Being able to short hop fast fall l cancel aerials is really important as fox.
Practice short hop laser. Don't worry too much about double laser yet.
Wave dashing out of shine is really important and critical as fox. On many characters shine combos into itself. Don't practice that yet but do practice grabbing and up smashing off of shine. First practice against Peach since she is really easy to combo off of shine. Then move onto sheik. And then maybe marth.
Wave dashing backwards out of shine is difficult but something really good if you want to practice it. Or practice shine turnaround wave dash out. That is usually a preferred option. The timing is different than normal because of the turn around frames.
Up b stalling on ledge is a cool thing to practice. If you have 20XX you can see how invincible you are. Ledge dashes are also important but are more advanced.
Up smash out of shield is really under use by most fox players and isn't hard. It doesn't come up all the time though so isn't essential.
Shine grab is really under used and super good.
Here are the big things though:
1) General movement. This is a huge thing. Dash dances, wave dashes, wave lands on platforms. It's not enough to know how to just do these things. You have to know how to incorporate them in game.
2) Moving and comboing off of shine
3) Short hop fast fall l cancel aerials. Also practice them on shield since the timing is different because of hit stun. Try shining afterwards and moving out of shine.