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Numerous Glitches in Project M (using pirated Brawl...)


Smash Rookie
Jan 24, 2016
Hello and thanks for coming.

NOTE: THIS POST DOES NOT VIOLATE THE FORUM RULES. All I am asking is to help repair some bugs in Project M, and has nothing to do with Brawl and how to pirate it, etc.

Anyways, I am going to be straight to the point:

I am playing Project M with a pirated version of Brawl, and I several problems have rose. I am not sure if it is because my Wii isn't modded properly, or if it is because my Brawl is pirated.

Some of the glitxhes include:
1. Unable to play Fountain of Dreams (plays a distorted/unclear version of what might be a Mario track)
2. The disability of playing various tracks (freezes the game for a moment if I try to stop playing it)
3. Occasional crashes when I open certain menus like "Erase Data".

But PM plays just fine... For now.
I haven't tested w/ Dolphin yet, but I will soon.

So if anyone can help me, I will be grateful.

And if you are wondering why I am using pirated Brawl, I have good reasons.


Dec 11, 2013
Wellington, New Zealand
How big is your ISO file? is it an actual Brawl ISO or is it a scrubbed ISO?
How are you USB loading?
Have you reinstalled?
Is your SD card unlocked?
Have you installed custom content?


Smash Rookie
Jan 24, 2016
1. My Brawl is 7.92 GB. I'm sure its not scrubbed.
2. USB loading? Are you talking about the channels? I didn't install them. And I also use a DVD for Brawl.
3. I have downloaded PM from another mirror and reinstalled. Still doesn't work.
4. Never locked it.
5. No customs.

But are these problems in any way related to my custom stages? I believe that I forgot to delete them.


Smash Rookie
Jan 24, 2016
I don't have a 8gb usb, nor will I get any soon..
Might the problem be because I am using an outdated homebrew channel?


Smash Rookie
Jan 24, 2016
Narpas_Sword!!!! I need your help!

Okay. So I discovered that the Brawl disk was corrupted. So I decided to burn another disk.
But before I burnt it, I decided to try to play GC games in my Wii through a HB app called Nintendon't.

It required me to update my IOS28 to IOS 58, which modifies the ports through some way I don't really understand about.
But IOS58 is only available in version 4.3 (I'm in 4.2).
But I found an installer that can update only IOS58 safely without changing other IOS's. I successfully did it, and now I can play GC games through HB!

But... Ever since I did this, when I press "Play" at the PM menu... The Wii resets back to the Wii Channels!
I tried going directly through Gecko OS, but instead, it goes to Brawl!

Is this related to my IOS58 upgrade that made the other IOS's incompatible with each other, which caused the disability to play PM?
Or is this just another problem that's unrelated?
I've seen others in the internet face this problem too, but I'm not sure if they are in the same scenario like me.

I actually plan to update the whole Wii to 4.3, but since there is no "Safe Updater" (I'm very afraid if using the official update will brick my wii) for 4.3, I'm thinking on alternative ways to solve this.
So do you have any ideas that can help? Anything is appreciated.
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