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New Wolf Expose Vid. Advanced Strategies


Smash Apprentice
Mar 19, 2008
long beach, ca
hey, so i didnt really like the one that was done by infil on youtube so I made an updated, and as i see it more correct strategic video guide for playing with wolf. check it out here:


i guess i just tired of seeing how every new wolf player thinks they own the world on behalf of a few of his strengths, all the while spamming fsmash.

anyways, tell me what you think.
credit goes out to all you guys and all your contributions to this forum. i didnt get to where i am without this forum.

Captain Sa10

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2007
This definetly seems more towards new wolf players, and is a good way to introduce them to wolf gameplay. Of course everyone has their own opinions about wolf tactics, this overall good for new wolf players to develop their own style of wolf, instead of the spamming smash type.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 19, 2008
long beach, ca
yeah, for sure. personally i dont really see brawl as being nearly as technical as ss64 so i think anyone can figure out a few short combos that work well and mix them with the better mind games to arrive at victory. if i could id do an hour long video just on mindgames that would probably help more than any move video i could put out there.


Smash Cadet
May 5, 2008
b.c canada
A capture card is an SD card right?

Can't you just take the one out of your Digital Camera, put it in the SD slot of the wii, save the replay to your SD and then put it back into your camera then transfer via USB or whatever cord your camera uses to connect to the computer. Apparently converting is involved in this though..


Smash Apprentice
Aug 17, 2007
Yeah, I've been attempting a similar Wolf since day 1. I will give one bit of advice that I think he got wrong, never get into the habit of thinking the bayonet is a usable attack. It will be ridiculously punished if your playing against a competent opponent. Other than that small thing I'd say he had some pretty good advice.


Smash Cadet
Jan 31, 2008


Smash Journeyman
Mar 25, 2008
No mention of semi scarring, or full scarring. Full scarring may take lots of time to get use to, but semi scarring shouldn't take more than 2-5 minutes to get a hold of. Also a couple of your "combo's" are actually highly advised against good players. They'll simply tech ur throw or shield after ur reflector, and ur fsmash will get blocked or side stepped then countered. Also Ftilt is not that good, the reason is that it has considerable lag when it strikes a shield makign for easy counters. Dtilt has alot less lag and basically same reach, less damage but can trip. Alos, AAA combo is good since u can preform jab fakes and mixing in full speed/delayed/fakes makes for good mind games. Also there are several recoveries in the game that are highly vulnerable to downspike. Forinstance ROb cannot air dodge while using his, making downspiking rob very easy, other chars can be DK and DDD. Also, wolf can simply drop down and jump up to the ledge, this is very useful against players afraid of scarring. Some other general tech stuff people should learn, but the major one I'd suggest is learning how to advance with Bair, it has long reach and if u can land it on someone on the ground at the very tip, while DI'n backwards, there is no landing lag and are almost always out of range of any counterattack and in place to punish a forward roll by ur opponent. this tech of consistantly striking with bairs and being outside retaliation range can give several chars problems, such as Wario or Snake.


Smash Rookie
May 7, 2008
So i liked the vib cuz u talked in it i hate it when its all typed it makes it beter the way but it was more basic stuff for a starting wolf but over all a very good vid


Smash Apprentice
Mar 19, 2008
long beach, ca
yeah, i didnt mention scarring because you can only use it on like 3 levels, none of which i think any tournament play should be played on. to me, final destination is the only pure level, with battlefield only cutting it as a *maybe* but thats just me. i only ever play on fd. and im sure anyone who has attemped telestepping on battlefield also knows about scarring. and yeah, against snake/rob/similar players, you could of course use dair to spike but for the most part bair is much better. and i thought i went over the practicality of his f/bair while advancing, but if i didnt the uses should be obvious. also, iif you think a player is good enough to tech away from the reflector/ fsmash combo, then im not sure how you see aaa combo as being good. in my experience its the easiest one to tech out of or block-counter all together. ftilt comes out much quicker and if your timing is correct, its the better route to go.

i would say though im confident in the bayonet. the knockback in CERTAIN situations is very good and puts oppenents out of range to attack/counter.. but i wouldnt abuse it.

dtilt is ok but it seems kind of sluggish and i havent found many combos involving it so for the little damage that it does i think there are better moves.

and like i mentioned in the video, some of the wiolf 'combos' only work at certain percentages or if the opponent techs at a certain time.

i guess what im saying is, i only gave the strategies; as always, its up to you to recognize the right time to use them.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 25, 2008
Semi scarring works on all stages.

Also A combo's work well since so many different things u can do with it. If he shields you can do one jab then grab, if he sidesteps u can slow down and hit him with third and maybe second blow, if it lands you can pause and dsmahs or something. Doing the entire combo surely puts you into punishable lag, but don't always have to finish it, its also ur quickest attack.

I dislike ftilt since if they shield its an easy punish for opponent, not always same for dtilt, and there some low precent combo's u can do with it, and if it trips it gives u more possibilities.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 25, 2008
It really isn't difficult to do, I don't have any way to record stuff though. Basically just hold down while u do side B. To see if it'll work with ur position, imagine the ledge isn't there, as long as you wouldn't finiish the side B while inside the stage, u'll bypass the ledge scar whatever u wanna call it. This is mostly for getting back to the stage, it is very useful cause it'll make players weary to edgegaurd you. Also if someone tries to edge hog a side b u'll go through them onto the stage. You can't do it as quickly off the ledge as normal scarring, but its incredible for mind games etc. semi-scar once or twice and ur opponent will back off, then u don't hold down and grab the ledge, then just jusmp up cause ur opponent is in the middle of the stage.
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