Smash Apprentice
I will add pictures when I get the time to. But, here is my team at a glance...well, in words anyway.
Moveset format is as follows:
Confusion at First Sight
Looks pretty weird, don't it? First impressions: know what's coming. Then, the rest of the team just seems like popular (and not) sweepers and walls mashed together without thought. Heatran of course, Scizor no doubt, Registeel obviously, Umbreon why not. The average sets. Or so they thought
Their movesets are not unknown (or, they might be) but they are not used often enough to be called a standard or useful. A random mashing can be correct, however, I did pick my favorite pokés along with some useful oens to fill in the gaps. Now, onto:
General Consensus
^By that I mean, how the team works to together and why they are together.
Simple, really. Smeargle and Breloom are there to let loose Spore all over the place, and sleep is something no poké wants in battle. Once asleep, Scizor, Heatran, or Registeel (I'll explain why in his moveset) can come and set up, or use the time to recover without the fear of being hit again, attack with something deadly, or predict a switch and PURSUIT (did that give it away?). So, Spore is a great asset to this team, to any team really, and it is exploited far and wide with this one.
With that said, you may be asking, "What if they both died? NO SPORE 4 U!" and I'll be saying, "Simple, really," and here's why: Scizor and Heatran are the easiest pair to think up along with Gyarados + Electivire and all that. The "Oh, Scizor! I must use Flamethrow--ZOMG HEATRAN!" scenario is enough to explain it. Registeel and Umbreon...these two are the walls of the team and I don't want to spoil their moves until later. Essentially, what they do is shut down all form of attack, and support the team one way or another. I can tell you this: one of them can take any and all physical hits and it isn't Registeel :O:O
Now, again, Spore is a great deal in the offensive, but the defensive as you can see, is only helped by Spore. Icing the cupcake, if you will. The defensive aspect of this team is very pretty, and the offensive can know they're safe when they've got Registeel and Umbreon behind them. Offensive includes Breloom btw. Speaking of Breloom, he will use the standard set, because he is THE tank with that moveset. Now, let's get to the spoilers!
In-Depth Overview
Smeargle @ Focus Sash
Own Tempo
~Stealth Rock
He is the new lead. His speed obviously isn't stellar, but it can work with Focus Sash. Spore or Taunt on first turn, it's based on prediction which one I use. If I anticipate SR first, I taunt. If I anticipate an attack or stat booster move first, I Spore. <---Why if they boost their stat? Simple: If they boost their speed/attack (usually SD Lucario), then I can simply put them to sleep, nothing to worry about because when they DO attack, I still have another turn left with Focus Sash. If I predict wrong with Taunt, I'm essentially screwed. But Spore can never go wrong on the first turn (bar Taunt grr). Oh yea, then from there, SR first because it's more important, and Spikes as much as I can squeeze out.
Heatran @ Choice Scarf
Flash Fire
~Fire Blast
~Earth Power
~HP Grass
A classic. Obviously, you guys are all "CLICHE!" and I have no idea what that means, but this is probabbly what it is. Revenge killer of the special attack, it's just a CB Weavile with inverted attacks and attack stats and no pursuit =(. Oh, the set explains itself here. When in doubt, ASSPLODE. When met with Swampert, HP GRASS. When met with anything on the ground, EARTH POWER. When met with anything else in the game which include things in the air, FIRE BLAST. Very simple, and very effective. But wait, there's icing on this big, fat, chocolate cake. Remember that thing I said about OMG SCIZOR I MUZT YOOZ FIAR ATTKZ ZOMG HEATRAN NUU! ?? Yea, this with that is this and that and it's all over the place. Power levels that shatter scouters are in play right here, and the speed of an SSJ4 Gogeta. You understaand?
Scizor @ Leftovers
~Swords Dance
~Bullet Punch
Bulky Swords Dance. His defenses are not to be forgotten. With this, he can survive most special threats, Swords Dance on the same turn, and retaliate with a Bullet Punch. If walled, Scizor can just Roost off anything really. With immunity to Toxic, burns can hurt him bad, and I would switch out on that occasion. If he were asleep with a +2 on, I'd actually keep him in if their current poké is not a booster or baton passer (by past knowledge. If I've no idea, I'd probably switch upon general assumption). Basically, this does require some smart palying and prediction to setup correctly and with minimal damage. However, once that's covered, Scizor'll just keep those punches coming until...Swampert shows up...Ugh! Yea, the common physical shutter-downer shuts-down this set if it's a purely defensive one. A +2 Bullet Punch would deal quite a bit of damage to anything not 252HP/156+DEF. Roost. What a magical move. Roost is just recover for Scizor, he's not flying or levitating. Absolutely no catches. I mostly like this because everyone sees SD and says "Oh man, if I switch, I'm dead for sure with Pursuit!" but then I just Roost off any damage I took, or even get another SD in and...that's more trouble than the regular SD Scizor could be. Plus, the survivability on this thing is phenomenal. Those HP EVs really let the beast continue its pawnches.
Breloom @ Toxic Orb
Poison Heal
~Leech Seed
~Focus Punch
Standard. It is what it is and it is what every pokémon that calls themself a tank wants to be. The magic of Poison Heal and Toxic Orb is great because a) you can't get any status affects after the first turn; and b) it heals! Leech Seed adding onto the heal, and Substitute to avoid any threats such as Togekiss, Rotom-S, HP Flying Zapdos, MixMence and all that. Though, most things with Ice Beam are easily dealth with by the wonder of Falcon *ahem* Focus Pawnch *ahem ahem* Punch. Focus. Punch. Focus-Punch. Focus...Punch. Focus Punch. I know it's a terrible joke and a waste of time to read, but I can't really say Focus Punch the first time. Too used to memes, y'know? Moving along, the only reason the above pokémon are threats is because of their resistance/immunity to Focus Punch. It doesn't mean I can't kill them, it just means it's a struggle to do so. Now you say "Togekiss doesn't resist nor is immune to Falcon Pawnch!" while that is true, Togekiss would be faster than Breloom, and with Air Slash comign off of a base 120SPA, there is reason to worry. 4 * 339 = 1356 dmg...without the base dmg of Air Slash in account! This means my Substitute will die everytime, and I will run out of HP even if I do keep up Subs. It's just impossible. Nonetheless, Breloom is a great tank and is appreciated greatly on this team with Spore. I don't think I need to explain how great Spore is to the offensive again.
Registeel @ Leftovers
Clear Body
~Focus Punch
~Ice Punch
WTF? I agree. I had no idea what I was doing making ths moveset. Idk what the EVs are supposed to do, aside from absorbing special hits like mad. Like, the ATK EVs: idk what they're for, really. They said 40 was enough. I'll have to do calculations later. Once I do, I'll re-edit on the EVs. Now moving onto Curse + SubPunch w/ filler move. Simpe. I Sub on first turn if I pose a threat (dual wall) to the opponent, or if I am faster (pfft). Basically, I'll Sub first turn everytime (unless I get taunted) and then follow up with a Curse. +1 DEF is enough to make up for the 0 EVs in the stat. +1 ATK on 112ATK EVs amounts to 374ATK. Nothing to laugh at, especially with Focus Punch on the ballot. 2 Curses is also pretty easy to get with RegiS natural defenses. It's possible to take 2 Fire Blasts from a Choice Scarf Heatran without a Sub up and no Stealth Rock damage. I think...
I never tried it, but in my head it seems quite possible with the given EVs. An alternate is to walk in on any specal attacker, any at all, and just Curse once or twice and setup the Sub. Because RegiS is slower than practically anything now, his Sub will get up unless critical hits happen. Once sub is up, free Focus Punch or Curse. Ice Punch. Self-explainatory, +2 Ice Punch does not let Salamence, Gliscor, or even Swampert through. RegiS will laugh as they let loose their Fire Blasts, and Earthquakes, and RegiS will just do one simple punch right back in their face. At +2, RegiS DEF stats overlaps his SPD, which is just hilarious considering the base of the build. Even without a reliable healing move, with a +1 DEF, this thing can take hits and dish 'em back. Leftovers will take care of damage overtime. Besides, RegiS has support. And its name is...
[reserved for 6th]
Team Building Process
I started off with Scizor because he is a great base for any team. Though, I wanted a team not totally offensively oriented, so I went with the Bulky SD. It has enough defense to satisfy me and has enough offense to rip through teams. A very nice base.
Next, I wanted a lead to help the offense and setup traps. How do you do that without killing the lead altogether? Smeargle. The way he works as a lead is great and supports Scizor greatly with Spore. Spore will cause switches, which allow for a free entry hazard, which allows for easier killing for Scizor. Great overall, and I know his Spore will not only help Scizor, but the move itself benefits any team
And with that, I felt like I was missing a tank. Oh, hi Breloom! That's a nice Toxic Orb you got there. What's that you say? You've got a ragdoll that, when used, will take 25% of your health and take your place, this protecting you from flinching, status ailments, and interruption of Focus Punch? And you can plant seeds to gain health? AND YOU HAVE A 100% ACCURATE SLEEP-INDUCING MOVE? Great!
A sleep-inducing physical tank, a sleep-inducing, entry hazard setting lead, a bulky physical attacker. Now, it doesn't take a genius to know tha this is way too physical based. Now, I'd like a special attacker, but SpecsMence doesn't cut my style. I don't want a 4x ice-weak paired with a 2x ice-weak. Again, I prefer bulk over pure offense. Steel is a great type for resistance and the immunity to Sandstorm and Poison. A great defensive type indeed. the only viable pokés for that role are Jirachi, Magnezone, and Heatran. Jirachi's base 100SPA doesn't cut it whatsoever. Magnezone and Heatran...this was actually kind of tough. Magnezone's Magnet-Pull ability paired with his base 130SPA and typing was a great candidate indeed, killing off steel types like Skarmory who interrupt Scizor's rampage. Heatran matches him, but instead gets a boost from a Fire Attack hitting him paired with base 130SPA and typing is also a great candidate, sweeping through teams with a +50 attack boost and a scarf to boot. The reason why Heatran won is simply this: movepool. Magezone is great with Scizor because of Scizor luring in Metagross and Skarmory, and Magnezoe making quick work of them, but Scizor also lures in anything wit ha fire attack, which Heatran can absorb and make great use of with a scarf. Now, movepool comes in here. Magnezone's movepool is a bit too narrow; it only seems to have Electric, Steel, Bug, Grass, Psychic, Dark, and maybe some other irrelevant types. All Magnezone is is Electric, Steel, and Magnet Rise. Me no likey. Heatran is an excellent choice because of his giant movepool. He, too uses HP, but he needs not Magnet Rise. Besides, Magnezoen with a scarf just doesn't work that well with the small movepool (HP-element, Thunderbolt, Explosion, Flash Cannon).
Now, we need walls. Defensive teams need walls, not only tanks and bulk. Sometimes we need pure walls. Regirock vs. Registeel. This was what first popped up. In my past experiences, they have both had their uses and they are both great as support and surprise (in terms of movesets). Since I want my walls to have uncommon movesets, but maintainging defense at the same time, Regirock's lesser-known "Counter" set (Rock Polish, Counter, Stone Edge, Explosion) is a bit too tedious for a wall. As in: it requires too much prediction. I've gotten it right plenty of times, but when I get it turn for them. And I do not want to risk it. Curse RegiRock is also viable, but anything with Surf (which basically means everything in OU) will take him down no questions asked. Rock itself isn't a great type, either. And as I mentioned earlier, steel has a bucketload of resistances with immunity to Poison and Sandstorm to add onto it! RegiSteel is great. Base 150 on both defenses, base 75ATK (which, I know, isn't great, but it extraordinary coupled with his defenses. See "Aggron") with Curse to add on (who cares about his speed, base 30) makes him a great wall. Now, the moveset choice was pretty simple. I've used this RegiSteel many tiems before and it was worked out like a freaking MixDigalga. It just owns when played right.
[in processing...]
There you have it. Please rate. It's okay if it's tl;dr, you can just skip to the movesets and descrips and post; the rest is just to explain and elaborate. Any and all critiques are appreciated! (btw, I have not tried this team in battles, as my wi-fi here doesn't allow downloading online data from game servers; thus, ShoddyBattle cannot be accesed. Sorry for that.)
Moveset format is as follows:
Confusion at First Sight
Looks pretty weird, don't it? First impressions: know what's coming. Then, the rest of the team just seems like popular (and not) sweepers and walls mashed together without thought. Heatran of course, Scizor no doubt, Registeel obviously, Umbreon why not. The average sets. Or so they thought
General Consensus
^By that I mean, how the team works to together and why they are together.
Simple, really. Smeargle and Breloom are there to let loose Spore all over the place, and sleep is something no poké wants in battle. Once asleep, Scizor, Heatran, or Registeel (I'll explain why in his moveset) can come and set up, or use the time to recover without the fear of being hit again, attack with something deadly, or predict a switch and PURSUIT (did that give it away?). So, Spore is a great asset to this team, to any team really, and it is exploited far and wide with this one.
With that said, you may be asking, "What if they both died? NO SPORE 4 U!" and I'll be saying, "Simple, really," and here's why: Scizor and Heatran are the easiest pair to think up along with Gyarados + Electivire and all that. The "Oh, Scizor! I must use Flamethrow--ZOMG HEATRAN!" scenario is enough to explain it. Registeel and Umbreon...these two are the walls of the team and I don't want to spoil their moves until later. Essentially, what they do is shut down all form of attack, and support the team one way or another. I can tell you this: one of them can take any and all physical hits and it isn't Registeel :O:O
Now, again, Spore is a great deal in the offensive, but the defensive as you can see, is only helped by Spore. Icing the cupcake, if you will. The defensive aspect of this team is very pretty, and the offensive can know they're safe when they've got Registeel and Umbreon behind them. Offensive includes Breloom btw. Speaking of Breloom, he will use the standard set, because he is THE tank with that moveset. Now, let's get to the spoilers!
In-Depth Overview
Smeargle @ Focus Sash
Own Tempo
~Stealth Rock
He is the new lead. His speed obviously isn't stellar, but it can work with Focus Sash. Spore or Taunt on first turn, it's based on prediction which one I use. If I anticipate SR first, I taunt. If I anticipate an attack or stat booster move first, I Spore. <---Why if they boost their stat? Simple: If they boost their speed/attack (usually SD Lucario), then I can simply put them to sleep, nothing to worry about because when they DO attack, I still have another turn left with Focus Sash. If I predict wrong with Taunt, I'm essentially screwed. But Spore can never go wrong on the first turn (bar Taunt grr). Oh yea, then from there, SR first because it's more important, and Spikes as much as I can squeeze out.
Heatran @ Choice Scarf
Flash Fire
~Fire Blast
~Earth Power
~HP Grass
A classic. Obviously, you guys are all "CLICHE!" and I have no idea what that means, but this is probabbly what it is. Revenge killer of the special attack, it's just a CB Weavile with inverted attacks and attack stats and no pursuit =(. Oh, the set explains itself here. When in doubt, ASSPLODE. When met with Swampert, HP GRASS. When met with anything on the ground, EARTH POWER. When met with anything else in the game which include things in the air, FIRE BLAST. Very simple, and very effective. But wait, there's icing on this big, fat, chocolate cake. Remember that thing I said about OMG SCIZOR I MUZT YOOZ FIAR ATTKZ ZOMG HEATRAN NUU! ?? Yea, this with that is this and that and it's all over the place. Power levels that shatter scouters are in play right here, and the speed of an SSJ4 Gogeta. You understaand?
Scizor @ Leftovers
~Swords Dance
~Bullet Punch
Bulky Swords Dance. His defenses are not to be forgotten. With this, he can survive most special threats, Swords Dance on the same turn, and retaliate with a Bullet Punch. If walled, Scizor can just Roost off anything really. With immunity to Toxic, burns can hurt him bad, and I would switch out on that occasion. If he were asleep with a +2 on, I'd actually keep him in if their current poké is not a booster or baton passer (by past knowledge. If I've no idea, I'd probably switch upon general assumption). Basically, this does require some smart palying and prediction to setup correctly and with minimal damage. However, once that's covered, Scizor'll just keep those punches coming until...Swampert shows up...Ugh! Yea, the common physical shutter-downer shuts-down this set if it's a purely defensive one. A +2 Bullet Punch would deal quite a bit of damage to anything not 252HP/156+DEF. Roost. What a magical move. Roost is just recover for Scizor, he's not flying or levitating. Absolutely no catches. I mostly like this because everyone sees SD and says "Oh man, if I switch, I'm dead for sure with Pursuit!" but then I just Roost off any damage I took, or even get another SD in and...that's more trouble than the regular SD Scizor could be. Plus, the survivability on this thing is phenomenal. Those HP EVs really let the beast continue its pawnches.
Breloom @ Toxic Orb
Poison Heal
~Leech Seed
~Focus Punch
Standard. It is what it is and it is what every pokémon that calls themself a tank wants to be. The magic of Poison Heal and Toxic Orb is great because a) you can't get any status affects after the first turn; and b) it heals! Leech Seed adding onto the heal, and Substitute to avoid any threats such as Togekiss, Rotom-S, HP Flying Zapdos, MixMence and all that. Though, most things with Ice Beam are easily dealth with by the wonder of Falcon *ahem* Focus Pawnch *ahem ahem* Punch. Focus. Punch. Focus-Punch. Focus...Punch. Focus Punch. I know it's a terrible joke and a waste of time to read, but I can't really say Focus Punch the first time. Too used to memes, y'know? Moving along, the only reason the above pokémon are threats is because of their resistance/immunity to Focus Punch. It doesn't mean I can't kill them, it just means it's a struggle to do so. Now you say "Togekiss doesn't resist nor is immune to Falcon Pawnch!" while that is true, Togekiss would be faster than Breloom, and with Air Slash comign off of a base 120SPA, there is reason to worry. 4 * 339 = 1356 dmg...without the base dmg of Air Slash in account! This means my Substitute will die everytime, and I will run out of HP even if I do keep up Subs. It's just impossible. Nonetheless, Breloom is a great tank and is appreciated greatly on this team with Spore. I don't think I need to explain how great Spore is to the offensive again.
Registeel @ Leftovers
Clear Body
~Focus Punch
~Ice Punch
WTF? I agree. I had no idea what I was doing making ths moveset. Idk what the EVs are supposed to do, aside from absorbing special hits like mad. Like, the ATK EVs: idk what they're for, really. They said 40 was enough. I'll have to do calculations later. Once I do, I'll re-edit on the EVs. Now moving onto Curse + SubPunch w/ filler move. Simpe. I Sub on first turn if I pose a threat (dual wall) to the opponent, or if I am faster (pfft). Basically, I'll Sub first turn everytime (unless I get taunted) and then follow up with a Curse. +1 DEF is enough to make up for the 0 EVs in the stat. +1 ATK on 112ATK EVs amounts to 374ATK. Nothing to laugh at, especially with Focus Punch on the ballot. 2 Curses is also pretty easy to get with RegiS natural defenses. It's possible to take 2 Fire Blasts from a Choice Scarf Heatran without a Sub up and no Stealth Rock damage. I think...

[reserved for 6th]
Team Building Process
I started off with Scizor because he is a great base for any team. Though, I wanted a team not totally offensively oriented, so I went with the Bulky SD. It has enough defense to satisfy me and has enough offense to rip through teams. A very nice base.
Next, I wanted a lead to help the offense and setup traps. How do you do that without killing the lead altogether? Smeargle. The way he works as a lead is great and supports Scizor greatly with Spore. Spore will cause switches, which allow for a free entry hazard, which allows for easier killing for Scizor. Great overall, and I know his Spore will not only help Scizor, but the move itself benefits any team
And with that, I felt like I was missing a tank. Oh, hi Breloom! That's a nice Toxic Orb you got there. What's that you say? You've got a ragdoll that, when used, will take 25% of your health and take your place, this protecting you from flinching, status ailments, and interruption of Focus Punch? And you can plant seeds to gain health? AND YOU HAVE A 100% ACCURATE SLEEP-INDUCING MOVE? Great!
A sleep-inducing physical tank, a sleep-inducing, entry hazard setting lead, a bulky physical attacker. Now, it doesn't take a genius to know tha this is way too physical based. Now, I'd like a special attacker, but SpecsMence doesn't cut my style. I don't want a 4x ice-weak paired with a 2x ice-weak. Again, I prefer bulk over pure offense. Steel is a great type for resistance and the immunity to Sandstorm and Poison. A great defensive type indeed. the only viable pokés for that role are Jirachi, Magnezone, and Heatran. Jirachi's base 100SPA doesn't cut it whatsoever. Magnezone and Heatran...this was actually kind of tough. Magnezone's Magnet-Pull ability paired with his base 130SPA and typing was a great candidate indeed, killing off steel types like Skarmory who interrupt Scizor's rampage. Heatran matches him, but instead gets a boost from a Fire Attack hitting him paired with base 130SPA and typing is also a great candidate, sweeping through teams with a +50 attack boost and a scarf to boot. The reason why Heatran won is simply this: movepool. Magezone is great with Scizor because of Scizor luring in Metagross and Skarmory, and Magnezoe making quick work of them, but Scizor also lures in anything wit ha fire attack, which Heatran can absorb and make great use of with a scarf. Now, movepool comes in here. Magnezone's movepool is a bit too narrow; it only seems to have Electric, Steel, Bug, Grass, Psychic, Dark, and maybe some other irrelevant types. All Magnezone is is Electric, Steel, and Magnet Rise. Me no likey. Heatran is an excellent choice because of his giant movepool. He, too uses HP, but he needs not Magnet Rise. Besides, Magnezoen with a scarf just doesn't work that well with the small movepool (HP-element, Thunderbolt, Explosion, Flash Cannon).
Now, we need walls. Defensive teams need walls, not only tanks and bulk. Sometimes we need pure walls. Regirock vs. Registeel. This was what first popped up. In my past experiences, they have both had their uses and they are both great as support and surprise (in terms of movesets). Since I want my walls to have uncommon movesets, but maintainging defense at the same time, Regirock's lesser-known "Counter" set (Rock Polish, Counter, Stone Edge, Explosion) is a bit too tedious for a wall. As in: it requires too much prediction. I've gotten it right plenty of times, but when I get it turn for them. And I do not want to risk it. Curse RegiRock is also viable, but anything with Surf (which basically means everything in OU) will take him down no questions asked. Rock itself isn't a great type, either. And as I mentioned earlier, steel has a bucketload of resistances with immunity to Poison and Sandstorm to add onto it! RegiSteel is great. Base 150 on both defenses, base 75ATK (which, I know, isn't great, but it extraordinary coupled with his defenses. See "Aggron") with Curse to add on (who cares about his speed, base 30) makes him a great wall. Now, the moveset choice was pretty simple. I've used this RegiSteel many tiems before and it was worked out like a freaking MixDigalga. It just owns when played right.
[in processing...]
There you have it. Please rate. It's okay if it's tl;dr, you can just skip to the movesets and descrips and post; the rest is just to explain and elaborate. Any and all critiques are appreciated! (btw, I have not tried this team in battles, as my wi-fi here doesn't allow downloading online data from game servers; thus, ShoddyBattle cannot be accesed. Sorry for that.)