My background in smash started when i popped in smash brothers 64 in my brand new N64 that i had gotten for my birthday. I had consoles previously, But this N64 was the first console that was really "mine". I didn't have have any games for it yet but my dad and i went to the local block busters to pick one out to rent. I picked out hey you pikachu... let me just say, it wasn't the best choice. When i saw super smash brothers for the N64 i remember hearing kids in my grade talk about how awesome the game was and i couldn't wait to get my hands on it. I knew that this was just the game for me. Once i had finally gotten Super smash bros for the N64 I played that game night and day trying to complete hilariously fake rumors about how to get Goku or wario. but i absolutely loved the game I had played it so much that none of my friends could even touch me when they had come over to my house to play. we had to start playing team battles against cpu's so they could have fun too. anyways the point of this post isn't about how much i love love the ssb games but more of a search ooking for someone to play Project M with through dolphin Netplay who can teach me how to get to the competitive level through practice and tech etc. I am looking to main Lucas, I understand that living close to someone is important for netplay which will definitely narrow down my options. If you have skype and you are a friendly patient person that would be a great bonus.
Location: Toronto,Ontario
Location: Toronto,Ontario