First off Welcome to the scene. If you guys are both are planning to get better, I would suggest paying for the venue fee so you can play friendlies. Its gonna be crowded. Lots of people. I dont know this venue but the last two which were at two different places, were both pretty packed. Wear deodorant drink water.
Day 1 is pools for most games. So if you arent playing friendlies, find a seat to watch the projectors. If walking around to try and find matches, just look for where the tv with the biggest crowd. In pools you dont get many hype matches but upsets do happen.
Visit the vendors, talk to players for advice.
Day 2 is where alot of good matches will be on stream and on off stream tvs. Find seats and enjoy
DAY 3 Is probably the best day. Top 8 for most games with Melee closing it out. Smash 64 will also be day 3 for the first time.
I suggest getting to the room fast to find good seats. Watch all the different games, it gets hype in SF, MvC, etc..