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Olimar-help please!


Smash Apprentice
Apr 16, 2008
New Haven, Connecticut
Most people who post "Help my character!" topics tend to lack skills, but what could you need help with?

I don't know Olimar well, so I'm just posting to let you know it's very impressive.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 17, 2005
people actually play smash in colorado?
na man, you did pretty good... your metaknight opponent however...

he wasn't aggressive at all, he let you have time to do what you needed and get the kill... he NEVER grabbed and didnt even try to ledgeguard you (two of metaknights "I win" buttons vs olimar)

only thing I would improve on is when your coming back to the stage and metaknight is going to ledgeguard you, just whistle armor/air dodge his attacks and grab the ledge


Smash Champion
Jan 4, 2008
Lake Oswego, OR
That MK isn't very intelligent when it comes to smash. He literally walked into your shield grabs.

My opinions:

You're too stagnant. Run more, walk less, more aerials, quicker moves overall would be nice as it make people try to keep up even if you aren't really doing much.

You're very predictable. It took me thirty seconds to start being able to say "Shield grab, pikmin toss, Usmash". Variation is your friend and it also comes into play with speed.


Smash Rookie
Jan 11, 2008
Vallejo, CA
you're not bad at all. i agree with keeper on this. keep moving and try being less predictable. also use your tilts more. olimar's tilts are good for spacing and set-ups (f-tilt to f-smash, d-tilt to up-smash, up-tilt to n-air, f-air,b-air, or up-air). plus, they also have a good amount of priority.

up smash out of shield is olimar's best friend. at 35 seconds into your video, there was a chance to land a KO. keep in mind that once a light character like metaknight reaches 100 - 120%, they're in range for an up smash KO from any pikmin that isn't white.

another thing, sometimes it's better to be really aggressive when your opponent is within KO percents. on your first stock, you took a lot of unnecessary damage before you finally KO'd Metaknight.

to help your survival rate when you're at high percents is to grab. olimar's grab range is longer than most other characters attacks. use that range to your advantage. once they're grabbed, either do an up or back throw. this will usually end in death for the opponent (when they at high percents also) if the pikmin that grabbed is purple or blue.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 21, 2007
Thanks, have been improving lots lately thanks to these tips and Serpit's tips. :)
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