Smash Cadet
Hey Smash Community! Recently, I started a thread called "Existing Series By Fives - A Fun Challenge" where I compiled all the series already included in Super Smash Bros. and made a list of 5 characters that are either likely to make it in with a few I just wanted to make it into Ultimate's roster. I got a ton of help cleaning things up and refining the selections to the best choices (big shout outs to FunAtParties and Ninja Fisto!!!!). This time around, I'm making things a little more interesting and doing the 1st Party Nintendo Series that have yet to be included. The rules are simple: 1) Make Five selections per series that are either most likely or have a ton of love. 2) If the choice you made is a little obscure or not as likely, give a brief explanation. 3) DEBATE but please be respectful because these are just opinions and 75% of the choices made really have no chance. As easy as it may be to come up with a list for some series, others can be really difficult and it almost becomes a fun test of your gaming knowledge. I'll toss up my own lists but make changes and additions if your evidence is compelling enough. I'll give shout outs to those that convince me to make changes to the lists.
This time around I'm going to put up some franchises and letting you all create the lists with a few of my own selections being updated later. So here we go!
Rhythm Heaven
Dillon's Rolling Western
Nintendo Labo
-Springman (slambros)
-Min Min (slambros)
-Helix (slambros)
Wonderful 101
Golden Sun
The Legendary Starfy (suggested by FunAtParties)
-Starfy (FunAtParties)
-Ogura (FunAtParties)
-Mashtooth (FunAtParties)
-Shurikit (FunAtParties)
Chibi-Robo (suggested by slambros)
-Chibi-Robo (slambros)
-Telly Vision (slambros)
-Drake Redcrest (slambros)
-Ketschburg & Mostardin (slambros)
This time around I'm going to put up some franchises and letting you all create the lists with a few of my own selections being updated later. So here we go!
Rhythm Heaven
Dillon's Rolling Western
Nintendo Labo
-Springman (slambros)
-Min Min (slambros)
-Helix (slambros)
Wonderful 101
Golden Sun
The Legendary Starfy (suggested by FunAtParties)
-Starfy (FunAtParties)
-Ogura (FunAtParties)
-Mashtooth (FunAtParties)
-Shurikit (FunAtParties)
Chibi-Robo (suggested by slambros)
-Chibi-Robo (slambros)
-Telly Vision (slambros)
-Drake Redcrest (slambros)
-Ketschburg & Mostardin (slambros)
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