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New to forum, need codes

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Smash Rookie
Aug 14, 2012
I've just gotton back to playing brawl, remembering how fun it was. Too bad I don't have any friends that play anymore. I want some friends that are on daily, so any codes would be great. Mine 3222 5651 9970

Aug 6, 2008
We get quite a lot of these threads of people looking for others to play online like yourself, so I'll just redirect you to a thread where you can find people to play fairly regularly throughout the day. Usually only an hour or so wait tops.

Or you could find people at pretty much all times of the day at allisbrawl.com
If you ever get tired of having to always repeat your FC all the time, there is an option in the "User CP" tab near the top of any page. Along the left side will be this box with a link called "Edit Your Details". If you scroll down you can find a place to put your FC code, so it will be displayed on every post underneath your name like mine.
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