WTF? lives in Powhatan II [he doesn't really frequent the boards though, but his name is The |Egg| Sniper]...but either way, look for two things in the very near future: the opening of the new "" I guess? since it's not a "room" anymore. It's the middle of the three entrances to Webb [the lefthand entrance being the Food Court/Bookstore and the right hand entrance being Starbucks and the computer lab upstairs]...anyway, in the middle entrance, just walk on through and it should be toward the back, you'll see pool tables...anyway! once that opens, you will be SURE to find US...just look for a group of people who look and sound like they belong in a game room hahahaha...ask around for Dean [that's WTF?] or Enver [that's me, though I'm hard to miss in that crowd since I'm brown]...other names to ask for: Khalil and may even see people already playing smash...though I'm a little worried: they seem to have put up a few flat screen TVs [and not the regular TVs we're used to] which means: LAG!
If that's the case and someone is willing, there will be smash at someone's residence on or near campus...or someone will bring in a TV to the retro forum haha, that's a pretty good possibility, though a ****ty last resort (>_<)
I live really close to campus [less than a mile] so I'm definitely within walking distance of whoever wants to play. Also BLKG [aka Black Guy or Black G ....or David haha] is an RA over at Roger's Hall on 49th on the other side of Hampton Blvd.
As for playing smash over here, that only happens when I have fests, which only works if 1) my parents are gone and 2) other people bring TVs since I don't have access to a non-laggy TV of my own..except a facking tiny one
BLKG has a setup and WTF? has a couple [well, he has MY setup haha, so he has a couple for NOW]
this would be a lot simpler if the retro forum [does anyone know what it's actually called now? well, I'll just keep calling it that for now] had a regular TV in it...if anyone finds out that they do, then fantastic! But the reaosn it'd be a lot simpler is because we could all just meet there and I could keep my cube in the locker all semester like I did over the last year.
haha, in summary: you WILL be smashing with good/decent people this semester and very soon I might no worries about not having your fix. And as for not being "great" or whatever, everyone has to start somewhere. We're not NoVA, we're definitely all about helping people get better and teaching helps if you ask too, esp if the question is specific. We all play a pretty wide variety of characters as a whole, so just about anyone you'd wanna focus on, we have someone who could help you
holy **** that's a lot. sorry. haha
btw: ODU VS. CNU IS GONNA BE SOOO EPIC! we just gotta make sure it happens >_>
I already vote that CNU has to come to US...1) I believe it was CNU who challenged US and 2) we have a lot more car-less people