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Olimar, Ike's natural enemy?


Smash Cadet
Jul 22, 2007
Los Angeles, California
Ok, so I consider myself a decent Ike. I've been able to match up well with any character I face off against... except Olimar. I honestly think against a good olimar, such as my brother, Ike has no chance. Let me explain:

1. The grand viper is probably the best approach to use, right? Well, with Olimar's pikmin being thrown at you constantly, Ike's side B is shut down because the attack will usually hit a pikmin, causing you to stop and stand open for punishment.

2. A short hopped nair or fair approach doesn't seem to work well either. As I close distance to attempt the short hop, I'm being bombarded with pikmin, and when I finally get up close to fair or nair, the attack is immediately shielded. Olimar usually follows up with a grab considering his huge grab distance.

3. Defense is pretty much out of the question. Olimar's have no reason to be offensive because they can just stay at a distance and launch pikmin at you, landing one on you every so often.

Does anyone know a solution to beating an Olimar? I can't seem to find a weakness at all.


Smash Rookie
Mar 22, 2008
I haven't actually had too much trouble playing against Olimar so far...

The throwing of the pikmin can be side stepped or sheilded and he eventually runs out of ammo because he is limited to six pikmin. When that happens get close and bang out as much damage as possible while he tries to pull up pikmin. The trick is constant pressure. Make him spend as much time as possible trying to restock pikmin. When ever he starts throwing them at you again, resume dodging them.


Smash Cadet
Mar 17, 2008
in the Cookie Jar!!!
In my opinion, go for the aerial moves. Just get above him, and pull out your aether, eruption, or dair. his throwing of the pikmin shouldn't be a problem then. Also once you do send him off the stage, edge hog. his up b is practically worthless then..


Smash Journeyman
Dec 2, 2007
New York
I don't think Olimar is like, some sort of a counter for Ike but I do know fighting Olimars is very unfun with Ike.

phat magik

Smash Rookie
Mar 11, 2008
I ran into this problem last night and fighting Olimar is probably the most boring, annoying fight for Ike.

Like Daft said, I recommend constant pressure and if you can, try baiting them into attacking you. Biggest thing comes to the fact that when you DO get close, you need to pound him out and keep pressure on him so he can't get back to tossing and restocking.


Smash Ace
Mar 12, 2006
Pembroke, Ontario, Canada
Actually, one of the best things you can do is keep pressuring with aerials, because the Pikmin fall off you if they get hurt.

But, his Up-B does stop aerial attacks, learning to airdodge is important.

Essentially, approaching him is very hard. BUT when you do, he's easy to knock off, and kill him. Thats how he is designed (in my opinion).

He's one of your tougher fights, thats for sure!

colored blind

Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2008
Purdue/West Lafayette
Sidestep and dodge. Keep the pressure on Olimar, and don't let him keep control of the stage for too long. Approach him by sidestepping his Pikmin throws, or use a well timed Nair/RARed Bair. I play as both Olimar and Ike quite often, and I know that one of the most frustrating things that can happen to an Olimar player is losing stage/ground control. Once he's in the air, use that giant sword you have to keep him there, because then you have the range advantage that his Pikmin's Smashes normally have on the ground.


Smash Cadet
Oct 30, 2007
State College
The only thing I have to add is be careful approaching from above. His Up Smash and U-air are both difficult to get around (having disjointed hitboxes) if you try to attack from directly above, so make sure you dodge the Up-B on your angled aerial approach.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2007
Orlando, FL (or at least close enough)
Along with everyone else saying, "Keep the pressure on him." I'm gonna follow with whoever said to make the Olimar continuasly pull Pikmin up. When one's stuck on you, one or two or Ike's air attacks can kill them stright off of you. After that, just put on the pressure and make sure they can't pull up pikmin. I also like attacking Olimar from the bottom, that's my 2 cents.

But yes, boring fights indeed for me.


Smash Cadet
Oct 30, 2007
State College
Along with everyone else saying, "Keep the pressure on him." I'm gonna follow with whoever said to make the Olimar continuasly pull Pikmin up. When one's stuck on you, one or two or Ike's air attacks can kill them stright off of you. After that, just put on the pressure and make sure they can't pull up pikmin. I also like attacking Olimar from the bottom, that's my 2 cents.

But yes, boring fights indeed for me.
In my limited experience, that seems to be the best strategy. Olimar has the least amount of range and priority beneath him. If you can somehow stay beneath him and keep him in the air, he can't pull pikmin either, though that may be tough given his size.


Smash Rookie
Mar 19, 2008
My friend that i play against loves smash spamming with olimar, and yet i find that ike is one of the best counters to oli i have ever played.
firstly, if you're careful, ike can outrange every attak olimar has, save for his side b
secondly, if he does use side b a lot, all of your attacks kill pikmin in a maximum of two hits.
personally, i tend to avoid using ike's side b to close in on olimar, because it sets you up for pain. use it after you hit him around a bit, as part of a combo, so that you use it at times when he doesnt have a pikmin in between you to keep you from hitting him.
if you're keeping him in the air, i dont reccommend being in the vertical space around him, his up air has about 7 hits that cancel out pretty much everything that can come at him; i prefer using fair's as they have massive range and great knockback, especially as olimar is very light.
if you still have trouble approaching, use ike's standard b, the super armour frames he gets just after you release the button are more than enough to get you close enough to hit him, plus a good eruption hit will send him directly above you, setting you up for some decent combos.

Snake King 1

Smash Apprentice
Aug 21, 2007
Checking every character for weaknesses, for &quot
Olimar is kind of terrible, but I see what you mean if the person knew what they were doing.
never call olimar terrible, he's just awesome. who are you saying the good captain is terrible. sure he's dependent on pikmin, but he's a good playable character with a bad recovery and a good range. you're on my ignore list now


Smash Journeyman
Mar 27, 2008
Ok, so I consider myself a decent Ike. I've been able to match up well with any character I face off against... except Olimar. I honestly think against a good olimar, such as my brother, Ike has no chance. Let me explain:

1. The grand viper is probably the best approach to use, right? Well, with Olimar's pikmin being thrown at you constantly, Ike's side B is shut down because the attack will usually hit a pikmin, causing you to stop and stand open for punishment.

2. A short hopped nair or fair approach doesn't seem to work well either. As I close distance to attempt the short hop, I'm being bombarded with pikmin, and when I finally get up close to fair or nair, the attack is immediately shielded. Olimar usually follows up with a grab considering his huge grab distance.
3. Defense is pretty much out of the question. Olimar's have no reason to be offensive because they can just stay at a distance and launch pikmin at you, landing one on you every so often.

Does anyone know a solution to beating an Olimar? I can't seem to find a weakness at all.
I know exactly what are you talking about.
The first time I fought a fine Olimar player it was frustrating, the pikmin spamming it's just to much for Ike, and also it's hard to approach. But yeah I discover how to beat him in some way.

You just need to counter stage and use the platforms to your advantage. while your on a platform Olimar can't hit you whit any pikmin, so he will need to move or jump from his secure or defense position, when the time comes you'll know what to do, but I recommend once your close enough to hit him, use jabs...once you successfully knock him off it becomes easier to chasse him or better use an up throw, once you throw him most of the time he will fell in to a platform Olimars it's very bad defending himself while on a platform specially if you approach from under him, making Up-smash, Up-tilt even Up-B works very well, just don't let him breath if he happens to get again his defense position, you just need to repeat.

I recommend Yoshi Island, it's so easy to approach him here, just make good use of the platform. Also Shadow mosses it's a good counter for Olimar, he can hardly kill you here.

Give it a try. It’s way better that try to run toward him.

templar rage

Smash Cadet
Feb 26, 2008
Olimar is kind of terrible, but I see what you mean if the person knew what they were doing.
Thank you for showing your ignorance. I guess you have either 1) Never played a decent Olimar, or 2) Never played Olimar yourself. Most likely both.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 30, 2008
kill the pikmen. Play aroudn just outside thier range and wait for a throw, then kill it. the less pikmen he has the better.


Smash Apprentice
May 19, 2007
I just tend to be next to the edge let him throw his pikman at you jump over it and see them fall to their deaths dunno if it was a decent olimar but its funny and it might work for you


Smash Journeyman
Nov 18, 2007
Sioux Falls, SD
I would really like to add a reply that would help Ike players fight an Oli... cuz i love Ike and he is my main.. even though i fight a really good competitor and lose a lot.

His Oli just destroys my ike... he plays oli alot like he plays his marth.. spams fair and bair to approach.. plays a game that is offensive... but does his move right after yours.. and whenever i am close.. forward smash.. down smash.. shield all my attacks ... grabs.. he does the works.

I play oli as well and mine is better than his.. beat him all the time in oli dittos and my oli is just mean to him on certain occasions. But the way we play oli.. i can't seem to find an opening as ike.. try as i might it just doesn't appear. I have to get lucky and have him mess up.

But i have yet to find a good way to fight Oli and those Pikman.
Anyone have any ideas as to fighting a guy who plays like that.. i seem to not be able to find a weakness in the play style.. a lot of good reading and mind games on both our parts. its hella hard


Smash Rookie
Mar 11, 2004
Hickory Hills
I tried fighting Olimar as Ike and I got butchered. First time I played my bros Olimar I got 5 stocked. Later I got 4 stocked and then 3 stocked. I finally managed to win a match after some 10 tries. Whatever you do he just blocks/evades and grabs you with his insane range. You are simply too slow and his smashes are too fast. For aerials he jsut blocks them and retaliates immediately. Ike aerials are simply too slow at recovery so I am punished for that. Almost all kills against Olimar is either from AAA or edgehoging. Smashes are useless. I do not dare use smashes against him. Only AAA, uptilt, up b, and grabs. Sometimes a smash is used but is almost always air dodged due to extreme slowness of the strikes. I was only able to win using those moves most of the time.

Against Olimar I feel like you just don't have any options.


Smash Rookie
Apr 2, 2008
san diego

use yo up special move and come over and pound him with smash attacks.
if u like items throw them at him

Rang Flash

Smash Journeyman
Aug 14, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
Approach diagonally. When he tries to do up B (and a good olimar player will), try to airdodge before it. The lag from up b should give you enough time to grab or do AAA combo. Grabbing olimar is great, because you can throw him off the edge and immediately edgehog him (since edgehogging is olimar's biggest weakness).

Dash attack is another good approach. Do not use side b.


Smash Rookie
Mar 11, 2004
Hickory Hills
So what do you do if he shields or dodges most of your slow attacks instead? My most succesful tactics are dash dodge to AAA or dash attack to go right through him so you won't get grabbed. No reason for Olimar to risk the up b more than a few times.
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