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New smash character ideas


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2014
Hello all Zach here I am still trying to figure out where to post things on this site so if this thread is not in the right place I apologize but for now lets get into some creative smash character ideas. Firstly before we get into this let me guide you through my thought processing for this, when coming up with new ideas for characters to add I myself have to stick to a rule my golden rule: Any character made for this universe has to be of the nintendo variety. Also that character has to have had some sort of influence on my life. With that said lets get into the good stuff!, characters I think that would be good in the smash universe , Where to begin hmm, well the first character that comes to mind is Earthworm Jim. I loved the Jim series as a kid and remember the fun I had trying to save the princess whats her name while going through a mass of worlds that can be summed up in 3 words Mass Cow Genocide. So, for his ability's which pretty much make up themselves, his up ability, being launched in the air with rocket boots, and then his trusty snot parachute deploys, and as he is falling have actual snot drip from the parachute as he falls causing damage. His down ability, or his counter I should say, could be something like him getting on his knees to beg for mercy, then as he is being attacked roll behind and quick draw his gun and shoot. His normal B ability or charge ability, pointing his gun with 2 hands, as its charging have the animation where he is looking away with a "I hope this works" look on his face and a maximum charge shooting a straight laser that cuts through terrain. Finally, his Left/Right B ability. Have him do a graceful yet not so graceful swan dive, if you know what i mean (if your a fan of Jim you will know what i mean). As for his punches and such, make his normal punches his machine gun pistol we all know and love, his left/right charge a shot gun blast, his up charge a mega pistol whip of sorts, and his down charge to be an downward drop kick. Almost done, just 2 more things to cover; his grapple and Final smash. For his grapple, have him use himself as a whip to grapple and throw. Finally, his final smash. To initiate, have him poke the other guy in the eye and, as there blind for a moment, have him pull out his "Crotch rocket" and as he is about to run the other guy over, have a random giant cow fall from the sky hitting both, giving major damage to the other guy and some recoil damage to Jim.

Well, there is one of my many ideas. I don't wanna make this a giant opening post more then it already is so I would appreciate some feedback. Let me know if you like or dislike the idea or where I could improve upon it. After I get some feedback I will post the villain I chose to represent the Earthworm Jim series.
So like always, have fun everyone and I hope you have enjoyed my ideas as much as I did writing them, until next time take care and be safe.
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Smash Champion
Feb 16, 2014
Interesting, I liked the part where frodo and harry potter defeated the lich king, very interesting spin on smash.
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