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Now that the game has been out for a while, who do you think is actually imba?

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Colin Steele

Smash Apprentice
Jun 5, 2014
For clarification IMBA means imbalanced. I don't want to use the term overpowered, because it has such a poor stigma and connotation, but I think that imbalanced is a good way to summarize how one character might just be a little more powerful overall than others.

I don't want to hear any rants, I just want some rational people to voice their opinions about the balance of the game. We all know it's not perfect, and so I think it's ok for us to have a rational little discussion about who may or may not have an advantage over the rest of the characters in the general meta, and why.

Originally I would have immediately said :4littlemac:, but now that I've seen and played against him probably 20xx times, I don't dislike him for his strength, just for the play-style he forces me to use.

At this point however, I do feel that :rosalina: is extremely powerful because she's so hard to hit with luma around. Even without him she has such a good move-set, it's hard for me to find a weakness with her. I play her a lot and really enjoy her, but the only time I ever lose is if someone is performing really well with a rush-down character like Falcon or Sahnic or some ****. I would definitely call her IMBA at this point.

:4yoshi: also seems weirdly powerful due to his apparent lack of start-up or recovery in moves. He's always a tough opponent, but I don't think I would consider him IMBA, just well suited to the meta.

:4sonic: seems a little broken at the moment, I don't see how to deal with a player that is on point with him. even if you do manage to survive, it's a pretty safe bet you're going to go to sudden death. Not sure if I'd call him IMBA, but I definitely think he's an extremely poorly designed character.

:4sheik: along with Yoshi feels like a Melee character that just fell into Sm4sh and didn't get the right tuning for the meta. I've not mastered her, but I know that if I did I would be nigh unbeatable. I feel she was one of, if not the, best character in Melee, and I have trouble calling her anything but top-tier in this game as well, perhaps even IMBA.
I know a lot of people won't agree with me but :4dedede:gives me an enormous amount of trouble. The gordo buff seems ridiculous to me, and I hate it, but I really like playing him because he's so damned stylish. Of course I wouldn't say he's IMBA, I've beaten him and been beaten as him too many times, but damn does a good D3 frustrate the hell out of me.

So these are my characters that I feel stand out in the current meta as perhaps a little out of tune. What do you guys think?


Super Moderator
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Oct 27, 2007
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