I also get really anxious whenever I play any type of online game, I always feel like people are judging me on the other side of the screen, even though it may not always be true. Eventually you will become more comfortable playing online the more you do it, but I can't guarantee it will go away completely. Everyone deals with stress differently.

Some temporary solutions include playing while someone else is in the room, listening to music, taking breaks in between matches, and just trying to have fun rather than trying to win. Even though prioritizing fun more than winning ruins the point of playing competitively, matches will feel a lot less stressful if you have that mentality.


Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
To be honest it's actually a pretty common issue for a lot of people.

I've seen a lot of posts just like this one and I even experienced it myself, and sometimes still do depending on the intensity of the match. Usually just playing online will help you overcome the nervousness of, well... Playing online. When I got Sm4sh when it launched I stayed away from For Glory, and its online modes in general because I felt like I wouldn't be good enough. I was nervous, and just thought I wouldn't stand a chance. When I actually attempted it I was very nervous and worried quite a lot. I couldn't help it really.

The more I played though, the easier it had became. Unless it's a severely intense match I don't get as nervous anymore because I continued to keep going for it. If you don't expose yourself to something that makes you nervous then you'll never really get over it...

So my advice would be to just go for it. It should get easier for you eventually. If it helps, try to get a friend to play 2V2s online with you.

Green Zelda

Smash Journeyman
Jan 26, 2016
I actually have the same problem, so around 3 days ago, I made a plan. Try it out! It goes like this:

At least once a day, go on for glory and stay on until you get a win. Once you do, you can either stay on or stop.
If you want to, go on for fun afterwards. Simply being around human players may help with your fear.

Most importantly, try not to take for glory too seriously, as this will mess up how you play, and ultimately lead to salt. I hope this helps! :)


This strength serves more than me alone.
Nov 15, 2015
South America
Actually, feeling a bit nervous is natural. Even I feel a bit nervous while playing, and I played thousands of matches on other MP games before. This is just your adrenaline levels going up: I assume that our bodies do this because, since it's expecting combat, your instincts pump adrenaline into your body so you're more physically fit for fighting, but obviously you don't need to physically hurt anybody in online games so adrenaline mostly only does you bad (makes you tremble, sweat and get salty far more easily).
Obviously you don't feel this while playing against bots because nothing of much value is being recorded and you don't have expectations from the other player, while sort of the opposite happens in FG, where you know some idiots use your FG stats to judge how good you are and some people feel like they're being judged by the other player.

Green Zelda

Smash Journeyman
Jan 26, 2016
Actually, feeling a bit nervous is natural. Even I feel a bit nervous while playing, and I played thousands of matches on other MP games before. This is just your adrenaline levels going up: I assume that our bodies do this because, since it's expecting combat, your instincts pump adrenaline into your body so you're more physically fit for fighting, but obviously you don't need to physically hurt anybody in online games so adrenaline mostly only does you bad (makes you tremble, sweat and get salty far more easily).
Sorry if this is a silly question, but is there a way to "train" your brain to get out of this mindset?


This strength serves more than me alone.
Nov 15, 2015
South America
Sorry if this is a silly question, but is there a way to "train" your brain to get out of this mindset?
You just need to learn to control it. Your adrenaline still does a few good things for you (It really sharpens your senses and reaction time, for example) so you probably only want to control the bad parts of it. If you play a lot and you play often, you might be able to get rid of the trembling and sweating - a lot of it comes from insecurity and anxiety as well.

Dark Phazon

Smash Hero
Dec 13, 2012
London, England
As you can see I am a marth main and in the past months I have grown stronger more than I ever thought I would. So I would play for glory but the big problem is that for some reason I get unbearably uneasy when playing for glory. So for my entire experience with ssb4 I couldn't enjoy the online 1v1 matches . But now is the time for me to overcome this trial. I would like any advice to help me get over this nervousness of mine. Thanks to anyone who post any solutions. This has been affecting my gameplay for the longest time online.
I have the same problem in real life but not in video games.

I would switch it around in a heartbeat if possible.

Its just a game dont take it to serious its Fir Glory after all it is what it is.

Majority of the time once you beat someone they become extremely salty anyway and pick a different char (projectile spam char) and do pretty much anything to win.

I have had some funny so called counter picks on FG the most common imo is people switch to either Link or Falcon when i beat them with Ganon.

I have had a few people switch to Little mac after i beat them with DDD...?

Imo when you try to win (play serious) i end up losing when im having fun listening to music while playing and just chilling back in general high of marijuana at the same time is when u go to work.

Look at this match for instance i had 2 nights ago when i was high asf listening to music.

This guy got really salty...its people becoming salty imo is the main problem on FG..

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Smash Apprentice
Feb 26, 2016
When you're nervous, just play some kind of comforting youtube video/ music in the background while playing. Helps remind you that what you're doing is really no-stakes (albeit raising your electricity bill a bit). Also keep in mind losing in FG doesn't mean very much. A character like Marth doesn't prefer Final Destination and instead likes Smashville or Battlefield or Dreamland (I assume). Plus lag will be a significant determining factor in how you play. Opponent rolls a lot? Relatively easy to pick up on and punish in real life (unless they're Diddy or Mac :mad:), but online punishing rolls is hard because of lag.
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Smash Apprentice
Jan 22, 2016
I get nervous usually when facing Anthers or attending Tournaments but not on For Glory

It made me **** up several times on Anthers

First Tournament I only won one match and the next one I got eliminated

My Second Tournament I made it 4th place

Just playing Online and getting used to my opponent calms me naturally so thats what you really need to do in order to overcome it
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