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No more bouncing


Smash Rookie
Jun 19, 2008
I've learned about the egg roll bounce problem. When you press the B button and side, you will usually hold the side. Don't hold the side instead. just tap B and side and you won't usually bounce at the beginning of the roll. This is probably nothing new or special.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2008
UK, England (We got Brawl late. Get over it.)
I've learned about the egg roll bounce problem. When you press the B button and side, you will usually hold the side. Don't hold the side instead. just tap B and side and you won't usually bounce at the beginning of the roll. This is probably nothing new or special.
I don't neccesarily see how the bounce is an issue, either, and I think that this has had more than a few mentions in the past. But thanks anyway, at least you were considerate enough to share with us something of which you felt was a helpful piece of data. Several players would normally just keep it to themselves if they discovered something that they thought was unknown by most. :laugh:
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