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Olimar pwned me.... HELP!


Smash Apprentice
Sep 3, 2006
Coolidge, Arizona
Me and my buddy were brawling last night when out of nowhere he picks Olimar and kicks my arse. now i'm no n00b I played a tourney-worthy samus in melee and i can say i'm fairly proficient in brawl, but this dude two stocked me in a three stock match with a character he's never played. Any reason as to why? Also i tried other characters and still lost. Tell mee how to beat him please.........:confused:


Smash Cadet
Jun 7, 2007
Mty, Mexico
You can't, he's simply awesome :p. Lol jk, well im no pro player but I think that to beat olimar you need to keep the pressure on him, his pikmin (if they grab you) damage you until u attack and kill them, or until they fall (not sure how much time they stay on you..:ohwell:) making you have either 2 options, to attack and kill the pikmin, in which case Olimar can go in for a grab or something, or leave it there until the next opportunity to kill it without getting punished, in which case they still do damage.. Its a win/win situation... for Olimar of course :laugh: . Keep pressure on him, and wathcout for his incredibly ranged attacks, once his off the stage simpli gimp his recovery (by grabbing the edge) and he's done..:)


Smash Apprentice
Sep 3, 2006
Coolidge, Arizona
i guess the problem is i play a samus so my main strategy is distance. Looks like i'll have a counter-pick. thanks man. I just couldn't believe he whooped me so badly with a character he's never played


Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2008
Switch FC
I think the main reason why you lost to your friend is because of the surprise factor. An Olimar fighting another Olimar is an extremely strange situation. It almost doesn't feel like Super Smash Bros Brawl anymore, but rather a completely separate game.

There are two major ways to defeating another Olimar. One, you can play defensively and out-annoy your opponent by utilizing Olimar's Pikmin Throw more effectively than your opponent. Usually, these types of battles will last a very long time.

Two, you can play very aggressively and use a lot of Forward-Air attacks. This can be really nice because, when someone is running towards Olimar, the natural reaction of an Olimar user is to punish by using a smash attack or grab. By running at your opponent and performing a short-hopped forward air attack, you are avoiding both of those punishes, and your forward-air will most likely connect. As someone already mentioned, it is a good idea to pressure your Olimar opponent.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 3, 2006
Coolidge, Arizona
yeah i'm gonna have to get a better short hop game. it just through me for a loop. I need to beat him next time we brawl. It was an embarrassment.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 26, 2007
Odds are its a play style difference you unaccustomed to. As samus, you had fairly good range in SSBM, and you potentially played a camping oriented style making them approach. Tournament worthy is a wording that makes me wonder if it was good enough, but you never went to tournaments. If that was the case you may never have had to deal with a good marth, a character that can out range (not projectile but out range) samus. Like marth before, olimar has a move set built around the strength of range, he is able to hit you before your close enough to hit him theory. What this requires from opponents is adapting and developing ways to win like others have mentioned, either staying far away from either players range using projectiles/camping. Or you have to figure out clever effective ways of moving inside of olimars range to your own range, and connecting with a move. I was a marth first in SSBM, but as i picked up a couple other characters I faced the same issue, I was not used to having to figure out how to get inside the range of another character and safely reach my own shorter range to land moves.

Thats a lot of theory and development that i'm sure if my guesses are correct you'll want to learn, if nothing else for the future you'll better understand characters with less range than you and how they move in. If this isn't the case sorry to waste that time, i'm sure it helped someone though. Rather than ramble on about more style theory though, a few quick hard tidbits to put the pressure on olimar to adapt are these.

Approach diagonally, its not the easiest way for many characters, but UpB is not a natural choice for nearly any olimar, and is actually one of the most punishable moves when used incorrectly, so make your opponent try and use it, its the only easy answer to being approached diagonally.

Learn the hitboxes. Pikmin are sorta weird, and can throw people off. However they are a lot like Falco's reflector. Just cause it looks like its still there and a hitbox, doesn't mean it is. For instance pikmin don't grab on their way back to Olimar, only on the way out. Also learn the timing of FSmash, they are still live hitboxes as they fall, creating a somewhat weird drawn out almost pause in the hitbox, you don't wanna charge in too soon after it, but know when in the fall they are no longer able to hurt you. Its not easy, but focus on olimar not the pikmin, see when the lag is. Its far to easy to focus on the pikmin coming at you, which effectively distracts you from Olimar and what he can or cannot do.

Lean to gimp the recovery. With everyone getting used to Brawl and its changes, ledge guarding is changing and evolving, but most importantly different. However, a very SSBM like style can hurt olimar considerably by simply grabbing that ledge asap. Learn to look for it, learn to create opportunities for it, learn to abuse it.

Notice the pikmin colors he has. No blue? don't be afraid of grabs as much. A lot of purple? Realize his range is going to be shorter than normal. I'm not saying you have to memorize the order and strengths of all the pikmin to play against him, but being aware of it can seriously help.

Find priority. Olimar doesn't do well against it, and while many of his moves offer a solid priority, once you find attacks that can punch through pikmin, use them. I'm personally not familiar with samus or what moves can do this, but I don't doubt they exist. This requires Olimar to change things up, have better timing, or in some cases use less common and less strong moves in response.

That should be more than enough info to sufficiently overwhelm you for now. If you manage to employ all of those tactics and your still losing miserably, your friend has simply gotten very good with olimar, I'd love to see it and hear about it, even if it is working with you on how to overcome it. Good luck,



Smash Apprentice
Sep 3, 2006
Coolidge, Arizona
Friend words cannot express my gratitude. I did go to tournaments as my samus and did fairly well. When playing against Hugs and Forward and Taj i think fairly well is defined as not getting three stocked but thats just my opinion. lol. thanks a million man i will commit this to memory and he will know my fury! thanks again!


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2005
Are you still playing as Samus in Brawl? Do you intend to keep playing her, or would you learn other characters too?


Smash Apprentice
Sep 3, 2006
Coolidge, Arizona
i still plan to main her yes. I'm looking at lucario and ness as possible 2nd characters. also TL. I was exclusively Samus at tourneys because i didn't take the time to learn other characters and that really hurt me against Marths and Sheiks, so yeah i'll be maining others


Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2008
Switch FC
OH, I'm sorry, I was a bit confused. I thought you were an Olimar user, and you were having troubles with ANOTHER Olimar. I thought it was an Olimar vs. Olimar situation. Sorry about that. :)


Smash Cadet
Apr 5, 2006
Berkeley, CA
Olimar likes to punish people, but he has difficulty (in my experience and based on my knowledge of his moveset) dealing with moves that are difficult to punish due to spacing or speed. SH grapple tends to hurt me for a while against Samus, at least until I can figure out how to counter based on the other player.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 12, 2008
it's the simple fact he used a character you usually never face against. that's the only way i can beat my older brother, playing a character i normally never use. if i use a character that he's already fought often, i always lose.

if he uses olimar more often, you'll get used to it. when someone pulls the surprise card, play defensively for awhile


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2007
Pretty much everything that people have said here is correct. However, you may also want to post this thread in the Samus section. Odds are, a Samus has played AGAINST more Olimars than we have. While we know our own weaknesses, they know Olimar's weaknesses to Samus in particular a little better.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2007
Lansing, MI
Me and my buddy were brawling last night when out of nowhere he picks Olimar and kicks my arse. now i'm no n00b I played a tourney-worthy samus in melee and i can say i'm fairly proficient in brawl, but this dude two stocked me in a three stock match with a character he's never played. Any reason as to why? Also i tried other characters and still lost. Tell mee how to beat him please.........:confused:
Keep the pressure on him and just stay on the ledge when you knock him off.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 3, 2006
Coolidge, Arizona
Thanks for all the advice I'll put it to use soon. the edge gimping is a good tactic but if i cant get close enough to hit him gimping his recovery is 4 steps ahead. I think i will post this in the Samus section. thx again
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