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One of Many {R.M.T}


Smash Apprentice
Nov 20, 2007
Newark, NJ

So I find myself being bored of using my same old team (even if it was only a couple of days old) and I decide to make a new one. This team seems pretty straight forward and has been doing reasonably well on shoddy unless it gets Haxed badly or I just played stupidly. This team isnt very "Cookie Cutter" like my usual teams because people tend to b*itch about my SkarmCressBliss with Swampert on the side lol. They call that "cheap" >_>. So if this team doesnt seem to its fullest potential its because I tried to stay away from the "Cheap" pokemon. All help is appreciated and please, I mean please dont say stupid things like Specsmence > DDMence or OMFG U USE BLISS NOOB... $hit like that piss me off, I'm already trying to deal with Shoddy idiots so dont make my case worse =].

So there it goes, try to go easy on me ^_ ^ :

Salamence @ Focus Sash
Naughty (+ Att - SpDef)
~ Dragon Dance
~ Dragon Claw
~ Earthquake
~ Fire Blast

Mence is of course in this team since hes my fave pokemon ^_ ^. For some reason, even if I start with him, he doesnt come into play until late game unless I see an opening and I try to capitalize early. 144 speed EVs allows him to reach to 408 speed after one dragon dance thus outspeeding CBweavile, Starmie, Gengar, unscarfed Garchomp, unscarfed Azelf, ScarfCross and many pokemon running exactly 405 speed in order to outspeed to ever so scary Choice Scarf Heracross. I decided on Focus Sash as my item because it pretty much guarantees me a free DD against no ice shard Weaviles. Sash is especially good against Bliss that usually comes in to counter Specsmence, in case that happens I pretty much get 2 free DDs because it will Ice beam. I also considered running Lum Berry due to t-wave, W-o-W and other status but I decided agaisnt it. Oh and I almost forgot, Fire Blass says hello to skarm, Forry and Tangrowth that are trying to wall him =].

Spiritomb @ Life Orb
Careful (+ SpDef - SpAtt)
EVS: 252Hp/144Att/112SpDef
~ Will o Wisp
~ Pain Split
~ Sucker Punch
~ Pursuit

Now the first thing you notice is Both Pursuit and Sucker Punch and youre like WTF??? well this is the exact reason I run both of them. No one expects both. I love the fact after my opponent sees Sucker Punch they automatically assume that my other move is Taunt and tries to switch out, well guess what? Pursuit sends its regards. Tn my opinion this is the ultimate Gengar, Starmie, Azelf and Alakazam counter after they already saw Sucker Punch. their first thought is to pick up their special attacking skirts from the floor and run like they have a mad pursuiter behind them, bad news for them is that theyre right, Pursuit OHKOs all of them. Life Orb for the Extra Damage and Pain Split to say F*ck You to Bliss =].

Forretress @ Leftovers
Impish (+ Def - SpAtt)
EVs: 252Hp/6Att/252Def
~ Stealth Rock
~ Earthquake
~ Rapid Spin
~ Explosion

Pretty standard Forry =]

Tangrowth @ Leftovers
Impish (+ Def - SpAtt)
Leaf Guard
EVs: 252Hp/6Att/252Def
~ Leech Seed
~ Sleep Powder
~ Knock Off
~ Power Whip

This brain looking SOB is cool. Knocks off is a pretty good move with him, it scouts for different sets due to knocked off items, screws bliss and walls by taking their lefties away, LOLs at scarfers on the switch and pwns Switcharoo Lopunnys ^_ ^. Sleep Powder sleeps incoming annoyances and shows how strong his vines are with Power Whip. I might consider Protect for wxtra lefties recovery and Leech Seed draining.

Heatran @ Choice Scarf
Naive (+ Spd - SpDef)
Flash Fire
EVs: 32Att/252Spatt/226Spd
~ Overheat
~ Earth Power
~ Hidden Power [Electric]
~ Explosion

I <3 this guy. He takes care of enemy Skarm and non scarfed Heatrans. The main reason I added him to this team though is because both Forry and Tangrowth dont like fire very much. HP Electric > Dragon Pulse because people love switching in Starmie, Milotic, Vaporeon and Slowbro on him. Explosion is the for that fat b*tch of course and special walling Cresselia.

Blissey @ Leftovers
Bold (+ Def - Att)
Natural Cure
EVs: 252Hp/252Def/6SpDef
~ Counter
~ Protect
~ Wish
~ Toxic / Shadow Ball / Aromatherapy / Thunder Wave

CounterBliss FTW!!! I love when someone uses U-Turn on thing because whatever that switches in get SMACKED and very often killed. Wish over Softboiled to help out its teammates. Protect kills four birds with one stone: more lefties recovery, lets wish activate, scout for attacks suck as explosions and helps toxic drain for an extra turn. If ghost become a problem for this, I will switch in Shadow Ball to solve that problem, but I might also consider some more support moves like Aromatherapy or t-wave.

There you go, thats my team for now. Pretty solid imo and can take pretty much any team except Baton Pass teams due to lack of Phazing, but every one that comes to mind for that are "CHEAP" so whatever, it'll stay like that until BP teams start tearing me up.

Threats to this team:
Breloom - IMO the cheapest pokemon along wih Togekiss, sh*it is just annoying to any team
Togekiss - Same reason as above
Swampert - Besides Counter from Bliss killing it stalling it for the kill with WoW or toxic is pretty much my only way to deal with it.
Scarf Garchomp - Because Outrages hurt like a b*tch especially with shoddy an its love for CH hax.
THUNDER WAVE - OMFGLJBBQ this move is so GAYYYYYYY, on shoddy if youre paralized, youre F*ucked. 4 turn fully paralized pretty much means you lose point blank.

Try to help me counter this list...thanx ^_ ^


crystal skies
Jan 20, 2007
I'm glad you're using ddmence. I don't understand why everyone is starting to use specsmence.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 20, 2007
Newark, NJ
Well, SpecsMence is pretty scary. everything not named Blissey cant switch in freely. so anything else about the team?


Smash Apprentice
Nov 20, 2007
Newark, NJ
I think that there should be a Paralyze Clause...$hit is irritating =/. and thank you for the rate

Wii4Mii 99

Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2007

So I find myself being bored of using my same old team (even if it was only a couple of days old) and I decide to make a new one. This team seems pretty straight forward and has been doing reasonably well on shoddy unless it gets Haxed badly or I just played stupidly. This team isnt very "Cookie Cutter" like my usual teams because people tend to b*itch about my SkarmCressBliss with Swampert on the side lol. They call that "cheap" >_>. So if this team doesnt seem to its fullest potential its because I tried to stay away from the "Cheap" pokemon. All help is appreciated and please, I mean please dont say stupid things like Specsmence > DDMence or OMFG U USE BLISS NOOB... $hit like that piss me off, I'm already trying to deal with Shoddy idiots so dont make my case worse =].

I don't even go on Shoddy anymore. EVERYONE is using Obi's stall team, and he recently posted a decent Baton Pass team, which are a pain to take down...

So there it goes, try to go easy on me ^_ ^ :

Salamence @ Focus Sash
Naughty (+ Att - SpDef)
~ Dragon Dance
~ Dragon Claw
~ Earthquake
~ Fire Blast

Mence is of course in this team since hes my fave pokemon ^_ ^. For some reason, even if I start with him, he doesnt come into play until late game unless I see an opening and I try to capitalize early. 144 speed EVs allows him to reach to 408 speed after one dragon dance thus outspeeding CBweavile, Starmie, Gengar, unscarfed Garchomp, unscarfed Azelf, ScarfCross and many pokemon running exactly 405 speed in order to outspeed to ever so scary Choice Scarf Heracross. I decided on Focus Sash as my item because it pretty much guarantees me a free DD against no ice shard Weaviles. Sash is especially good against Bliss that usually comes in to counter Specsmence, in case that happens I pretty much get 2 free DDs because it will Ice beam. I also considered running Lum Berry due to t-wave, W-o-W and other status but I decided agaisnt it. Oh and I almost forgot, Fire Blass says hello to skarm, Forry and Tangrowth that are trying to wall him =].

Good. SpecsMence can die in h311.

Spiritomb @ Life Orb
Careful (+ SpDef - SpAtt)
EVS: 252Hp/144Att/112SpDef
~ Will o Wisp
~ Pain Split
~ Sucker Punch
~ Pursuit

Now the first thing you notice is Both Pursuit and Sucker Punch and youre like WTF??? well this is the exact reason I run both of them. No one expects both. I love the fact after my opponent sees Sucker Punch they automatically assume that my other move is Taunt and tries to switch out, well guess what? Pursuit sends its regards. Tn my opinion this is the ultimate Gengar, Starmie, Azelf and Alakazam counter after they already saw Sucker Punch. their first thought is to pick up their special attacking skirts from the floor and run like they have a mad pursuiter behind them, bad news for them is that theyre right, Pursuit OHKOs all of them. Life Orb for the Extra Damage and Pain Split to say F*ck You to Bliss =].

I have no idea how a Pokemon with 35 base Speed... No... A TOMB, for that matter, can pursuit something...

Forretress @ Leftovers
Impish (+ Def - SpAtt)
EVs: 252Hp/6Att/252Def
~ Stealth Rock
~ Toxic Spikes
~ Rapid Spin
~ Explosion

Pretty standard Forry except with Toxic Spikes over Earthquake.

Heracross might give this team some trouble if its Gutsed.

Tangrowth @ Leftovers
Impish (+ Def - SpAtt)
Leaf Guard
EVs: 252Hp/6Att/252Def
~ Leech Seed
~ Sleep Powder
~ Knock Off
~ Power Whip

This brain looking SOB is cool. Knocks off is a pretty good move with him, it scouts for different sets due to knocked off items, screws bliss and walls by taking their lefties away, LOLs at scarfers on the switch and pwns Switcharoo Lopunnys ^_ ^. Sleep Powder sleeps incoming annoyances and shows how strong his vines are with Power Whip. I might consider Protect for wxtra lefties recovery and Leech Seed draining.

I <3 Mojo...

Heatran @ Choice Scarf
Naive (+ Spd - SpDef)
Flash Fire
EVs: 32Att/252Spatt/226Spd
~ Overheat
~ Earth Power
~ Hidden Power [Electric]
~ Explosion

I <3 this guy. He takes care of enemy Skarm and non scarfed Heatrans. The main reason I added him to this team though is because both Forry and Tangrowth dont like fire very much. HP Electric > Dragon Pulse because people love switching in Starmie, Milotic, Vaporeon and Slowbro on him. Explosion is the for that fat b*tch of course and special walling Cresselia.


Blissey @ Leftovers
Bold (+ Def - Att)
Natural Cure
EVs: 252Hp/252Def/6SpDef
~ Counter
~ Protect
~ Wish
~ Toxic / Shadow Ball / Aromatherapy / Thunder Wave

CounterBliss FTW!!! I love when someone uses U-Turn on thing because whatever that switches in get SMACKED and very often killed. Wish over Softboiled to help out its teammates. Protect kills four birds with one stone: more lefties recovery, lets wish activate, scout for attacks suck as explosions and helps toxic drain for an extra turn. If ghost become a problem for this, I will switch in Shadow Ball to solve that problem, but I might also consider some more support moves like Aromatherapy or t-wave.


There you go, thats my team for now. Pretty solid imo and can take pretty much any team except Baton Pass teams due to lack of Phazing, but every one that comes to mind for that are "CHEAP" so whatever, it'll stay like that until BP teams start tearing me up.

Threats to this team:
Breloom - IMO the cheapest pokemon along wih Togekiss, sh*it is just annoying to any team
Togekiss - Same reason as above
Swampert - Besides Counter from Bliss killing it stalling it for the kill with WoW or toxic is pretty much my only way to deal with it.
Scarf Garchomp - Because Outrages hurt like a b*tch especially with shoddy an its love for CH hax.
THUNDER WAVE - OMFGLJBBQ this move is so GAYYYYYYY, on shoddy if youre paralized, youre F*ucked. 4 turn fully paralized pretty much means you lose point blank.

Try to help me counter this list...thanx ^_ ^
I might have a way for you to handle Breloom... Get it Will-O-Wisped by Spiritomb. Then, use Salamence to take Seed Bombs and Spiritomb to take Focus Punchs (Or Tangrowth for Stone Edge). Will-O-Wisp will lower it's Attack, as will Salamence's Intimidate, while it gets hurt by burn an occasionally by you. Just make sure it's burned before it's Toxic Orb activates.

I should make the gayest team ever... I team that has Breloom, Togekiss, Blissey, Skarmory, Cresselia, and... Swampert. It wouldn't have much offense, but that's not the team's job. It's job is to annoy the opponent so much that they forfeit. :grin:

Until wii meet again,
Wii4Mii 99


Smash Apprentice
Nov 20, 2007
Newark, NJ
I might have a way for you to handle Breloom... Get it Will-O-Wisped by Spiritomb. Then, use Salamence to take Seed Bombs and Spiritomb to take Focus Punchs (Or Tangrowth for Stone Edge). Will-O-Wisp will lower it's Attack, as will Salamence's Intimidate, while it gets hurt by burn an occasionally by you. Just make sure it's burned before it's Toxic Orb activates.

That was my original plan but sub beats Wow and spore Lols at me also. My only way of dealing with it is sacrificing Heatran or Salamence so the other one can come in for the kill or at least scare his mushroom *** back to Peach herself.

I should make the gayest team ever... I team that has Breloom, Togekiss, Blissey, Skarmory, Cresselia, and... Swampert. It wouldn't have much offense, but that's not the team's job. It's job is to annoy the opponent so much that they forfeit. :grin:

If I ever had to face this team I think I would Kill myself LMAO unless I used a DDDos with Taunt, DD, Waterfall and fire blast lol, holding a life orb

Until wii meet again,
Wii4Mii 99
=p anything else?...I think i might give this a spin for a little longer until it starts to bore me. and as for Obi, I hate him, just because he makes teams so noobs can clone and terribly use it online.

EDIT: Forry now has EQ over Toxic Spikes due to lack of offense and having no way to hurt starmies and other spinners
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