Smash Rookie
Hi, my name is Caleb, and about 3 years ago I started doing minor tournaments for Smash, and had a great time doing it.
I recently got a large investment from the owner of an anime convention that I worked at over the years to start up my own business centered around tournament organizing called Fighting with Pride!
I'm super hyped to get more involved with the community, I've been playing Melee for a long time, and my mains are Jigglypuff, and Sheik. I've played other fighting games, but smash always seems to be the one I like to stick with.
I'm hyped to join smashboards, as I think it'll be a good way for me to find more people interested in FWP, and to advertise (once I get ten posts of course I'll make an event page!).
More about me, I've been playing video games since in the womb, I'm south korean, we do that, I'm a big weaboo, hence working at an anime con, and I've played semi competitive in games like DoTA 2, and Starcraft BW/2.
Nice to meet you all, I look forward to it!
I recently got a large investment from the owner of an anime convention that I worked at over the years to start up my own business centered around tournament organizing called Fighting with Pride!
I'm super hyped to get more involved with the community, I've been playing Melee for a long time, and my mains are Jigglypuff, and Sheik. I've played other fighting games, but smash always seems to be the one I like to stick with.
I'm hyped to join smashboards, as I think it'll be a good way for me to find more people interested in FWP, and to advertise (once I get ten posts of course I'll make an event page!).
More about me, I've been playing video games since in the womb, I'm south korean, we do that, I'm a big weaboo, hence working at an anime con, and I've played semi competitive in games like DoTA 2, and Starcraft BW/2.
Nice to meet you all, I look forward to it!