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Olimar FAQ


Smash Rookie
Oct 27, 2007
Hello, this is Cervantes. I've been lurking for a while now, so I've decided to come out of the shadows to offer up a proposition. I'm trying to create an indepth Olimar guide, but I can't do it all by myself. I'd appreciate anyone's help with the guide. (I'll also have this posted on Brawl Central Forums as well.)

Below is the prototype guide I've created. Any help with sections that don't have content in them would be greatly appreciated!

Olimar Guide
(This would just be a table of contents and version history section. No need to suggest anything for this section.)
(This section is just an introduction so, again, no need for suggestions.)
Olimar's History
Captain Olimar has been very involved in Super Smash Brothers ever since his beginnings. Olimar's first game was Pikmin which premiered in December of '01. Olimar also appeared in Super Smash Bros. Melee as a hidden trophy that could only be unlocked by having Pikmin data on your Gamecube memory card.
Special Properties
Olimar, like most characters, has several special properties that can add to his strategy when fighting as him. These properties are:

Pikmin Order- Olimar's Pikmin order gives him a fraction of a second of invincibility. It takes some
practice, but you can time the attack perfectly to avoid flinching from an attack.


Teather Recovery- Olimar's Pikmin Chain acts as a teather recovery move. It automatically grabs a
ledge(if it's in range), and allows Olimar to hang down from the edge.

I thought I'd use this section to outline Olimar's Strengths and Weaknesses.

|Strengths >
Can rack up insane amounts of damage very quickly.
Has a projectile-ish attack.
Has a grab range equivalent to Link or Samus.
Smash attacks and aerials are very powerful.
Because of the number of different Pikmin, Olimar is very unpredictable.
All of his attacks have wonderful range.
Has a very strong Final Smash.
Gets Super Armor from Pikmin Order.
His attacks have a disjointed hitbox, making them very hard to avoid.

< Weaknesses|
White Pikmin attacks (aside from Pikmin Throw) are laughably weak.
Recovery may be the worst in the game.
Extremely difficult to master, due to the complexity of his Pikmin moves.
very light; gets KO'd at low percentages.
His Smashes are a little laggy.
Pikmin Throw becomes less effective as the opponent racks up more damage.

(Anything I forgot would be appreciated!)
Olimar's Moves
Because Olimar's Moves are so dependent on Pikmin, I've divided them into different sections. The first are attacks that use Pikmin to do damage. Next are the attacks that Olimar can perform by himself, and last are the grab attacks.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++======================================================= Pikmin Attacks

Special Attacks <====+
[ Pikmin Throw ]

Latch Attack Power: 2%
(- [R] 2% [Y] 2% 2% [W] 6% [P] 6% -)
Number of attacks while latched:
0%-30% - 8
31%-55% - 7
56%-79% - 6
80%-121% - 5
122%-150% - 4
151%-176% - 3
177%-999% - 2
Best Pikmin for the Job: White Pikmin.

[ Pikmin Chain: ]

Smash Attacks <====+

Forward-Smash =======|
(- [R] 15% [Y] 13% 15% [W] 9% [P] 18% -)
Fully Charged
(- [R] 21% [Y] 18% 21% [W] 12% [P] 25% -)
Best Pikmin for the Job: Purple Pikmin.

Up-Smash =======|
(- [R] 15% [Y] 14% 14% [W] 9% [P] 16% -)
Fully Charged
(- [R] 21% [Y] 19% 21% [W] 12% [P] 22% -)
Best Pikmin for the Job: Red Pikmin.

Down-Smash =======|
(- [R] 13% [Y] 11% 12% [W] 6% [P] 15% -)
Fully Charged
(- [R] 18% [Y] 15% 16% [W] 8% [P] 21% -)
Best Pikmin for the Job: Red or Purple Pikmin.

Aerial Attacks <======+++
[ Forward Aerial [R]15% [Y]12% 13% [W]5% [P]14% ]
[ Backward Aerial [R]11% [Y]12% 13% [W]4% [P]13% ]
[ Down Aerial [R]16% [Y]12% 14% [W]8% [P]14% ]
[ Up Aerial [R]3%, 24% [Y]2%, 16% 3%, 22% [W]1% 9% [P]3%, 22% ]
Best Pikmin for the Job: Red Pikmin.

Non-Pikmin Attacks

< Tilts ====>
Forward Tilt: 6%
Up Tilt: 2%, 11%
Down Tilt: 6%, 2%, 8% (2 hits total)

< Aerials ==>
Nuetral Aerial: 2%, 12% (6 hits total)

< Ground ===>
Nuetral Attack: 3%, 2%, 5% (2 hits total)
Attack Combo: 15% (3 hits)
Dash Attack: 7%, 11% (2 hits)

<=== -End of Day- ---===+>
End of Day is Olimar's Final Smash. It is a very complex move that has a wide damage range. The amount of damage it does is dependent on how many of the different attacks connect. The first attack you have is when the Hocotate Ship initially appears. An interesting side note about this stage of the attack is that when the ship appears, if anyone is underneath it, they get smashed into the ground and immobilized for a while. (I haven't been able to test this out with a human yet, but if done to a CPU, they are unable to break out of it until the Ship impacts.) After the ship appears, the next attack is the rocket engines igniting. Then the ship flies up in the air, and while in the air, Red Bulborbs appear and start attacking the other players. The final attack is when the ship comes back to the stage, where it crashes into the ground and explodes. This is the most powerful part of the Smash, and gives knockback equivalent to a Smart Bomb explosion.
If you thought that this attack did more damage when there were more opponents around, that's actually not true. Every single character gets the same amount of damage, and there is no change at all.
Another common misconception about this move is that you can steer the space shuttle. This is not true. The Ship will always fly into the air and crash in the exact middle of the stage.
(+) -End of Day- Damage Chart ---===+>
Ship Appearance: 10%
Rocket Ignition: 25%
Red Bulborbs: 42%
Crash Landing: 15% - 30%

Grab Moves

<Grab Attack ===>-----------------------
(- [R] 2% 2% [Y] 2% [w] 4% [P] 2% -)
Best Pikmin for the Job: White Pikmin.

Notes: All Pikmin are capable of 3 grab attacks, except Purple Pikmin, which is capable of 4.

<Forward Throw ===>-----------------------
(- [R] 6% 13% [Y] 7% [w] 6% [P] 8% -)
Best Pikmin for the Job: Blue or Purple Pikmin.

<Backward Throw ==>-----------------------
(- [R] 7% 14% [Y] 9% [w] 7% [P] 9% -)
Best Pikmin for the Job: Blue Pikmin.

<Down Throw ====>-----------------------
(- [R] 9% 12% [Y] 8% [w] 6% [P] 8% -)
Best Pikmin for the Job: Yellow or Red Pikmin.
Note: This is a mulitple hit move. If your opponent breaks out of this move after the first hit,
they only take 1%.

<Up Throw =====>-------------------------
(- [R] 9% 12% [Y] 11% [w] 6% [P] 11% -)
Best Pikmin for the Job: Blue Pikmin.

(This section would give strategies for beating the Multi-Man Brawl, Homerun Contest, Boss Battles, and Target Test using Olimar.)
Olimar Strategies
(This section would include basic to advanced strategies for using Olimar in battle. It can be anything from general tips to specific attack sequences.)
Vs. Strategies for Olimar
(Strategies for specific character matchups.)


Smash Cadet
Feb 2, 2008
There's already a Pikmin guide stickied on this board. If you're covering anything not mentioned in that one, it would be best to merge the two and create one overarching guide that gets everything in one place. Good effort, though.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 16, 2008
There is a guide... also you made a mistake in the cons section
Olimar is not very light, he is in the same weight class as mario...


Smash Cadet
Jun 7, 2007
Mty, Mexico
Very interesting, even thought there is still a guide on Pikmin & Olimar, nothing can stop you from making your own, efficient guide. Keep up the good work! :) Sorry I dont have time to test stuff and help you on your guide :/
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