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Olimar mindgames


Smash Master
Apr 10, 2002
Santa Clarita
So yeah everybody is getting all panicky about Olimar's metagame halting and the boards being slow blah blah blah, oh who gives a ****, shut up, it's not a big deal.

Anyways, I figured I'd share with you some of the latest stuff I've been working on (we are all working on something, whether it be the basics, trying to discover new ATs, or something else, right?) and I figure that since I see nothing else about it/nobody else doing it thatd it'd be useful so everybody would stop crying over lack of new olimar ATs.


I'm gonna rehash a lot of stuff from my grab release topic, because I personally feel it's more useful than anyone has realized. If someone wants to find that topic, go ahead, I'm just gonna reiterate some things from it here:

when you grab release somebody, you have a handful of options. If they jump away from you, you pretty much have no options. thankfully, people are too stupid to know that. More often than not, once you release somebody, you can just immediately grab again. after this second grab, your opponent will probably roll away. predict it, and run forward immediately, and grab. I do this all the time, and it's good for when I have a blue or purple deep in my line that I want to bring forward.

sometimes they will roll towards you, in which case charge a downsmash. sometimes they will attack, in which case shield, then grab. it's up to you to know what certain characters have the ability to do, but more importantly you should learn how your opponent is going to react.

an other thing I really like doing is running past my opponent and pivot grabbing. this is perfect for when I have a blue at the top of my line and somebody is close to the edge and I want to get to the other side of them. I'll try to get in close, and then when I feel they are going to spot dodge, I simply run right past them and pivot grab. it has its risks if they predict it, but this has worked wonders for me many times.

try Fb-Fair. Works nicely with purple pikmin. a lot of the time, your opponent will dodge the tossed pikmin, but olimar can follow up with a fair really, really fast, so its nice.

heres one I never see: when you are hit in the air, WHISTLE SPAM. seriously, why not? most people by now know that the whistle gives olimar super armor frames. are they really gonna want to try to time an attack to hit you between super armor frames? and what else is olimar gonna do, air dodge? whistle is as good if not better than air dodging. olimar probably isn't gonna try to attack, his aerial priority sucks. might as well spam whistle and DI safely back to the ground. and if they do choose to attack you, then so be it. you get super armor frames, and then you punish accordingly.

in case you haven't detected the pattern already, a lot of this stuff depends on predicting your opponent. I think this is a really good thing to focus on, as Olimar has a variety of ways to punish people for mistakes, but only if he has the ability to lure them into that mistake in the first place.

yeah i hope i gave you all something to do. list some cool stuff you do on here i need ideas.


Smash Lord
Sep 3, 2007
heres one I never see: when you are hit in the air, WHISTLE SPAM. seriously, why not? most people by now know that the whistle gives olimar super armor frames. are they really gonna want to try to time an attack to hit you between super armor frames? and what else is olimar gonna do, air dodge? whistle is as good if not better than air dodging. olimar probably isn't gonna try to attack, his aerial priority sucks. might as well spam whistle and DI safely back to the ground. and if they do choose to attack you, then so be it. you get super armor frames, and then you punish accordingly.
I agree with most of your post, but this is a little strange. I like to whistle spam... it is definately a safe way to get back to the ground. However, you said that he has awful aerial priority. Nair? Doesn't it have super-uber priority? Its not as safe as whistle spam in most cases, but it does have a whole lot of prority.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
aerial priority does not exist! but olimar may be an exception cause his pikmin, but nair goes through a lot because it is a multihitter so only certain parts clank while the rest continue and hit

ledge mindgames on japes and corneria ftw :D
i can get around japes so fast it's not even funny, it's like i'm falco :o


Smash Lord
Nov 7, 2007
San Diego, CA
Nair, uair and utilt have really good priority. Everything else?... >>

I've seen personally:

falcon nair > purple dair sweetspot
Ness jab > red fsmash
Zelda dsmash > yellow fsmash
Diddy Kong dash attack > both pikmin from dsmash



Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
nxt to Dphat wit all dem azn biches
Meh, I don't spam the whistle... there's always the option of just learning how to time your whistle? or aerial dodge. Personally I like the whistle better in some situations, I just need to get better at attacking out of it instead of just taking unneeded damage. Whistle spamming is a great tactic if you are just learning to whistle though ;) :D

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