Smash Champion
Rate my first attempt at a sandstorm team!
@-Wide Lens
N-Hasty, 252 Speed & Attack, 4 Hp
~Stone Edge
~Fire Blast
A good opener, I think. It takes care of any Skarm and Bronz with Fire Blast. Wide Lens for accuracy boost because I hate missing.
N-careful, 252 SpD, 92 Def, 100 HP, 60 Attack
~Gyro Ball
~Stealth Rock
My SpD wall. Stealth Rock first, then Hypnosis...if they switch to a spinner, the most common ones resist Gyro which is why EQ is there.
N-Impish, 252 Hp & Def, 4 Attack
~Ice Fang
~Slack Off
My Def wall and sandstormer. EQ for everything, Ice fang for levitaters and flying types, Slack off for recovery, roar for peusdo-hazing...not much else to say!
N-Hasty 252 Spe & Att, 4 Hp
~Dragon Claw
~Fire Blast
~Stone Edge
Haxchomp as I call him. Sandveil + brightpowder = good dodging. Fire Blast for steels like Skarm and Bronz
@Choice Scarf
N-Modest 252 SpA & Spe, 4 HP
~Aura Sphere
~Dragon Pulse
~Dark Pulse
The Special Sweeper. Predict and Go! Not much else
N-Adamant 252 Attack, 52 Spe, 204 HP
~Leech Seed
~Focus Punch
~Sucker Punch
The Dusknoir punisher. Sub to block will-o-wisps, seed then if you predict a switch, FP, or SP if you don't...And Sand veil helps dodge moves to keep subs alive. Also, Sucker Punch is strong enough to KO some sweepers due to low defense on most.
And there you go! Rate and make suggestions (not on natures and EVs I just posted them because people like to know but they're already made so I'd rather not redo them entirely...just movesets, hold items, new member suggestions and removal of old ones, ect.) Thanks in advance!
@-Wide Lens
N-Hasty, 252 Speed & Attack, 4 Hp
~Stone Edge
~Fire Blast
A good opener, I think. It takes care of any Skarm and Bronz with Fire Blast. Wide Lens for accuracy boost because I hate missing.
N-careful, 252 SpD, 92 Def, 100 HP, 60 Attack
~Gyro Ball
~Stealth Rock
My SpD wall. Stealth Rock first, then Hypnosis...if they switch to a spinner, the most common ones resist Gyro which is why EQ is there.
N-Impish, 252 Hp & Def, 4 Attack
~Ice Fang
~Slack Off
My Def wall and sandstormer. EQ for everything, Ice fang for levitaters and flying types, Slack off for recovery, roar for peusdo-hazing...not much else to say!
N-Hasty 252 Spe & Att, 4 Hp
~Dragon Claw
~Fire Blast
~Stone Edge
Haxchomp as I call him. Sandveil + brightpowder = good dodging. Fire Blast for steels like Skarm and Bronz
@Choice Scarf
N-Modest 252 SpA & Spe, 4 HP
~Aura Sphere
~Dragon Pulse
~Dark Pulse
The Special Sweeper. Predict and Go! Not much else
N-Adamant 252 Attack, 52 Spe, 204 HP
~Leech Seed
~Focus Punch
~Sucker Punch
The Dusknoir punisher. Sub to block will-o-wisps, seed then if you predict a switch, FP, or SP if you don't...And Sand veil helps dodge moves to keep subs alive. Also, Sucker Punch is strong enough to KO some sweepers due to low defense on most.
And there you go! Rate and make suggestions (not on natures and EVs I just posted them because people like to know but they're already made so I'd rather not redo them entirely...just movesets, hold items, new member suggestions and removal of old ones, ect.) Thanks in advance!