Xanadu Tuesdays (P:M, Melee, Brawl) in Arbutus (just south of Ball'more)
Legionary Thursdays (mainly P:M, some Melee) in Savage
Johns Hopkins has a scene currently run by Fortune that has small tournaments now and then.
SypherPhoenix hosts smashfests pretty much every weekend unless there's a local going on.
College Park now has an official Smash club (good job for them) and will hopefully start hosting soon.
If you really wanted to, DE and Philly have smash scenes as well; you might be closer to there than VA.
There's a P:M/Melee tournament in a Hard Times Café on 10/26.
Biggest event of the rest of the semester is Pound V.5. Try your best to make that one.
The details are mostly on the Facebook groups Arcadia posted.