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Official Next Smash - Speculation & Discussion Thread


Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
I feel like I need to apologize. I think this whole fight started because of my complaints with Fates and Xenoblade 2. I definitely don’t think these games are representative of JRPGs in general but I can understand how someone might come to that conclusion if they were the only types of games they were exposed to and gave up on the genre as a result. I feel the same about how certain shows can give people the wrong impression on an entire genre if those are all they have seen.
You weren’t the one who unapologetically said racist stuff. You have no need to apologize. Saying issues you have with JRPGs is fine. Using it as an excuse to be racist isn’t.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 11, 2021
Well, I wouldn't really consider you responsible for where others took the discussion but maybe now would be a good time for all of us to refocus on discussing Smash.
Yeah, this is yet another reason why I absolutely HATE all discussion of Smash's potential future being relegated to a single thread. The fact that I could turn around for a day, only to come back to at least two whole pages to catch up on, is really getting quite old. Fortunately, I'm starting to just filter out all of the inconsequential BS like the recent back-and-forth between two specific users I will not name (seriously though, can you take it do DMs?).


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
You weren’t the one who unapologetically said racist stuff. You have no need to apologize. Saying issues you have with JRPGs is fine. Using it as an excuse to be racist isn’t.
Again go back and read the post properly. Insisting you weren’t wrong when you clearly were is just silly


Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009
Yeah, this is yet another reason why I absolutely HATE all discussion of Smash's potential future being relegated to a single thread. The fact that I could turn around for a day, only to come back to at least two whole pages to catch up on, is really getting quite old. Fortunately, I'm starting to just filter out all of the inconsequential BS like the recent back-and-forth between two specific users I will not name (seriously though, can you take it do DMs?).
I honestly think now is actually the best time to have character support threads. By the time the next Smash is announced, the roster will have already been decided, kind of making the support threads moot at that point.


Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
Yeah, this is yet another reason why I absolutely HATE all discussion of Smash's potential future being relegated to a single thread. The fact that I could turn around for a day, only to come back to at least two whole pages to catch up on, is really getting quite old. Fortunately, I'm starting to just filter out all of the inconsequential BS like the recent back-and-forth between two specific users I will not name (seriously though, can you take it do DMs?).
If you're talking about me, then yeah I probably should've taken it to DMs...


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
I will apologise however just not to phantom I certainly didn’t mean to say something racist I pointing out that this is a problem in general for gaming rather than one exclusive to jrpgs. And I thought my wording made that perfectly clear. I hope I didn’t cause any actual offence cause it was far from my intention.

and I mean it, I’m not saying it to “cover my hide“ or any such nonsense I am genuinely sorry
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Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009
I will apologise however just not to phantom I certainly didn’t mean to say something racist I pointing out that this is a problem in general for gaming rather than one exclusive to jrpgs. And I thought my wording made that perfectly clear. I hope I didn’t cause any actual offence cause it was far from my intention.

and I mean it, I’m not saying it to “cover my hide“ or any such nonsense I am genuinely sorry
No worries. I believe that you didn’t mean anything malicious by your words but it wouldn’t hurt to think about how they might be interpreted before posting. I think it could also help to be a bit more open minded before writing off an entire genre like anime or JRPGs based on a few bad cases. I appreciate the apology and I don’t think you’re a bad person or anything or else you wouldn’t have even apologized at all.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
No worries. I believe that you didn’t mean anything malicious by your words but it wouldn’t hurt to think about how they might be interpreted before posting. I think it could also help to be a bit more open minded before writing off an entire genre like anime or JRPGs based on a few bad cases. I appreciate the apology and I don’t think you’re a bad person or anything or else you wouldn’t have even apologized at all.
it’s just the way my brain works sadly, I don’t always remember that things can have multiple meanings or that words mean different things in different cultures.
and I can’t process my emotions properly but I do try and apologise when I’ve calmed down. People don’t believe me but I do try but it’s not easy


Smash Master
Apr 10, 2018
Lima, Peru
Speaking of Senran Kagura, it got a crossover with Neptunia back in the day.
So that's means one thing...
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Smash Hero
Sep 17, 2014
Being fair to Japanese media, they are worse than western media in terms of sexualization (not saying western media is clean about this).

As of late though, Japanese media utterly trounces western in terms of actually writing/characterizing females. Even Princess Peach's recent portrayals are tbh more likable than Rey or Carol Danvers.


Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009
Being fair to Japanese media, they are worse than western media in terms of sexualization (not saying western media is clean about this).

As of late though, Japanese media utterly trounces western in terms of actually writing/characterizing females. Even Princess Peach's recent portrayals are tbh more likable than Rey or Carol Danvers.
I definitely have noticed that Japanese fighting games tend to have more sexualized female characters than western fighting games in general. For example, look at Soul Calibur and Dead or Alive compared to Killer Instinct and Mortal Kombat. This wasn’t always the case though. On the SNES, Orchid was pretty sexualized in Killer Instinct and the first Soul Calibur was pretty tame in comparison. I’m not really sure what changed but I’ve definitely noticed a trend. Soul Calibur and Killer Instinct are my two favorite fighting games other than Smash but I do wish SC would tone down the fanservice. Obviously, this isn’t an absolute but it’s just something I’ve personally noticed from the games I’ve paid attention to.
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Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
Soul Calibur and Killer Instinct are my two favorite fighting games other than Smash but I do wish SC would tone down the fanservice.
so do i. Though it does distract from how bad ivy’s accent is

for clarity only the second sentence is a joke
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Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
The age of consent in Japan is 13 with local prefectures establishing further limitations on "corruption of youth" effectively raising it to 16-18 except in "serious romantic relationships" which are approved by the children's parents.

Japanese culture is very different than American culture or "Western" culture. This is true for many aspects of sexuality including how it is portrayed in adult media and mainstream media. If we go to parts of Europe you'll find that the culture there is also much different than in America. This diversity unfortunately leads to some stereotyping (even in jest) and this does lead to racism or bigotry eventually. The best way to avoid these sorts of things is to take a step back and remember that attitudes towards sex around the world are varied and that one should not judge cultural differences.

Also I find it best to portray sarcasm on message boards using an emoticon or emoji. Since joining the smashboards speculation side of discussion I've learned this little guy seems to work:



Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009
The age of consent in Japan is 13 with local prefectures establishing further limitations on "corruption of youth" effectively raising it to 16-18 except in "serious romantic relationships" which are approved by the children's parents.

Japanese culture is very different than American culture or "Western" culture. This is true for many aspects of sexuality including how it is portrayed in adult media and mainstream media. If we go to parts of Europe you'll find that the culture there is also much different than in America. This diversity unfortunately leads to some stereotyping (even in jest) and this does lead to racism or bigotry eventually. The best way to avoid these sorts of things is to take a step back and remember that attitudes towards sex around the world are varied and that one should not judge cultural differences.

Also I find it best to portray sarcasm on message boards using an emoticon or emoji. Since joining the smashboards speculation side of discussion I've learned this little guy seems to work:

That makes sense. I try to be a very accepting person of everyone and it helps to step back and think about why things might be a certain way before judging it. I still may not personally like that type of stuff but I’m not going to put anyone down who does and I’ll try not to think less of the developers who use it.


Smash Hero
Sep 17, 2014
It's not the age of consent that bothers me, it's more that Japanese fanservice tends to be... distracting or inappropriate for the given situation.


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2016
Yeah, this is yet another reason why I absolutely HATE all discussion of Smash's potential future being relegated to a single thread. The fact that I could turn around for a day, only to come back to at least two whole pages to catch up on, is really getting quite old. Fortunately, I'm starting to just filter out all of the inconsequential BS like the recent back-and-forth between two specific users I will not name (seriously though, can you take it do DMs?).
Two whole pages? When we were actually getting developments in-game, we could go through, idk, ten pages a day in the main thread. And it was possible to actually miss something interesting. Now nothing of consequence is happening.
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Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I feel like I need to apologize. I think this whole fight started because of my complaints with Fates and Xenoblade 2. I definitely don’t think these games are representative of JRPGs in general but I can understand how someone might come to that conclusion if they were the only types of games they were exposed to and gave up on the genre as a result. I feel the same about how certain shows can give people the wrong impression on an entire genre if those are all they have seen.
In this light, my apologies for calling the Japanese version of FE Fates "worse" hitting on perversion in their culture as an inherit part of it, which it's not.


Smash Hero
Sep 17, 2014
Have anyone modded Super Smash Bros. Crusade to add custom characters and stages?
I love that fangame, but I feel it only hit its stride with the 0.9.3 update. It's got a long way to go before it reaches Flash 2.

That said, I'm not that fond of Flash 2 personally since its controller support isn't great and it's just 30fps.


Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains


Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
Nintendo has consistently done a Direct in the second full week of June (outside the pandemic year) since 2017, so it would be more surprising if they didn't have a major presentation in the next 8 days.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
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Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
Apparently, the Japanese version was even worse. And they even wanted to take that further... Having recently played Fates, am all too well reminded of it's bad qualities.
Yes, it was. Cause I just remembered that there was no "universal" face petting at all in the Western version. The only times when you could "face pet" and "blow on the face" was only with your spouse. The first bit happening when you find your spouse asleep so you could pat them to wake them up and the 2nd one was when they were finished with the bath house, had a bit of heat stroke and you cooled them off.

In the JP version, whenever you called anybody, it would always go to the face petting bit, whereas in the West version, it outright skipped the face petting section and went to the dialogue, with the only times it happens are two specific moments with your spouse. The forced face petting for everybody was taken out.

But geez, I knew something felt off when I replied about the face petting/blowing bit and why I didn't have an issue using the treehouse, it's because the face petting and face blowing were taken out except for two moments with the character you married, a character you were more than likely comfortable with. You never had to worry about doing it with the characters you weren't comfortable with. :skull::smash:

Edit: And if there was one good thing about the face petting bit, it's the comic stripes that make fun of it even being a thing.
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Smash Cadet
Jun 24, 2020
And that's why NASB's roster selection is kinda refreshing, because they don't always go for the main protagonist.
Chiming in late, but people only say that when their favorites dont make it but if they added Anthony instead of Samus, Silver instead of Sonic or Chunky instead of Donkey Kong because of meme culture or online favoritism, there would be riots. I think its only far that a series being newly introduced tends to favor the faces of said series first, as thats kind of the point of having a crossover. As it expands, then stranger choices become a fair bet, like Pirania Plant, but you cant have something like Plant in Smash without earning it first by having Luigi, Peach, Bowser etc.

I keep saying that Pokémon's starters are like Fire Emblem lords. They're the most likely to be in Smash (especially with our current track record), but also rather same-y and uninteresting compared to anyone else.
Literally none of the starters play alike in any way, if the 5 didnt share the fact they were "starters" in their respective games, there would be no way to even group them moveset, design or style wise. In fact they are all pretty unique to even smash standards, the closest would be what Charizard being a dragon and Ridley being in the game but they play nothing alike.

Tbh hating on starters and comparing it to lords when those have actual clones is just hypocritical talk from a part of the online discourse because its not the character you happen to care/feel nostalgic about personally so whoever gets in instead will automatically be called boring or something. If they added some unexpected Galar character that wasnt a starter but wasnt who you cared for still, this part of the "fans" would just find a new, broader label to group them to complain thats the issue now, just like people started complaining about swords after rpg characters who werent from fire emblem happened to make it and they needed a new reason to hate them for not being their pet choice.

I’m not really fine with them either but Smash fixed Mythra in my opinion. I actually like Mythra’s Smash design. I personally think that Pyra’s outfit was always bad. Neither of them were ever as bad as that rabbit blade.
Her original design really doesnt show anything a normal person wouldnt see on a beach or nightclub, its actually more censored, and the few changes only happened due the japanese rating system that Sakurai jokes about on his columns, so I dont understand why americans get so angry or defensive like it fixed something if she has leggings on her skirt or not or something like that unless its a religious group that isnt aware Japan has a different culture alltogether. It is interesting from a historical research point of view though, since Ive been analisying old extremist campaigns from moralist americans from the 80s/90s and I can find their same discourse and life views in current day "game players", as a scholar, it makes me wonder how extremism and puritanism spread. And I dont see any issue with Tora, Poppi or Rex you seem to have, they are all charismatic, have good arcs, and while Rex has a strange fashion, it relates to his salvager suit at least.

Unfortunately I never got to see her story because I refused to use her due to her design. It is a shame if she was actually a great character otherwise and I missed out.
She has a good story and imo hating characters over moralism/soccer mom morales is a bit of an evil thing to do after all those years where soccer moms wanted to burn games for much less, but its pretty interesting that society went a way where a minority of people inherited puritanism equal to a soccer mom that thinks games are evil or satanic because a character has horns or a cleavage now play games and want them censored as much as the religious soccer moms used to yet play them, as someone who researches this stuff, I wonder if the people who wanted to censor Mortal Kombat also played it, things would be different today. But I say give the cast a chance, specially when the game itself doesnt really have anything offensive in it to a normal person from most countries, (I suggest to people to deal with internalized hate this kind of stuff may bring, because having studied psychology in the past, its irrational and unearned, and embrace these characters based on themselves because the blades all get some really good side quests that shouldnt be missed out if one likes the story).


Smash Hero
Sep 17, 2014
Literally none of the starters play alike in any way, if the 5 didnt share the fact they were "starters" in their respective games, there would be no way to even group them moveset, design or style wise. In fact they are all pretty unique to even smash standards, the closest would be what Charizard being a dragon and Ridley being in the game but they play nothing alike.

Tbh hating on starters and comparing it to lords when those have actual clones is just hypocritical talk from a part of the online discourse because its not the character you happen to care/feel nostalgic about personally so whoever gets in instead will automatically be called boring or something. If they added some unexpected Galar character that wasnt a starter but wasnt who you cared for still, this part of the "fans" would just find a new, broader label to group them to complain thats the issue now, just like people started complaining about swords after rpg characters who werent from fire emblem happened to make it and they needed a new reason to hate them for not being their pet choice.
Nah man, I genuinely think Pokémon has way more to offer beyond a grass, fire, or water type and they're being ignored.

They may not be sword-wielding RPG hero, gun-toting marine shooter hero, or bare-handed everything else hero, but they're still a trope within Pokémon.

But like it or not, the number of Pokémon that are marketed other than starters and mascot legendaries gets lower and lower each gen. I think it's nonexistent at this point.


Smash Master
Apr 10, 2018
Lima, Peru
Chiming in late, but people only say that when their favorites dont make it but if they added Anthony instead of Samus, Silver instead of Sonic or Chunky instead of Donkey Kong because of meme culture or online favoritism, there would be riots.
I can imagine a perfect world where there only one character per franchise, but they all are memes from their respective fandoms.


Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013

In lighter news considering the dumpster fire that is the Xenoblade 3 Special Edition pre orders, Crash leak season is back. Source for this one is pretty good, seeing as it is the head editor of Windows Central. If you are a Crash fan, keep your expectations in check but its ok to be optimistic.


Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018

In lighter news considering the dumpster fire that is the Xenoblade 3 Special Edition pre orders, Crash leak season is back. Source for this one is pretty good, seeing as it is the head editor of Windows Central. If you are a Crash fan, keep your expectations in check but its ok to be optimistic.
Honestly... I've been burned too many times at this point. If it's real, great. If it's not... well, let's just say the Pokemon and Smash fandoms are gonna have some competition for "Most Toxic Fanbase".
Seems like it's legit.

Rip to the guy who didn't know how to properly redact info and will likely be blacklisted over it. Hope it was worth it.
Good enough for me. Now to try and will a Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. Switch port into existance.


Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009
Trying to get back to the subject of Smash, here’s another character concept for my favorite video game character ever:

Zegram Ghart

RG - Zegram.jpg

Who is Zegram Ghart? (spoilers from Rogue Galaxy)

Zegram Ghart is a badass bounty hunter from the planet Zerard. Though he is employed by the the space pirate captain Dorgengoa, he has no loyalty to the crew or the main protagonist Jaster Rogue. He prides himself on being a lone wolf and gives off the appearance that the only thing he cares about in life is getting paid. Fairly early on in the game Zegram betrays the party when it is revealed that he had been spying on your team and reporting back to the enemy as part of a deal to bring back his deceased wife. Zegram eventually turns on the villain as well as he suspects that they were never going to hold up their end of the deal. Eventually, Zegram joins back up with the party and redeems himself as he helps save the galaxy.

Why should Zegram be in Smash?

Truthfully, Zegram has pretty much no chance at all to ever make it into Smash. He has never been on a Nintendo console, and wasn’t the main character of his game. On top of that, Rogue Galaxy was a pretty niche game despite being created from a beloved company with ties to Nintendo (Level 5). He would likely never be chosen over the likes of Professor Layton, a Ni-no-Kuni rep, or a Yokai Watch rep, but he does have a lot to offer in his own right.

While Zegram isn’t the main character of his game, I believe he fits the pirate theme of the game better than the protagonist Jaster Rogue. He is also my personal favorite video game character of all time so that goes a long way. It doesn’t hurt that he also happens to be voiced by one of my favorite voice actors ever in Steve Blum. I have nothing against Jaster and I think he is a pretty cool protagonist, but he is simply outclassed in my eyes.

What can he do?

Every character in Rogue Galaxy has a main weapon and a sub weapon. In most cases, the main weapon is a melee weapon and the sub weapon is some kind of projectile. Zegram’s main weapons are a giant cutlass and a shuriken. He has a variety of skills including Fire Sword, Parry, Drunken Burst, Lightning, Twin Sword, Death Break, and Gates of Hell. Here is a quick rundown of what each of his skills do in the game:

Fire Sword - Infuses the sword with the power of flames, increasing its attack power. Continuous/ Unblockable/ Guard Break/ Fire.

Parry - Uses a warrior's wisdom to increase the enemy evasion rate. Continuous.

Drunken Burst - The power of grog increases all allies' attack power! Instant.

Lightning - Calls down violent lightning bolts to attack all enemies. Instant/ Electric.

Twin Sword - Unleashes the legendary twin-sword technique. Twice the swords, twice the attack power! Continuous/ Ice/ Wind/ Daze

Death Break - Sends enemies to their deaths with a cursed sword dance. Instant/ Electric/ Holy.

Inferno Vortex Zegram and Simon’s wind and fire combination attack. Instant/ Fire/ Wind.

Gates of HellZegram, Jaster, and Lilika’s ultimate combination attack. Instant/ Wind/ Holy.

Burning Strike - Enables activation of 5/7/9-hit Burning Strike attacks.

Showcase of Zegram’s skills

Here is a completed moveset showcasing what Zegram could be in Smash:

General Play Style and Gimmicks

Zegram is a slower, more powerful sword user compared to most of the cast. His power and attributes would be very similar to Ike. Like Ike, Zegram also uses a huge sword with only one hand. The biggest thing separating himself from Ike is the fact that he has a stronger focus on projectiles and area attacks.

In Rogue Galaxy, Zegram has several skills that temporarily buff either himself or his teammates. These include Drunken Burst, which raises his team’s attack power, Parry, which increases evasion, Fire Sword which temporarily infuses his sword in flames, and Twin Sword , which spawns a secondary sword adding a second hit to all his attacks. I think the most interesting one here is Twin Sword. In Smash, this will be represented as a temporary powered up state akin to Joker’s Arsene. This will only apply to Zegram’s A moves and his specials will be unaffected.

Weak Attacks

Neutral - Zegram Attacks with four quick horizontal slashes followed by a stronger spinning slash. If the A button is held instead, Zegram charges up and performs a single stronger spinning leaping downward slash. This is a great shield breaking move. This represents both Zegram’s basic combination attack in Rogue Galaxy as well as his charge up shield breaking move.

Forward tilt - This one is very similar to Ike’s forward tilt. A slightly overhead, downward angled horizontal slash.

Up tilt - Zegram thrusts his sword directly upward similar to Marth’s up smash.

Down tilt - Zegram performs a quick downward stab into the ground. This represents Zegram’s normal attack on downed enemies in Rogue Galaxy.

Smash attacks

Forward smash – Fire Sword – When Twin Sword isn’t active, this attack is similar to Ike’s forward smash but infused in flames. When Twin Sword is active, Zegram slashes forward in an X pattern with two swords.

Up smash –Fire Sword – Zegram infuses his sword in flames and thrusts his sword upward in a sweeping motion. The animation for this attack would look a lot like Cloud’s up smash.

Down smash – Death Break – Zegram carves a spell circle in the ground with his sword and stabs the ground dealing considerable damage to a fairly wide range. This attack has a fairly long startup but the damage and knockback is very strong.


Neutral special – Shuriken - Zegram throws a shuriken that travels in a straight line in the direction the opponent was at the time of throwing it up to 45 degrees upward or downward. This is about the speed and power of Falco’s blaster. After throwing a set number of these, there is a cooldown before he can throw another. The cooldown can be greatly reduced by shielding. This represents Zegram’s standard ranged attack in Rogue Galaxy.

Up special – Inferno Vortex - Zegram summons a flaming tornado that damages enemies traps them in it while propelling Zegram upwards

Forward special – Burning Strike – A 5 hit combination attack in the same vein as Marth’s forward B chain. The first strike is a downward overhead slash. The second is a powerful upward slash. The third is a sweeping horizontal slash. The fourth strike is another powerful upward slash. For the final strike, he throws a flaming shuriken that drags the enemy upward in an arc as the shuriken turns into a flaming phoenix. This would be a slower but more powerful attack compared to Marth’s chain.

Down special – Lightning – Zegram thrusts his sword in the air and summons a lightning storm that damage enemies in range. Unlike Pikachu’s thunder, Zegram’s Lighting is a fairly weak move that hits a wider range. Although it does mild damage, it does stun all enemies struck by the lighting similar to Zero Suit Samus’ blaster.

Running Attack

Running attack - This one is kind of similar to Link’s running attack where Zegram performs a strong leaping strike.

Aerial attacks

Neutral air - Zegram Performs two horizontal slashes followed by an overhead downward slash. This is his aerial combo from Rogue Galaxy.

Forward air - This one is pretty similar to Ike’s forward air. Zegram performs a slow powerful overhead slash with two hands.

Up air - Zegram performs an arching overhead slash. This is a lot like Ike’s up air but with an additional fire element.

Down air - Zegram stabs his sword downward, which can spike.


Pummel - The standard knee strikes most characters have work well here.

Forward throw - This is a cargo throw similar to Donkey Kong. He lifts his opponent over his head with both hands and can move around with them before tossing them. This represents Rogue Galaxy’s toss mechanic.

Up throw - Zegram tosses his opponent upwards and follows up by tossing two shurikens at him or her.

Back throw - Zegram tosses his opponent backwards.

Down throw - Zegram slams his opponent into the ground then stabs them with his sword.

Final Smash

Gates of Hell – This is based on Zegram’s ultimate triple team attack from Rogue Galaxy which he performs with the protagonist, Jaster Rogue and one of their partners, Lilika. To initiate the attack, Zegram thrusts his sword in a sweeping motion and anyone caught in range is teleported to a cutscene. Here, Jaster carves a spell circle in the ground while Lilika uses it to summon a huge otherworldly gate from the ground. Zegram slices the gate open with his sword and releases a huge wave of cursed energy which deals massive damage to anyone caught in the initial activation.

Another option for Zegram’s final smash is Jaster’s triple tech, Supernova, that he performs with Zegram and Kisala. In this move, all three dash into the sky and form a giant laser beam with their swords that explodes the planet. Even though this isn’t Zegram’s move specifically, it does feature him as well as the main heroine, Kisala, rather than Lilika, who is more of a side character.


Taunt 1 - Zegram points his sword forward and then makes the “bring it on” motion with his hand as he says “Come on, try me!”. This is he animation for his Parry skill.

Taunt 2 - Zegram takes a drink from his gourd, wipes his mouth, and hiccups. This is the animation from the first part of his Drunken Burst

Taunt 3 - Zegram temporarily infuses his sword in flames as he says “This is gonna hurt!”. This is the animation from his Flame Sword skill with the quote from his Death Break skill.

Victory quotes

“Don’t ever try to show off in front of me you damn beast.”

“Huh, why did they even bother jumping us?”

“Let’s just leave it at that for now.”

“What a waste of time!”

“Was that it?”


Zegram’s primary outfit is a classic pirate coat and red eyepatch. This would serve as his default outfit in Smash. Throughout the game, he gets several other outfits, though his next most iconic one is a red and black samurai outfit. Since Smash tends to only have one alternate outfit per character, this would likely be the one they would go with.

Zegram Outfits.png

RG - Zegram 3.jpg

What would his stage be?

The obvious choice for his stage would be aboard the airship, the Dorgenark as is travels through the galaxy. It is a very iconic location that you return to several times throughout the game. The primary battlefield would probably be on the dock of the ship, but you could also possibly fight in the interior as well.

RG - Forest Planet.jpg

RG - Dorgenark Hall.jpg

RG - Dorgenark Interior.jpg

What kind of music could he bring?:

Planet Zerard
The Crisis
Brave Heart
Exploder 2
Severe Voyage
Hidden Insanity
Enormous Threat
Dreaming My Way Home

I don't really expect many people to share my desire for Zegram to get in Smash, but I thought it would be fun to share my thoughts on my favorite video game character ever. Hopefully I was able to educate some people and show them that he would be really cool even if it is an impossible dream.
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Smash Hero
Sep 17, 2014
I guess I'll share my wants for the next Smash too.

TBH, everything I want of the sequel is not a character. I posted most of these on this thread, but I'll compile them here as well.

Additions to gameplay:
  • Consolidate Cloud's Limit, Mac's KO Punch, and Terry's Desperation into a single "super meter" mechanic, and map the "Super Special" button to Y by default. You can build the super meter up to three charges, and using one super special will expend one of those charges (with a few exceptions). Super specials will be powered-up versions of existing specials, not new moves though.
  • Offer alternative movesets for certain characters (mainly the 64/Melee veterans) while keeping their original movesets as default to satiate those who want them revamped.
  • Add a "wavedash button" mapped to R by default. This would let you essentially wavedash easily, and it would even let you adjust the length of the wavedash by tilting the control stick as in Melee. What's more, all jabs and tilts as well as a few specials (like Reflector) should be cancelable with the "wavedash button", which would allow for greater grounded combo opportunities.
  • Add Small Battlefield and Smashville modes as competitive universal stage options.
Changes to gameplay:
  • Replace air dodging with air dashing ("wavedash button" in air) and air shielding. I find air dodging a bad mechanic for unnecessarily slowing down the aerial game by its very nature as an "invulnerable maneuver". Therefore, it should be separated into air dashing as the "burst air movement" option and air shielding as "aerial defense" that can be more quickly interrupted with a grab.
  • Redo most neutral airs as aerial jabs. This would give a pinch of that MvC flavor for more satisfying aerial combos.
  • Tying in with the above, make up tilts interruptible early with jump.
  • Make jabs cancelable into tilts. What I mean by this is that if you input the first few hits of a jab, the last hit can be replaced by a tilt. This can apply to both rapids and three-hitters.
  • Replace move staling with a more standard combo decay system. Like it or not, move staling overly favors the damage output of speedsters with a variety of combo moves over glaciers with one or two. Combo decay will make it so that speedsters won't utterly trounce glaciers in damage output.
  • Adventure Mode: I would like to have several "mini Adventures", like Mario Adventure, Zelda Adventure, Metroid Adventure, Pokémon Adventure, Fire Emblem Adventure, Xenoblade Adventure, etc.

    Each Adventure would only be three stages plus a boss, with each being a "summary" of the series as a whole. For example, Mario Adventure would involve running in a grassland, then an underground level, then finally Bowser's Castle, and then you fight Giga Bowser at the end. The other Adventures would be like that in different franchises. Of course, the staple enemies and visuals from each franchise would be represented.
  • Special team victory animations. If you have two characters on a team that "make sense" together, like Mario and Luigi, Mario and Peach, Bowser and Jr., Link and Zelda(?), two Inklings, Chrom/Robin/Lucina, Pit and Palutena, Fox and Falco, etc., they will have a special victory pose where they can have their special interactions.
  • Replace spotdodging with a universal counter. Admittedly, I just thought of this since counters are such a common special, so why not make it universal?
  • "Super Throws", which would be kill throws or immobilization throws at the cost of meter. You would press Y/AB+direction while grabbing to do a super throw, and this would really bring back 64-esque kill throws for all/most characters while giving them a bigger drawback. It would free up normal throws to be exclusively for combos or keepaway.
And for everyone who says "Smash should stay simple" (while wanting Pokémon to be less simple), a few of these changes at a time would be better than all at once.


Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
Speaking of funny haha but not really WTF with Deadly Premonitions 2? Lol

. >.>;

It's like.... "Oh my Lord!" and ... Sigh.

And what's with the skateboard?

Ugh. It actually compelled me to wanna play the game, quirks aside (like choppy camera and awkward timing in cutscenes) and forgiving the ... heavy use of cliché.

Anyway, this title was a switch exclusive until recently apparently going to steam and for some reason this was newsworthy.

But along a broader topic of exclusivity and "survival horror" rep in Smash.... At this point I'd be grateful for just 1 true rep ... (Luigi survived the King Boo!) Oh yeah actually King Boo was terrifying...

King Boo for Smash.
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