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Newcomer (videos soon)


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2006
Hello! I'm primarily a Meta Knight player, but I've been wanting to try a second character and I've found Olimar to be a lot of fun.

I learned him the hard way...so at first I thought he sucked. I couldn't hit with any of his attacks...I always seemed to get swatted away, and I didn't understand why sometimes my smashes were powerful, sometimes they weren't, sometimes the range was good and sometimes it wasn't.

And then I learned the beauty of the Side-B attack the hard way. My friend plays Falco and loves to spam lasers. I'm still not great with the aim yet, but I quickly learned that throwing them forced him to do something other than spam lasers and made him vulnerable. At first I would jump above the lasers and shoot them, but sometimes I don't even bother that anymore. The lasers kill most of the pikmen, but eventually a couple always get through and I can just pick a bunch more out. It only sucks when he reflects them and they latch onto me instead D:

Anyways, I'll sum up what I know. I'd love tips!

1) His side-B is wonderful for making openings and keeping your opponent on their toes...the damage is nice, too.

2) He has terrible priority in his attacks (or else Falco's priority is just ridiculous). Most aerials get swatted away and even smashes often lose.

3) His range is great on both the foward and up smash. And while the dsmash is kind of slow, it's extremely useful in "coming out of nowhere" as my friend says.

4) His uair is AMAZING, minus the lousy priority. His fair and bair are really nice, but have to be spaced properly due to the relatively small range and priority. His dair has too many drawbacks, despite being fairly powerful.

5) His recovery sucks.

I'll have videos up soon...I'm just waiting for maintenance to be done on Youtube... Gotta get these Meta Knight videos up, too.
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