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No Supplements For You!


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2007
I will never tell. :D
I never liked supplements or creatine for a reason I never knew. Maybe I was just prejudice to an inanimate object? My friends and family were always telling me to use them anyway, but now I know why. I'm reading this book called The Warrior Elite: The Forging of SEAL Class 228 by **** Couch.

Here is a sample excerpt from the book:

(please excuse spelling mistakes, if there are any that is)

"I want you all to pay attention because what I have to say is important to you and your success here at BUD/S. Today we're going to cover what you should be eating and taking and what you shouldn't be eating and taking. You guys getting enough to eat at the chow hall?" There is a rumble of negative comments. "Well, that's bull****. You should be getting all you want to eat over there. We'll look into that." He pauses to jot down a notation. "Let's talk about what you should be doing." He takes up a laser pointer and stabs at the screen as various food groups slide into view.

"It really comes down to this: there is no substitute for a well-balanced diet that is heavy in complex carbohydrates with lots of fruits and vegetables. Some of you guys think you need a high-protein diet or an all-protein diet. Not so. You need sixty percent carbohydrates with a blend of fats and protein. Don't forget the fat, especially you thin guys. When you get into the long ocean swims, you're going to need those calories to fight the cold. Eat whenever you can and eat all you can. If you can sneak a Power Bar between meals, do so, but stay away from the quick fixes like sugar or honey. You'll get a pike of energy and then you'll go flat. Otherwise, eat sensibly and eat often. No one burns calories like a BUD/S trainee. You can take in as much as six thousand calories a day and we'll see that you burn them off. Feet."




"Don't be nodding off on me," Peterson warns them. "Supplements," he continues. "Stay away from them. The only thing you might need is a good multivitamin. If you take vitamin C, take no more than six hundred milligrams- otherwise it might give you diarrhea. Vitamin E, no more than four hundred milligrams. Nothing else. Aside from the illegal stimulants that you know about, stay away from Creatine. I know it's an over-the-counter supplement and that it's legal, but it's strictly illegal here at BUD/S. Half the time when we find one of you musclemen face down in the sand on a beach run, we find Creatine in your locker. It causes leg cramps. It may help build bulk and upper-body mass, but it will not make you a stronger trainee. If we find Creatine in your locker, we'll kick you of here, understand?" "HOOYAH!"

"The best thing you can do to help yourself through BUD/S is to eat a balanced diet, heavy on carbohydrates, and- I can't stress this enough- eat a lot. And don't forget to hydrate. Keep those canteens full. You should all be drinking one and a half to two gallons of water each day. When the instructors give you a water break, take it. Mister Gallagher, I want you and your officers to see that your men get plenty to drink and that they begin each evolution with a full canteen."

"Hooyah, instructor Peterson."

"There are no shortcuts here- no secret formulas and no magic potions. Give your body what it needs- a balanced diet and lots of fluids. Take care of your body just like you take care of your equipment, and your body will take care of you. Then you can give a hundred percent to this training, which you will have to do if you hope to make it through. any questions?"

A hand goes up. In keeping with BUD/S classroom protocol, the student comes to attention and states his name and rate.

"Instructor Peterson, what about things like Motrin and aspirin?"

Peterson smiles. "You mean vitamin M. Most of you will need ibuprofen, especially during Hell Week. In fact, it's tough to get through Hell Week without it. The Medical Department will see that you get all the ibuprofen you need, but no more than you need. As for Excedrin, Tylenol, or Aleve, don't exceed the recommended doses. They're okay if you have a fever or for some of your aches. But don't overuse these drugs. You're going to hurt while you're here. Part of your job is to induce pain- not permanent injury, but we will make you hurt. You're all going to have to learn to play the game with pain. It's all part of becoming a SEAL. Your best defense against the pain and abuse is your personal motivation and your class spirit. Just how much do your really want to be here? You must decide that. Any more questions?" No hands. "Okay, then, that's it. Feet."


The class scrambles to attention as Peterson steps from the podium and leaves the room. The men form up on the grinder and run to the next training evolution.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 20, 2015
Different strokes for different strokes, but there's absolutely no sense in not using Creatine for muscular building purposes regardless of overall fitness training or heavy weight. It may actually boost athletic performance in hot conditions by maintaining red blood cell volume, aiding in maintaining body temperature and lowering your exercising heart and sweat rate. Creatine actually helps with hydration and the only reason people might experience craps is from inadequate blood supply, nerve compression, or mineral depletion. For proper use you should be balancing water and electrolytes within your body so you actively have some to be consumed. The reason why it may not be good for BUDS training is simply from the sheer volume of intensity, I know a few people who've attempted and become Seals and you rarely are afforded the opportunity to maintain the balance without the help of supplementation from potassium, sodium, etc and the cramps are a direct reflection of unbalance between the two.. You don't want a pure protein diet but you do need an adequate amount to not only build but restore muscle as well in fact you should be consuming at least 1g/lb every single day with the intensity the go at.

Interesting note for you though
"Nothing else. Aside from the illegal stimulants that you know about"

Buds is a test of willpower, and you'd be ignorant to assume that it isn't common place. Just don't get caught, because in the military they don't often test for PEDs because of how expensive the tests are and the results you achieve are astounding. Chances are people who make it through are using PEDs simply because of how incredible an increased hormonal response affects recovery.
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