Wow lots of mistakes... First of all, don't roll so friggin' much. Rolling sucks for the most part, side dodge is better. STOP DASH-ATTACKING!!! It's useful, at times, but did close to jack squat most of the time. Practice SHFFLing, SHBing, and sweetspot the edge when you recover. Don't phantasm onto the edge cuz any decent player will own you. Approach the enemy with SHB's. Marth out-ranges you so laser the mo'fo' and follow with a dair, nair, or a grab at higher damages. It's hard to believe but Falco's jab is a miraculous move, IMO, use it do your advantage. Learn to do shine to dair combo's, they rack up damage fast and can be a little hard to escape. Don't use smashes so much, they have a lot of lag so only use them if your opponent is recovering or if they're recovering from a laggy movement.