Today I went to college and saw my ex that cheated and lied to me for seven months, I learned all this less than a month ago so it's still fresh in my mind.
But the funny part is the fact I went to the place I usually frequent at school, where I'm usually sure I won't meet her by accident. I entered, walked and saluted the people I knew, and my ex was at 2 inch from me when I realised she was there. I decided to walk away from the room.
I met my friend 10 secs later, telling him how pissed off I was, I was in the mood to destroy every single school locker in the place because I though no one near me was enough strong to survive from my inner rage.
I skipped the rest of my school day, went home, felt asleep without even knowing i was tired or even elongated on my bed. I dreamed of my ex, in my dream I was telling everyone who she was in reality, I was asking her the questions I never got any answer (like with who she cheated) and I was harassing her.
I suddently woke up, surprized myself on my bed. That's the moment I realised I was dreaming.
My day has been a ****load of crap for now. I'm about to listen at the hockey with a bud light... more like 12 bud lights.