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OK, need some input for this


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2008
Sterling, VA
If I were to make a video on like DDD tricks/gameplay. i'm thinking to put: CG technique, any AT's which i'm not even sure if he has any, good approaches, what not, what else do you think i should have in it. So far what i just said is what will be in it. So far i've though of:

-Proper CGing, also followups like off the stage or ftilt or dtilt off the stage
-How to infinite
-How to get back to the stage the easiest(using waddles, and aerials, and of course upB)
-Combos ( i can't really think of many, nair to uptilt one, bair sometimes combos early into more bairs, and off the stage they do), uair to bair to maybe anothe uair works, more combos would be nice if anyone has anymore.
-Good approaches uh, walking forward ftilt, shbair, waddle's, any other ones i missed?
-How to techchase properly, lay out your options kinda, which moves are the best to do in certain situations
-maybe how to WoP properly w/ bair and fair.

That's all i can think of now, but any more ideas would be nice


Smash Ace
Dec 16, 2006
Belgium, Antwerp
HOW TO MAINDGAEMZ DA EFFSAMSH!!!! lol seriously, you have pretty much everything covered. maybe some doo tricks like CG into it to Fsmash?


Smash Apprentice
Apr 4, 2006
Chapel Hill, NC // Middletown, CT
that sounds pretty solid. You've covered pretty much everything.

Dedede has very few combos, even the FF-nair > utilt is pretty inconsistent imho, so I would try to talk about spacing/spotdodging/mindgames where one would normally discuss characters' combos.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 29, 2008
Would be usefull yeah.

I like the idea :D

ledge hop waddle drop (i think that's what it's called?)

And the timing on the infinite, i can do it sometimes but sometimes i fail and get Ftilted because i timed it too early and sheilded :/


Smash Apprentice
Feb 5, 2008
-CG opponent off stage, chase with Fair or Bair if behind you to stagespike?
-Nair to UTilt.
-Jump from Edge immediately to a swallow <- just something I've seen Aero doing

I don't know.. some of these are simple but I'm just throwing ideas out there.


Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2008
long island, NY
kk, i'll prolly put them in thar, wow, first reply in like two days or more
yeah, 'tis kinda dead here theres like only 2 topics with discussion =/
Its because nobody wants to discuss the bumped topics, besides a handful of honest people who may or may not know they have already been discussed, or are trying to keep the board clean. Older forum goers arent here much more or are just lurking, because much has already been talked about already, which is why this thread has like 80 views but less than 10 replys. There already was a thread for shieldcanceled grabs, one by met, and other old mains. But those threads were ignored by newer users, and they soon died. The ddd forums just "started over", like a different generation, and nobody wants to Re-do it all. DDD isnt like the other boards, with infinite cape glitches, or dash canceled usmashes. Dedede is dedede, we all know what he can do and his secrets, so nothing needs to be discussed. Maybe the forum could just leave clues for new users, but not make a million topics due to a lack of them.

-Proper CGing, also followups like off the stage or ftilt or dtilt off the stage
-How to infinite
-How to get back to the stage the easiest(using waddles, and aerials, and of course upB)
-Combos ( i can't really think of many, nair to uptilt one, bair sometimes combos early into more bairs, and off the stage they do), uair to bair to maybe anothe uair works, more combos would be nice if anyone has anymore.
-Good approaches uh, walking forward ftilt, shbair, waddle's, any other ones i missed?
-How to techchase properly, lay out your options kinda, which moves are the best to do in certain situations
-maybe how to WoP properly w/ bair and fair.
That's all i can think of now, but any more ideas would be nice
The thing is...much of this is player related, not techniques or maneuvers, that you cant really "teach" but only "show off". Like 'comboing', you cant tell some new ddd user "omg fast fall nair utilt raep caek" (which is overrated!!). Alot of this is, or should be known, newer players should observe this in existing players. I remember someone saying something like "attack your opponent until theyre off the stage, keep them off the stage and win".
Its like this situiation, just describing what can be done in not so predictable situiations.
That doesnt mean this guide is really a bad idea, its just, eh...i dont know, but hey, you asked for input!
-CG opponent off stage, chase with Fair or Bair if behind you to stagespike?
-Nair to UTilt.
-Jump from Edge immediately to a swallow <- just something I've seen Aero doing
I don't know.. some of these are simple but I'm just throwing ideas out there.
the CG-fair can get predictable, which is where the swallowcide comes in, when they DI away to avoid the fair hit, that they try to predict.
The offstage CG followups are very predictable, very overrated, very risky, when a dtilt at the edge will murder many characters.
Still worth it though, sometimes.
I already added my two cents on nair to utilt, highly overrated IMO, cant be done with tap jump on easily which has its uses with DDD.
LMFAO Aero invented swallowcides?! or ledgehopped swallowcides?!
I give up...lol.

Would be usefull yeah.
I like the idea :D
ledge hop waddle drop (i think that's what it's called?)
ledgehopped waddle might be more appropriate, you dont always have to drop past the stage, you can actually 'ledgehop' it and land on the stage, though you will be vulnerable. If you really do make a video guide, that would have to be in.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2008
Sterling, VA
actually i kinda see your point, i guess it's not like he has any AT's or w/e so i mean people already know everything they should about D3 anyways, other than that, just watch how people play matchups and what types of playstyles, and how to get early kills, and learn how to play the game correctly through conditioning your opponent and mindgaming and what not.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 5, 2008
Oh yeah, I TOTALLY said that Aero invented those, BUT I wasn't talking about swallowcides. I meant the other way around, meaning D3's on the ledge but it's not a good opportunity to swallowcide. A pesky Marth's going to immediately hit you with a Fair, Bair, or Nair as soon as you try to get up from the ledge. The point is to recover, not swallowcide or anything like that. Jump from the ledge towards the stage to get the timing right on a swallow to avoid any gimping. This is something unique, just how many D3's swallow an opponent after recovering from the ledge without committing suicide?
Nowhere in my post did I mention the word "swallowcide" nor suicide nor "-cide." Keep your pants on, kid.


Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2008
long island, NY
lolz what if i take my pants off, will you put them back on for me?
At first its hard to see what you meant, seeing how you werent too descriptive, that makes sense, but Aero didnt invent that either >_<.
(ok if you never meant that, but still, no need in referring to a single smasher)
Inhale is just a great move, but The "armour" isnt so reliable, and you WILL get hit in the startup frames unless you time it right, "KID".

There is no hate on this thread, satisfied cat agrees.

mew mew
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