Agreed, even if you feel you can pressure Nintendo into pooping out more copies of the game in time for release, that's unlikely to work out haha.
PAL certainly does have a habit of getting games last, Europe and Australia definitely drew the short straw, but it's something you need to be patient with. Yes the States has waited a long time, but so has everybody else. This is likely to be the last delay, if not, well that would be a disappointment. There's a lot to keep us going until then [excluding fake rosters and leaks >.>] and if you're willing to bide a little more time it'll be here before you know it. Hell, I bet some people will complain about the delay, then rush through the game and leave it on the shelf for dust. This title deserves a lot of recognition, and has some astounding content.
Bring it on I say, but don't let these things get to you too much. We've been waiting this long already, a little bit extra can't cause too much harm.
-- Andy