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Olimar's worst matchup...


Smash Rookie
Mar 18, 2008
Is Wolf.

[/brag]I play a **** good Olimar[/endbrag] and I can take down almost anyone. Ness and his PK Fire crap? Easy. Zelda and her Din's fire + sweet spot Fair and Bair's? Simple. But... there's one freakshow I just cannot come up with a good strategy for... and that's Wolf.

Wolf only needs to Laser spam and do his Fsmash. He literally cuts right through the pikmin. Usually, Olimar can grab or smash someone right out of an attack, or at least neutralize them so you can do a followup move... but Wolf goes right through the pikmin and hits Olimar.

I was trying to use my neutral air to combat it, but that didn't do much. You also can't come in for an Fair to Wolf because he'll just shield > throw >Fsmash or some other various air tech.

Ugh, any ideas? x_x


Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2008
Switch FC
I recently participated in a Super Smash Bros Brawl tournament at my college. It was sponsored by Red Bull. :) Anyways, I made it to the final match and LOST against a PIKACHU. :( I ended up in 2nd place. :(

I don't think Pikachu is really a 'counter' or anything to Olimar. All around, I believe Pikachu is quite a good character against anyone. Pikachu is fast and powerful at the same time, and I believe my loss was simply a lack of experience playing against Pikachu's.

I agree, though. Wolf is tough. So far, Wolf is the only match-up that makes me truly appreciate Olimar's up-tilt and down-tilt attacks.

EDIT: Oh, I didn't realize that you were asking for advice. Okay, against Wolf, Pikmin seem less effective. You're right - Wolf's attacks cut right through Pikmin. That's why I suggest utilizing Olimar, HIMSELF, against Wolf more often. Unlike Pikmin, Olimar's tilt attacks are very solid. You will be sacrificing Olimar's great range, but it seems only necessary to defeat Wolf. Use Olimar's down-tilt to worm under Wolf's lasers. When you are near enough, grab him. You can grab straight out of the crouching position. Or, you can worm towards him with the down-tilts, and then up-tilt when you are close to him. He will most likely forward-smash into you, and Olimar's up-tilt has higher priority than Wolf's forward-smash. If timed correctly, your up-tilt animation will completely cancel out Wolf's forward-smash, AND you will catch Wolf in your twirl and damage him.

Just remember: Olimar's up-tilts and down-tilts are great against Wolf. Use them generously.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 21, 2007
Falco is really a pain in the *** for Olimar, in my humble opinion. Fox as well, but Falco hurts my feelings more than a Fox does.

He can easily kick back the Pikmin with his down B, so they attack their master (read as: you). He can easily get rid of the Pikmin that are hooked on him and can evade getting ***** in the face by one by B-left or right. I could go on, but I'm too laisy.


Smash Cadet
Mar 14, 2008
Eastern N. C.
I agree with what everyone else has posted, and I'd like to add my 2 cents to tough Oli matchups. For me it has been. . .

Ice Climbers

Yes, good ol' ****** kids. It's probably from a lack of experience from fighting IC (I have a lot of experience against Pikas and Spacies) but I found that I had a HELL of a time fighting these guys. My Oli strategy remains relatively straightforward for most fights but I found myself really having to reinvent my tactics when fighting IC.

Mainly because the ice blocks and ForwardB spin move, he spammed the crap out of these two moves and I needed every ounce of my shield to be able to square off with him. Also, his Uair is godly good and his overall smash range is good as well. The IC really control their space well, kind of like a Pikachu.

The only thing I had going for me in this fight was to sneak in a Dsmash to split IC up and try to gimp Nana, Popo, or both. My Dair attack (which I use often) became obsolete due to IC smashes and Uair.

The toughest fight my Oli has had thus far.


Apr 10, 2008
Lol, i found olimar as a great counter against ic for a couple reasons. i had the opposite reaction u did sikarios. tho the f-b did get annoying. it's easy to edgeguard them because u just have to aim your pikmen at nana. your grabs do become useless, but they CAN be used to take away nana from the fight. it's easy to use f-b to hit nana and make it more of a 1v1 fight where u'll excell

The only thing I had going for me in this fight was to sneak in a Dsmash to split IC up and try to gimp Nana, Popo, or both. My Dair attack (which I use often) became obsolete due to IC smashes and Uair.
i do agree that his up aerial is hard to counter. And the something i had to do was d-b to block then attack from the side of him w/ a foward aerial. as for ic ice blocks u mentioned, i didn't have much a a prob against that because i can just throw the pikmen then dodge the ice blocks. The d-s was VERY effective from my standpoint to break them up and started some nice combos to kill nana.:p


Smash Cadet
Mar 10, 2008
Tracy CA
I recently participated in a Super Smash Bros Brawl tournament at my college. It was sponsored by Red Bull. :) Anyways, I made it to the final match and LOST against a PIKACHU. :( I ended up in 2nd place. :(

I don't think Pikachu is really a 'counter' or anything to Olimar. All around, I believe Pikachu is quite a good character against anyone. Pikachu is fast and powerful at the same time, and I believe my loss was simply a lack of experience playing against Pikachu's.

I agree, though. Wolf is tough. So far, Wolf is the only match-up that makes me truly appreciate Olimar's up-tilt and down-tilt attacks.

EDIT: Oh, I didn't realize that you were asking for advice. Okay, against Wolf, Pikmin seem less effective. You're right - Wolf's attacks cut right through Pikmin. That's why I suggest utilizing Olimar, HIMSELF, against Wolf more often. Unlike Pikmin, Olimar's tilt attacks are very solid. You will be sacrificing Olimar's great range, but it seems only necessary to defeat Wolf. Use Olimar's down-tilt to worm under Wolf's lasers. When you are near enough, grab him. You can grab straight out of the crouching position. Or, you can worm towards him with the down-tilts, and then up-tilt when you are close to him. He will most likely forward-smash into you, and Olimar's up-tilt has higher priority than Wolf's forward-smash. If timed correctly, your up-tilt animation will completely cancel out Wolf's forward-smash, AND you will catch Wolf in your twirl and damage him.

Just remember: Olimar's up-tilts and down-tilts are great against Wolf. Use them generously.
AGREED, i use more olimar then pikmin against the space animals. as 4 me i hate fighting meta knights, i'm not gona say there the worse match-up seeing as i usually beat em but they just make me nervous. stupid wannabe zoros


Smash Champion
Jan 4, 2008
Lake Oswego, OR
I have the most trouble against Zeldas (guilty of getting beat by Eldin's Fire ;_; ) and T0mmy's ROB. Then after that, I'd say MK and Wolf. Wolf is someone you have to out smart, even though Wolf takes no smarts to be able to use in a general sense, but you have to predict everything.


Smash Cadet
Jan 4, 2008
without a doubt MK is the best for countering olimar, hes so fast and tornado eats pikmin for lunch he gives me headaches

blue cheez

Smash Cadet
Jan 12, 2007
dude....i guess none of you play any good marths?!?

my friend and I are pretty evenly matched except his marth vs my olimar, then its usually ****

he's 3-stocked me with like 20%, i have to focus super-hard to have an even match vs. him, and even then he usually wins. Marth's FB + Fair is EXTREMEMLY hard to counter, and I think marth is a much harder matchup against wolf. You just need to use different moves w/ wolf, while for marth you have to change your strategy and pray, lol.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2008
Just ask!
I`d have to say Sonic`s annoying dashing+A attack and all his specials are the things I can`t get around.
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