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Official Teams Tier List: version 1

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doot doot doot
Feb 15, 2005
Usually not playing Brawl. Location: Enterprise
Everyone knows that teams is a different game from singles, from the very obvious removal of 0-130 chaingrabs, to frequently demanding more effective (yet riskier) edgeguards for fear of a teammate's assistance.

Due to these differences, the tier list is affected. Certain characters find themselves more effective in singles than in teams, and some benefit greatly from having a teammate around. Recently, a multi-region panel
Read: while I was still in the MW
took it upon themselves to rank the individual characters in their effectiveness in teams.

While I am pleased with how it turned out for a first draft, it is far from perfect. I am hoping to spark discussion on the nuances of teams and move toward a better ranking of all characters abilities in teams. After all, teams is my favorite event.

We attempted to rank characters on certain abilities.
Important Teams Aspects:
  • Quick damage payout - Extremely important when a long combo can be interrupted by the other teammate.
  • Useful kill move/Gimps - The ability to effectively take stocks at lower percents is vital.
  • Survivability/Recovery - Useful for the opposite reason as the kill move.
  • Edgeguarding - Necessitates edgeguarding effectively on the FIRST hit. Elaborate but safe edgeguards don't work nearly as well as in singles.
  • Overall speed - Ability to move across the stage to help your teammate faster.
  • Effective at Saving - Increases your teammate's survivability.
  • Less emphasized aspects
    • Danger to teammate - How likely a character is to kill their teammate.
    • Ability to 2v1 or 1v2 - Important for late game, means very little in the overall scheme of teams.
Disclaimer: These are the aspects I remember discussing currently; we might have brought up other points as well.

The Teams Tier List:
:fox: Fox
:jigglypuff: Jigglypuff

:falcon: Falcon
:peach: Peach
:falco: Falco
:sheik: Sheik
:ganondorf: Ganon

Upper Mid
:marth: Marth
:drmario: Doc
:zelda: Zelda
:samus2: Samus

Lower Mid
:pikachu2: Pikachu
:luigi2: Luigi
:mario2: Mario
:popo: Ice Climbers

:yoshi2: Yoshi
:roymelee: Roy
:link2: Link
:gw: Game & Watch
:dk2: Donkey Kong
:ness2: Ness
:mewtwo: Mewtwo
:pichu: Pichu

:kirby2: Kirby
:younglinkmelee: Young Link
:bowser2: Bowser

What follows is a brief description of why the characters find themselves in their respective positions.

Fox -
Basically the character perfect for teams, he does everything someone would want when playing teams.
Jigglypuff -
Free rest lol. Also good at saving, recovering, and gets free edgeguards because it can go so far off the stage.

Falcon -
Very much like fox, but worse at gimps and more of likely to knee his teammate to death. Also gets gimped more often.
Peach -
Great damage payout, recovery, ability to save, but very slow overall and doesn't have good kill moves.
Falco -
Damage ***** and does everything amazingly, but tends to lose stocks early.
Sheik -
Doesn't have her CGs, but is still sheik.
Ganon -
Great damage payout and kill moves, benefits hugely from having a teammate that can help him back on the stage. Tends to kill his teammate.

Upper Mid
Marth -
Not nearly as effective as in singles, since his long edgeguards get interrupted. Great stage control and can get easy tippers sometimes.
Doc -
Kill moves, edgeguards, nothing particularly outstanding about doc in teams, but still a good character.
Zelda -
Toe is amazing at 20% and early kills. (Think knee with better control and 2 in one SH.) Good recovery and survivability. Great teams character compared to singles.
Samus -
Yes, below Zelda. Lacks kill moves and not spectacular at damage. Her recovery frequently takes TOO long, and tends to do a lot of damage to her teammate.

Lower Mid
Pikachu -
Upsmash, recovery, gimps, edgeguards, and quite speedy.
Luigi -
Great damage, recovery is long enough for teammate assistance, not bad at killing, very fast on the ground.
Mario -
Nothing particularly outstanding or limiting about Mario in teams.
Ice Climbers -
Terrible teams character, gets bounced around frequently, loses grab combos, but still have wavesmash for good damage and kills.

Yoshi -
Good damage and recovery, has a few gimps
Roy -
Tends to have bad damage, but effective edgeguards, and can survive for a surprisingly long time with good DI.
Link -
What damage? Good survivability and decent edgeguards, but tends to use projectiles and that always causes issues for teammate.
Game & Watch -
Extra light, but otherwise is pretty good in teams.
Donkey Kong -
Gets tossed around, but survives well, does damage quickly, and otherwise isn't bad at teams.
Ness -
Good priority in fair and useful kill move in bair, extra special ability to heal lol
Mewtwo -
Another large character who can be tossed around. Decent kill moves and priority for a low tier, but let's be honest we're getting to the bottom here.
Pichu -
He's fast and has nair and upsmash, but is horribly light and has no range.

Kirby -
Hapless character is hapless.
Young Link -
Terrible teammate (projectile reliance,) bad kills moves, damage, and very light.
Bowser -
Tends to get tossed around the stage like a useless turtle, but hey, he's got upb.

So where did we go horribly wrong? Who's better than who we have ranked above them and why?

To be honest, we had a very difficult time ranking Yoshi/Roy/Link and an even harder time with GW/DK/Ness/M2/Pichu, so more research and opinions are needed on those characters abilities in teams before I'm comfortable with where they're ranked.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL
oh **** at first i was thinking brawl and i was like NOT SURE IF SRS

shoulda known better tho

interesting list. i dont play enough melee teams to really comment
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