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Nubbish Questions ~


Smash Rookie
Aug 10, 2008
Brisbane, Australia
I tried searcing 'brawl online lag' and was told that terms 'brawl' and 'lag' were removed from the search as they are to common. I looked in a few threads that mentioned lag, but I think that my question is so incredibly nubbish that everyone knows the answer already so it wouldn't be mentioned.

So I played my first online Brawl thingy last night ^^ I'm just after yes or no answers ;P

1. When the screen freezes up on my end - does everyones screen freeze up at the same time?

2. Are screen freeze-ups dependent on everyones connection, not just mine?

3. Is the spectator match live?


Smash Obsessed
Aug 3, 2007
Switch FC
1. I think so.
2. It depends on anyones bad connection.
3. Pretty sure it is.


Creator of delicious desserts
Feb 23, 2008
So I played my first online Brawl thingy last night ^^ I'm just after yes or no answers ;P

1. When the screen freezes up on my end - does everyones screen freeze up at the same time?

Maybe you should have posted this is the "Ask a Simple Question" thread. But there's no use making a big deal of it now, right? ;)

These questions are for Basic Brawl and Team Battle not the Friend Code Brawls, right?.

Anyway... I'm not sure if everyone's screen freezes up at the same time. I think two people who know each other and are on seperate Wii's playing each other would know the answer. But on Anyone Mode, two people who know each other never usually brawl each other. My quess is that it they all freeze at the same time.

2. Are screen freeze-ups dependent on everyones connection, not just mine?
Yeas, I'm pretty sure it depends on everyone's connection. So if one has a bad connection, everyone will have a laggy battle.;)

3. Is the spectator match live?

Sadly, it is not. It's a recorded match.

If anyone finds a mistake, feel free to correct me. ;)


Smash Obsessed
Aug 3, 2007
Switch FC
Its a recorded match?
Aww laaameeee.
That makes it lose the excitement. =/


Smash Rookie
Aug 10, 2008
Brisbane, Australia
Ya I thought long and hard about where to post this because quite frankly I'm scared I'll break the rules without realising. I ended up choosing to put it into the online area as the question is directly related to online battles.

Sorry if I posted it in the wrong place, but please understand I did give it a lot of thought. (I wonder if I'd posted it in the simple questions post, would I have been advised to post it here?)

And yes, I am talking about random battles, the Anyone mode, I don't know anyone to battle as yet.

Thank you -very- much for your help guys..

Oh, and with regards to the spectator match, I originally assumed it was live until I played two brawls in anyone mode, both with plenty of screen freezes and the spectator match had no screen freezes, which led me to believe its not live.


Creator of delicious desserts
Feb 23, 2008
Don't worry about it. Topics here fly around everywhere so you're fitting in just great. ;)
If it helps, you seem like one of the smarter newcomers around here. ( Maybe I'm not one to judge but its a compliment.;))

You're also very welcome. If you need help with anything else, feel free to PM me. ( Some other users will make a big deal out of little things like this and star flaming, I don't know why and I really don't want to know. ;))

And Spectator Mode would have been nice if it was live. ;)


Smash Rookie
Aug 10, 2008
Brisbane, Australia
Oh yay it's wonderful to see so much kindness.

I've just come from a <I don't want to mention another game/website> forum, where the majority of the community were just downright rude and loved shutting people down and starting arguments.

In my opinion.. that's not fun.

I don't think I'll be posting -too- much, I am definitely one of those users who searches around a bit for his answer before asking, and I certainly don't have any advice, help or tips to give yet..

And! Yes. Wholeheartedly agreed, would be more fun if the spectator match was live. We can't have everything tho ^.~

It was nice to meet you both o.~

Perhaps when I pick up my technique a little I'll have to run at you with a Brawl challenge >.< !!

Exia 00

Smash Champion
May 3, 2008
Toronto, Ontario
I dont see how this is noobish O_o. Its smarter to ask questions than it is to assume. It looks like you have your questions answered so theres not much for me to say ^^


Creator of delicious desserts
Feb 23, 2008
I dont see how this is noobish O_o. Its smarter to ask questions than it is to assume. It looks like you have your questions answered so theres not much for me to say ^^
It seems new people on Smashboards get flamed for "Small questions that don't contribute to the community". I can see how pktboy got the assumption that his questions are noobish. But one of the main differences between his post and the posts of some other newcomers, is that you can see he followed the rules...simple as that. ;)

And THAT deserves cookies. *gives pktboy cookies*
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