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NFL Fixed and Scripted???

Is the NFL legit?

  • legit

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • fixed

    Votes: 2 40.0%

  • Total voters

Stu R

Smash Cadet
Apr 25, 2016
Hey everybody, I love and enjoy watching football, but how modern NFL games are looking it just seems more likely that the players are literally acting under a script. Is there a fixed winner? Let me know what you guys think.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 18, 2016
Bay Area
Definantely not because something like tha would be leaked way to quickly. That would also imply that college and high school football is also fake along with the draft, which can't be true.

Stu R

Smash Cadet
Apr 25, 2016
Definantely not because something like tha would be leaked way to quickly. That would also imply that college and high school football is also fake along with the draft, which can't be true.
That does not automatically mean that collage and high school football is fake, but that's besides the point. Drew Brees makes a $23,800,000
dollar salary, would you shut up for that kind of money?


Smash Apprentice
Jan 18, 2016
Bay Area
That does not automatically mean that collage and high school football is fake, but that's besides the point. Drew Brees makes a $23,800,000
dollar salary, would you shut up for that kind of money?
It does because that high school and college is fake nfl wouldn't have any reason to draft people who actually play football if it isnt real and actual skill in football is irrelevant. Also they would just leak the information when they retire arent making anymore money, the same way they leak information about cheating or paying the refs when they retire. Also if it was fake, the big news agencyies wouldn't cover it with their credability at stake. They also wouldnt have an offseason since they wouldn't need one and more money is to be made without one. Also why would they get injured if they aren't actually playing. Also the teams would be more balanced because it would sell better and make for a better story if they were al more even. Also, how would they hire. If no one knew about it being fake they wouldn't be able to find someone who knows that to hire them.
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Stu R

Smash Cadet
Apr 25, 2016
I don't think you fully understand the amount of money that's being thrown around here, things like that just aren't obstacles when you have that much power. How do you know that they don't have some other form of blackmail to keep refs and players quiet in retirement? It's not about the tradition, or the players, or anything like that, it's only about what makes money.



Smash Apprentice
Jan 18, 2016
Bay Area
I don't think you fully understand the amount of money that's being thrown around here, things like that just aren't obstacles when you have that much power. How do you know that they don't have some other form of blackmail to keep refs and players quiet in retirement? It's not about the tradition, or the players, or anything like that, it's only about what makes money.

Again, that would imply that college is fake because the nfl drafts from college. and it would imply that high school is fake because college drafts from high school. You also didn't address any of the points I made about the news covering it and the unbalanced teams, injuries, and offseasons. Also not everyone is being paid millions like Drew Brees. Like the second or third string. Also they wouldn't have dirt on every single person in the nfl to keep quiet in retirement because tons of people are drafted each year and how would they have dirt on people who have only been in it for a year or less. Also a lot of people would quit upon realizing that it's fake since they play not only for the money, but also because they enjoy football. So why would they waste decades of their life pretending to do what they actually want to do. Also there wouldn't need to be any regulations in place in teams (like salary caps, limits on how much people can be paid etc.) there's just way too many holes in saying that it isn't real.
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Stu R

Smash Cadet
Apr 25, 2016
You still don't see it, have you even watched how they play? It's like they barely even try. Back in the fifty's and sixty's they actually tackled each other. On the refs side of the equation, 99.9% of every penalty is bull****. I could make better calls than them and I'm not the one who went to collage to do it. It's clearly biased, that much I can prove.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 18, 2016
Bay Area
You still don't see it, have you even watched how they play? It's like they barely even try. Back in the fifty's and sixty's they actually tackled each other. On the refs side of the equation, 99.9% of every penalty is bull****. I could make better calls than them and I'm not the one who went to collage to do it. It's clearly biased, that much I can prove.
The reason they don't tackle hard is because there are more rules about that than there were in 50's or 60's. Some examples of the new rules are, you can't tackle head first or rush head first or pull people off a dog pile, or even do a dance. You used to be able to do all these things. It doesn't look like they are trying because refs are more strict on unnecessary roughness, so players play more conservatively to avoid penalties. The reason refs are making calls the way they do is for health concerns and to prevent injury. The cause for all this is that we know that we know more about concussions and longterm injuries that that can come from football. You also didnt respond to any of the points i made about injuries, unbalanced teams, high school and college being fake, offseason, leaks after retirement, people quitting upon realizing its fake, restrictions, news covering it with their credability at steak, people who don't get paid that much, finding people to hire, and not possibly having dirt everyone.

Stu R

Smash Cadet
Apr 25, 2016
Look, I get that I will never be able to prove that the NFL is fixed until someone actually finds a script or document. All I'm trying to say here is that it's a valid possibility. But I can prove that the refs and the league all together is biased. Remember the one Superbowl when San Francisco took on Baltimore? Do you remember the absurd number of false calls on the 49ers? They weren't just being strict, the crap they were calling flat out wasn't happening. The Ravens were intended to win that game from the start. So yes, the teams have been made balanced, explicitly scene back in the 50's and 60's the only rule of football was Green Bay wins.


Smash Rookie
Jun 10, 2016
Look, I get that I will never be able to prove that the NFL is fixed until someone actually finds a script or document. All I'm trying to say here is that it's a valid possibility. But I can prove that the refs and the league all together is biased. Remember the one Superbowl when San Francisco took on Baltimore? Do you remember the absurd number of false calls on the 49ers? They weren't just being strict, the crap they were calling flat out wasn't happening. The Ravens were intended to win that game from the start. So yes, the teams have been made balanced, explicitly scene back in the 50's and 60's the only rule of football was Green Bay wins.
I've heard of some controversial moves made by Refs (especially in Super Bowl games or in the playoffs) but I've never had the notion that the NFL itself fixes the matches. I've always seen calls that go both ways. My experience with football is just the playoffs and the Super Bowl but everything seems pretty legit to be honest.



Smash Apprentice
Jan 18, 2016
Bay Area
Look, I get that I will never be able to prove that the NFL is fixed until someone actually finds a script or document. All I'm trying to say here is that it's a valid possibility. But I can prove that the refs and the league all together is biased. Remember the one Superbowl when San Francisco took on Baltimore? Do you remember the absurd number of false calls on the 49ers? They weren't just being strict, the crap they were calling flat out wasn't happening. The Ravens were intended to win that game from the start. So yes, the teams have been made balanced, explicitly scene back in the 50's and 60's the only rule of football was Green Bay wins.
It still wasn't balanced because the Jaguars still only had like 3 wins along with other teams. Also the Broncos vs the Seahawks wasn't close at all. Also there were a lot of bad calls by the refs in that super bowl but something being biased isn't the same as being scripted even if they were intended to win from the beginning. For all we know the refs could have been paid.
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