Smash Ace
Been playing lately with my friends, and have been testing some teams. This is my latest team. I'll be staying with this one for a while.
Staraptor/MukuH@wK @ Scope Lens
Adamant 252 att 252 spd 6 hp /31 IVs in att, almost perfect speed
Brave Bird
Close Combat
Yep, he's back for action. Been ****** some Focus Sash T-tars lately, U-turn, then swap for Trio. Scope Lens since I can't find any other useful item =/ Also a good lead, Intimidating my opponent.
Dugtrio/Roflstuck @ Choice Band
Jolly 252 att 252 spd 6 def/ 31 IVs in spDef, 29 in speed, also great HP (not hidden power lol)
Stone Edge
Sucker Punch
Aerial Ace
Traper. ***** Gengars. I may lead with this one too, it depends how I'm feeling that day. Don't know if outspeed electrified Electivires lol, but I think he can, I just haven't T-bolt'd one, nor seen it's MAX stats.
Magnezone/Stick-w/me @ Light Clay
Modest 252 spAtt 100 spDef 100 def 58 hp/ 31 IVs in spAtt/29 IVs in spd (i don't use em' lol)
Flash Cannon
Light Screen
This doesn't even needs description. Skarm/Forry counter, nuff said. Light Screen will last 8 turns, providing a nice spDef boost to my team. T-wave to cover for my speed.
Salamence/Salamander @ Choice Specs
Timid 252 spAtt 252 spd 6 hp/ 31 IVs speed
Draco Meteor
Fire Blast
Hydro Pump
Dragon Pulse
Standart Specsmence. Draco Meteor when doing a risky desicion (believe me, I have missed more than once in a battle). Dragon Pulse when I'm feeling lucky. I know that I traded Accuracy for power, but it's cause is Timid, still, Specs makes it hit even harder.
Forretress/Forretress @ Lefties
Impish 252 def 252 hp 6 spDef/almost perfect Def, HP and speed (meh, speed again lol)
Rapid Spin
Physical waller, and spiker/stealth. May lead with him, but it's too predictable lately, everyone is expecting spikes.
Gengar/Joker @ Choice Scarf
Modest 252 spAtt 252 spd 6 hp/31 IVs in spAtt
Shadow Ball
Energy Ball
Outspeed technically everything. May lead with him too.
Well, I know I can lead with some guys, but Staraptor's my main lead. I also have a 7th Poke for my team, Miltank.
Roserade is taking a nice rest. T-tar's too overused, so he's in the bench too. Same goes for Gross. Well that wraps it up. Critique.
Staraptor/MukuH@wK @ Scope Lens
Adamant 252 att 252 spd 6 hp /31 IVs in att, almost perfect speed
Brave Bird
Close Combat
Yep, he's back for action. Been ****** some Focus Sash T-tars lately, U-turn, then swap for Trio. Scope Lens since I can't find any other useful item =/ Also a good lead, Intimidating my opponent.
Dugtrio/Roflstuck @ Choice Band
Jolly 252 att 252 spd 6 def/ 31 IVs in spDef, 29 in speed, also great HP (not hidden power lol)
Stone Edge
Sucker Punch
Aerial Ace
Traper. ***** Gengars. I may lead with this one too, it depends how I'm feeling that day. Don't know if outspeed electrified Electivires lol, but I think he can, I just haven't T-bolt'd one, nor seen it's MAX stats.
Magnezone/Stick-w/me @ Light Clay
Modest 252 spAtt 100 spDef 100 def 58 hp/ 31 IVs in spAtt/29 IVs in spd (i don't use em' lol)
Flash Cannon
Light Screen
This doesn't even needs description. Skarm/Forry counter, nuff said. Light Screen will last 8 turns, providing a nice spDef boost to my team. T-wave to cover for my speed.
Salamence/Salamander @ Choice Specs
Timid 252 spAtt 252 spd 6 hp/ 31 IVs speed
Draco Meteor
Fire Blast
Hydro Pump
Dragon Pulse
Standart Specsmence. Draco Meteor when doing a risky desicion (believe me, I have missed more than once in a battle). Dragon Pulse when I'm feeling lucky. I know that I traded Accuracy for power, but it's cause is Timid, still, Specs makes it hit even harder.
Forretress/Forretress @ Lefties
Impish 252 def 252 hp 6 spDef/almost perfect Def, HP and speed (meh, speed again lol)
Rapid Spin
Physical waller, and spiker/stealth. May lead with him, but it's too predictable lately, everyone is expecting spikes.
Gengar/Joker @ Choice Scarf
Modest 252 spAtt 252 spd 6 hp/31 IVs in spAtt
Shadow Ball
Energy Ball
Outspeed technically everything. May lead with him too.
Well, I know I can lead with some guys, but Staraptor's my main lead. I also have a 7th Poke for my team, Miltank.
Roserade is taking a nice rest. T-tar's too overused, so he's in the bench too. Same goes for Gross. Well that wraps it up. Critique.